Doon OUpen 1:30 0Show Osti Eoeiug.Duine0 WnA Dom sOpen 6 2 P. M., c@uiuous ;--Show steMe 7 P~. TONIGHT'S PICTURE JACK OAKIE & JEAN ARTHUR SATURDAYI MARCH 21 "TE GNGDuSTR JAcC OAKIE & JEAN ARTHUR "Cobens ai ,Kee l.i. Atnelaeo ie idney aRd Charles Mrray ]Pathe Auidio levew ..Aeàoplls ables -Peaumounit Neff <'Ail tor a Lady"-Theè Leatherpumbers ,' :1. Mattimee Onlys «Phanitom et the West" "T he Canyon of Clamty"l SUNDAY and, MONDAYI, MARCH 22.23 COLIAwft&6WALTÊR HUSTON "CUPihp ei. aM~d MOWAS IHAWKS L W W «Mod@l Wene»-Seu',en Aet "Oswald In College UniversUl Talking PNews TIIC<IDAY and WEDNESDAY. MARCH ASTOI OTHRS qui le N - -Oswad Cartoon Walter Huston again plays .a stellar rote, Ibis time as Ward et Brady in thegripping and dramatic film, "The Crimninal Code,>' at the Teatro del Logo on Sunday and Monday, Marc/a 22 and 23. Phil- lips- Holmnes i: the juvenile leadý and Constance, Cummnings, ne-t to the screen, proves that she isa real "~find.» Great Lincoln Movie' j i~. t~ ton in thie nUe roie at Community House today andi tomorrowi Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21. Una Merkel exquisitely plays the part of Ann Rutiecige, wbose love affair withi j~ Lincoln stresses bis humanity. Directed, by P. W. Griffith, ,aided by a magnificent script by the poet, Stephen Vincent Benet, the picture moves dramatically, majestically and witb enormous' interest. The Educa- ticftial. Screen, edited by Nelson "The Criminal Code' coming t(> the Teatro del Lago on Sunday and Monday, I(arch 22 and 23, presents a picture of thé breaking and mending of a youthful convict's soul. Love transform9 -a- desperate, nerve-sh at- tered boy who stares in dumb misery- at bis surroundings with à mimd.that is almost-blank. He dares to hope- hie sees a glimmer of possible happy days to tome",-and fromi that moment hie is a icbanged man. Taken from the Broadway. bit andi prize winner of the sane name,,"Týhe Criminal Codeé" is said to be, an. absorbingÉ romancé with-a distinctly original silant. Walter Huston, who plays' the stellarrole, is a veteran, of mfany: motion-picture successes. He, is' 'supported by Pbillips Holmes, wbo plays the youthful convict,. and by Constance O-ùmmings, wbo is thé lovely daughter of _fhe prison warden. Shoenaan at ., On ,Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24-andi25,tbe Teatro del Lago> preset1ts 'Lowell Shierman at hig' best in tbe year's sparkling comedy sen- sation, "The Royal Bed." This notable talking picture bas emerged from one- of the most brilliant andi successful' stage comedies of theé past decade, "The Queen's Husband," by Robert E. Sberwood. "The Royal Bed," said, to remain the same sophisticated, satirical com- edy -that pleased Broadway audiences. for months, includes in its cast Maryý Astor, Nance O'Neil, Hughi Trevor, Anthony Bushell, Robert Warwick,, Alan.Roscoe, Gilbert .Emery, Freder-. ick Burt, Carol Naisb andi Desmionci Roberts. Audiences will lie delighted by this ali-in-fun expose of the inside facts about Central European royalty, dazzling courts, cold but regal queens ,_ human, 'playful kings, and the love. affairs of princesses, forbidden to marry outside*.of tbe royal families Norman Foster, Skeets Gallaghier, Eugene. Pallette. and. Carole .Lom-. biard are the-,featured players in the rib-rocking romancé, "It Pays to Ad- vertise," to bie shown Thursday and. ON CAI - and 7ripows*p uS ............. ........ ...Vfetor yame@d .................... ... . àl ... .. .... ýus Brutus Booth~, Sr., father of Walter Huston, featured player of. dn Booth. Sherman bimseif was "Tbe Criminal Code," at the Teatro rd in the atmosphere of the diel - Lago on Sunday and Monday, tcf. -~Marcb 22 andi 23, was' -the star in e bas acted, directed and written smre of the rnost farnous plays in Is for both stage and screen, anid stage history, including "Desire Un- .an actor- scor*4.hree distiàct der the FÀ-is," "'Congé," 'The Bar- .4s of f#me-;-etpge,-. suent- pÎictuies ker"Iime h ra, TeCs~ * modore Marries," and othm. '4 '8