Sté Linden Ave. Glencoe Homes Moem e .$M9500N.E Modem rmùe bungalowlnNE Glencoe. H. W. heat, gar. ait. lot 84x17l, attractivey Iiandscaped. $35eOOOl New EnglIsh. type ôrcç roa .=str bédrms., 29 maids' roomaq, 3 bah,2 car att: ,gar.,* attractively. W alter ,P. Smith & Co. 387 Park' Ave. Ph., Glencoe 703 72LTrN46-lte NEAR, DEERFIELD OVERLOOKING Golf Course. Lot 90x375. Improved with 2 car English garage suitablé forre i.,Plansicluded. ;Prico 33000 Easyternis. 1506 Chicago Avenue Greenloat 1080 81LTN46-ltc SIPECIAL AssUB§SMEIiîT N. 278 NOTICE la hereby given te ail Ver- sons lnteresffl 4hat the President sand Board of Trustees of the 'Village of Wilmette, ln the County ef Cook aud Stiate of Illinois, havlng orMered 'that 8-inh tii. pipe sterm so.wer house drainasaa lbe constructed. lu Larai1e Avenue. Learaington Avenue anj, Le. claire Avenue between Wîlmettè, nue andi the north - ine of. IMrit ;ddi- tion te WlMnette, Laramier Subdivision, biug a- subdivision '0f Lot, Forty-,four (44Y aud the'.south hait (S%) of Lot M~oey-ftvje (45) County Clerk's Division of Ecdiqn Thirty-ou» (31), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13)e EtoJthe Third"Prinicipal Mon- dian, aise lJinLookerbie SÉtreet between ~lenvlew rtoa and the north line of ,id Filtt 4«Mon to WilmetteB- UbdieLÀvergne ir À4wenTha ue and the* methe linèo0f _ said Plirst ddition te Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision, ,alolu Laporte Avenue, Lamon.Avenue and LaCrosse Avenue between:Central Ave- nue on tud , e orth lino of Third Addi- tien te Wiilmetfte-Laramlé, Subdivision. being a subdivision of Lot Four, (4), County, Clérk's Division of Section Thirty-one (31) aforesaid, also lu' Hib- bard Rosa between Wim!ette Avenue and the north line of waid Third Addi- tion te Wiimette-Leramie Subdivision, aIse Iu Skokio Boulevard and lu Pine Street between Washington Avenue and1 the, south ,lUnoe «-United Realty Cern-. avenueMan,SSz rat itreet roL J5u ~iAAun of .Elm ild Avenue produaced'west of EIuwOeAveniue> te the east of 23rd Street te Beechwood Avenue, iueludiug il street-intersections, te the outer linos of said E3id'Street, aud 21st Street treni Elmwood -Avenue te Beechwood Ave-. nue, and Elmwood Avenue west of 23rd Street. te Cheokee Readiby gradin' j pavlng >aud otherWisie improving the saine, ln the Village' of Wilmette, Cook Ceuntyr, Illinois, lu accordauce with.the ordinance aud specifications for said limprovemeuit, *Ill bo -received- by the, Board oet Local, Imprevements, of .said Village ot Wihynette until 7:30 o'elock P. M.à on Tueoday, the 31st day ef March. A. -D. 1931, ýat which tume said. pro- poais will b. publicly opeued, examiued ad declared bDy said, Board of Local Improvemeuts lu the Council, Chamber lu the Village Hall lu said Village of .WlImette. T~he specifications for said imrovîe-_, monts.and blank proposais will bo fur nished at the offce of said Board of Local. Improvements In said Village WILL BUILD HOUSE IN LAKE FOR- va est as per your plans. Lot furnished hi If deslred. 1Ternis. ZMon. Builinlg Iudustry Zion, 111. Phone ZieU 500 84LTN4-tc -- W~8*5b.I ~ Pl prograni on Uzechoslovaia. Miss. Lillian Ilieva of Sophia, Bul- garia, now a student at the National' Elementary and Kindergarten col- lege, interpreted for, us charmingly in costume Russian and- Bulga'riani folk. dances. Cell.o solos. by Miss H4elen Stopka, accompanied at- the piano by ber father, Lidumil Stopka,ý were much, enjoyed. *Her selections were', "Souvenir" bW Drdla and "Larglo" from. the New World syni- phony, by Dvorak. Miss Stopka plays with, the Northwestern univer- -sity Symphony- orchestra. Ladislav Urbahn, Czechoslovakianý Vice-consul in Chicago spoke briefly but comprehenisively of bis country, showing slides, of its picturesque ,scenery and, fine buildings. Czechs. and. Slovaks, Mr. Urban told u'ý, were ruled *overby Austria until the World war when they welcomed the oppor- tiunity ýtb gain their fveedom andi united with Russia in fighting Austria.. After the Bolshevik uprising in Rus- sia, Czechoslovakian Legionnaires made their escape, having to travel almost around the world to do so, and later fought on the French side with the Allies. In October, 1918, the republic of Czechoslovakia was formed, its government democratic, liaving a president and a senate and chamber of- deputies. The country covers 54,000 squere miles, and is about the size of Iowa. It bas a C <O-OP AM? Davis St,.Di vacant et tI of Wilmette. V'AN~STON, 3 RMS., Feor sale, trade foi rentai et, encoe 1099. 86LTN46-ltc RENT. -OUSEI IN. -1 U - - ---- ona wm S r utr L-egt ai; the rate )uth lineofe said of six (6) per ceutumn per annuni. )ay's First AMdi- Trhe contractor te, whom the contract Beard Addition te usnay be awarded will be required te ke Avenue, Schiller turnish a. bond te the satisfaction and )d Avenue between approval of said Beard et Local mi-- the west lino of provremeuts, lu a sum equaito ntfty (60) ny's Laketon Sub- per.centuni et the éentract.price, cou- Livisionet the east ditioued for the faithtul. performnance northwest quarter efthte contract. erthwest quarter ent as à ,ocal m,- te rejeot Mr. Urban~s talk gave us ail a new- interest in and. a better understanding of this little country of which most of use know so little. A trio com-ý posed of Mr. Urban at-be piano, and Jaroslav Tetrev, M.; D., violinist,, and Jaroslav Znirhal, cellist, favored us with Czechoslov*akian music. Re- freshments were deljcious Bohemian céokies 'and coffee. ---An honored. was Mrs. Keli( tion chairman -st at th State' Past P meeting ýhabilita- ident of 01& 14 V vilageof jp r u Ot Okc>i unty, Ilin, Iaorgt assesament. Imtthefr i 1 to 1 ,for ald lu O~I4T~8N. IUVANS Irsen @.ppointed by the Prout- ,t et the Board etf Loeal 1w- wemets e theVillage et IlmeteCei Conty, Illinols, I