buuua o nnv.ay . O..cliase Wlul;c the contents of these books briefly as follows : Youngf TraJIJOs by Altsheler. A boy'$ l1e ln the early days of Kentucky. HIe hunts, fights Indians, le captured and released, and ln the end, saves the set- tiement froi~ asce Frank Brown-' Ses Apprentlee by Bullen.. A'mutiny, a lire *and a, tornado arep arnong the exclng experiences of an English boy.who. shipped as a sea- apprentice and rose to second and first mate. AdyentUrês et Biliy TOlsail by Dun- can., A fisher Iad'a -hardy 111fe ln bleak Newfoundland, his dog cmain Skipper, hie: encounters with Icebergs, whales, seals, and, best of al, hie ad- ventures ln carrylng Her Majesty's. Courageous, Companlolla by Finger. ThisLis a story of Mageflan's Journey, around the world, and of an English youth's participatlio in it. Stery of Belt and thie Vlklng's Bow by French. Anoble tale of Iceland ln lts heroic age, with thle theme of a famlly feud., It brings. out motives of treachery -and high honor, of cunning and loveof truth, of steadfast Purpose and revenge.. Ranch on the Oxhide by Inman. Plo- neer da lIn Kansas With General Cus- ter anÏi utf-io Bill among the char- acters. Fanions 4Jaalry. Leaders by Johnsr ton. Fifteen herces ,of sabre, spear and ,saddle, among whom are Attila, the Scourge of God; Gustavous Adoiphus, Lion of the North,*, Marshal New, Na- poleon's bravest -general, anld Phi], Sheridan, Daredevil. Trumpeter of Krakow by Kelly. A -story of. Poland ln the fifteenth century full of adventure and mystery. Masterman Ready by Marryat. IIcw the shipwr'ecked Seagrave family with the help cf the good seaman, Master- mian Ready, was able te live a year on an unnhabited island. A never-to-be- TwoArrwsby Stoddard., How an Indian boy saved his camp ftrom famine and won his name cf Two Arrows. Older Girls Are Helping to Direct GYM Classes Five of theý older girls at. the Josepl Sears school in.Kenilworth,. Louise Watson, Jean Cosner, Ruth Forster, Edith Gillette and Aurica Simnon, are helping Miss Gertrude Herrick, assistant athlet-ic director at 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krosch.el, 2483 Pona road, entertained, at ,a large family dinner Party ut their bome. last Monday. for several weeks, was in-chargé. Snc wiIl copduct the story hour again this Saturday, March 21, at 10:30 o'clock. MOTHER DIES Mrs. W. J. Farquhars on, who had made ber home with ber, daugbter, Mrs. A. PI. Ogilvie, 318, Greenleaf avenue,. died. on Marvh. 4, at the age of 64 afte an illness of, five month.' Interment was at Detroit, Mrs. Far-i quharson's, former home. ANNUALý CALL NORTH SHORE REPRODUCTION CO. i H4 jGreenteaf 3840 ligh -Gradeé,Photo, Engravýingts in -one or, more colors il i Cicgo:Avenue. Evansion TOWN'MEETING NOTICE.IS HEREBY GIVEN' To the Legal.Voters, residents of0heTownship of New Trier, County of Cook,-Illinois, that the Annual Township Meeting of said Township will take place. TUESDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY 0F APRIL proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The Town Meéeting wil open in Township Office, Winnetka Village Hall, at the hour of 2 P. M., and after choosing a Moderator will proceed té