hearing, which was acjourned to Monday night, March 23, at 8 o'clock in the Village hall. Among the subjects discussed at the hea*ing this week were the height of buildings in " B" -comimercial areas, setbacks, side yards, outer anid inner' courts, and intensityý of use of lots 1in "B'" commercial areas, types of buildings to 'be allowed in "C" in- dustrial areas,'non-conforming, uses, and, major streéets"and setback lines, on such strtets.ý Noma-Coeforming Us. The regulations of the proposed revised.ordinance relative to non-con- forîning. uses brougbt forth consid- erable discussion., One paragraph in particular ýwas opposed by persons owigproperty which is.,being used for noni-conforming purposes. Trhis .puragraph reads: ~Ne existing building devoted to a u ~se flot permhitted In this ordinance In the district In which such building le Iocated, except when required to do so by is.w or ordinance, shaji be enlarged, extelided, eonstt2ted or atreturally altered, uniess such use is changed to a permitted use in the district in which such building is located; or except when such building le damaged les than fitty pecent of its assessed value by lire or violence. WMen such build- ng le 80 damaged it can be restored to not exceed lis former dimensions and buik contents, i*ovided the Board of Appeals order the building commis- eloner to Issue the building permit sub- *Jet to alil-restrictions piaced therein by the Board of Appeâle." *-Perisons using property for pur- poses not permitted in the district such uses can eventually be elimin- ated entirely. They are permitted only when propçrty being used for a non-cônforming purpose was used for that: purposebef6re the zoning ordi- nance went into effect or before the portion of the villageý in wbich the' property is located. was annexed., Opfome Wideaing When the discussion turned to ýma-- jor streets, C. W. Hubbard: of Lake, F'orest presented a -petition on- be- halif of, owners of propérty on. Asb- lan d avenue between Hibbard' road and the, Skokie Valley. line of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwau-, kee railroad protesting against any proposed widening of this portion of Ashland. aveniue, which the Zoning commission proposes to rename i- nois road. Although the proposed revised zoning ordinance does not provide for the widening of the street in question it establishes a setback line which makes possible such widening in the future. Following is a summary of the rea- sons given in the petition presented by Mr. Hubbard why Ashland ave- nue between Hibbar d road and the Skokie Valley line should flot be widened: 1. Ashla.nd avenue forms, no, iink be- tween strategie or heavy traiflce pointS. 5. To widen. Ashla.nd avenue te one hundred feet as jfroposed creates a con-. dition with respect te, property north ot Lake avenue and west etf Hibbard iea ,Lake avenue, Laramieavenue an Skokie road being m ajor etreets>ý sucb as to, make it unsiutitble fur high grade residentiai development.. 6. The property ls xoned agalnst comnerciai usee.l To destroy It fer residentia) purposes amounts toÔ con- fiscation. State Bai SI 5Q000 cand Truaecomwami w ____________________________________________ w- NOTICE of, ELECTIONý $10,000Oimay build. an estate of $87,550 When the demonstrated, growing >power of, A merican Industry is combined with the compouded earning power of mèn> As 4 A 1lin pur: the Wilmette Park District will b. held i n id District on Tuesday, the. 7th day of April, A.,D. 1931, bee the hours of seven opclock i the moring and five o'clock in the. after noon of maid day, for the purpose of electing two Conissiioners of sitid District for the, Luil LAVERN E.] Tel DAIs 200ROGrs ark747 4. Toi. pArlé 1200