Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 63

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paiatings of old-world cathedrals and inadonnas, priceless in value and in- terest. * Thomas O'Sbaughnessy, an au- thority on the making of 'stained glass (a subject of Iwbich m-ostpea- pIe know..almost. nothing), will speak informally,,about them. Last seasoù he appeared'in a similar way and was demanded,.again this year.. .Miss Wlillie Johnson of Memphis, Tenn.,î will be représented With. a large'showing from beér famous col- lection of rare old laces,, brocades, tapestries1 altar cloths, botties, canopy hangings, and so on, each pieceof grèatest interest., Wood carvings by Alois Lang, * nepbew of Anton Lang, made famous tbrugh bis inipersonation, of the Christus in tbe fOberammergau pageant, will be on view. Prof essor T. DeVries of the, Northwestern uni- versity will béan a nwnmber of bis choice pictures from bis collection oif Madonna pain tings. joseph Birren. wil bave fotarteei of bis oil paintings of interiors, ex- teriors and details of cathedrals in Rome, Venice, and Florence, also fa- mous gateways of Gaaçaand Seville. J. C. Langtry of Evaniston is lend- ing eigbt pieces from bhis prjceless collection' of gotbic furnishingsý chests, candlesticks, robes and shrines. The Walden Bookc sbop will dis- play old Tibetan banners and Rus- sian Icons, and the Indian' Trading Post will exhibit old Indian and Mexican wôod carvings. The music committee hàs cooperated in making this exhibit one of tbe most beauti- fui and impressive ever held, and i observance of thé Lenten seasonf, presents the A Cappella choir of Fv- anston on the opening day, Marcb 22, * at 4 o'clock, and on the closing day, * Easter Sunday, April 5, the ffyto voice' all-Russian choir. A surprise luncheon' and b.pnco party was given by Annette Willianis of 614 Rariston road, I<eniiworth. Sat- Bernle Photo Miss Marion, Ortseifen of Kenilworth and Hollis Gleason of Wil- mette are two representative members of the youn9er set Who are taking part in the amusing and entertaining comedy,- 'Your Uncle Dudley," which is being preseuted by thse Womon's Catholic club of Wilmette on Priday, April 10, at the Wilmette Woma,s,,4b. There will be à matinée for the cbildren at 2 o'clock and the evening- performance wiIl begin at 8:15. The play is given under the auspices of the fine arts department and the churcb building fund committee of the club.' 1Miss Ortseifen is a graduate of 'the school of speech of Northwestern university and is weIl known in north shore amateur theatrical circles bav- ing played leading roles ini several Wonian's club productions and be- cause of ber'conniection witb numer- ous other> amateur groups. SHollis Gleason is a senior at New Trier and bis portrayal of tbe high scliool. sheik in 'Wour Uncle Dud- ley" is one of the outstanding fea- tures of the play. Thomas Ross, who played the lead- Miss Caroline Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Roberts of 328 Warwick road, Kenilworth, will return the end -of the month to spend Easter vacation with ber parents., She .will stop for a short titue outaide of Cle'veland, to spend a few days with a classmate before coxing to Kenil- worth. Miss. Caroline is studying at Dana hall in Wellesley, Mass. 0o The. D. F. Halls of 809 Central ave- nue have returned from a month's stay in Plorida: On Club Pro gram J 01 ihrl5iIgniY, progress oftheIC wo movexnents and the, Great Disper- sion. Owing ýto the fact tha.t many member' are out of, town, and to the rush of details id plans forthe coMm- ing Garden and Plower Show open- ing 'this -Saturday mi.orning at: the Merchandise Mart, which kept sev- erai away, this was flot a large. mett- ing. The ncxt meeting to bc held on Monday morni *ng, Mardi- 30, w-àill be the closing one of -this series.ý It wili, withlout doubt, claim a complete presence of the members. Dr. Willett will lecture on "Zionism: Arab and Jew in Palestine." IAMERC&ZLG The Aknerican go fIllinuois as doing its part in a humorous but in- tensely interesting national member- ship contest between the Legion and the Legion' Auxiliary. The contest is being conducted along the linçs of a burlesque auteombbile race. Each department of thé Legion has been assigneci some part of the auto whicb is assembled on the car when that state or department has attained its national membership quota. Illinois, on Ilarch 6. had attainied 79.51 percent of Its 1931 quota. Th& e partment's acssc>ry Iu the auto race' Is the let t front door. Tihe automobile type. of iemberw¶le oonte~t was decided on beoasofth fact tliat thie egion's national conveni- tion will be nhld next Beptemb.r ln Detroit, Mlch., famous for Its auto- mobile Industries. The race started on January 1, and i. being runin l two phasses. FIMrst la the assembly of thie Americaxi Leuion aud Arnerican Lýeglon Auxilllsry automnobiles lu their respec- tive assembly plants, and second la thie race betWeen thie two national autouao- biles on the track, which .wlli end on Ma.>q 15. As each clepatment'lu eltber organizatIon. attains Ita fquota. the ora IU. Matainzas,where they were enter- nie Cognitese, .nnn Marie bhOny, Ma(U- .tained by friends wbo were* able to alime Cobb, and Harriet Steigelman of show theni the out-of-the-way places. Evanston. -o- Miss. Florence Branson, 817 Cen- Alpha Gamma Delta. Mothers' as- tral' avenue, entertained b er bridge sociation will bold its regular montbtyý club last. -Tuesday 'evening, at her meeting thbp, .aftëi#n.n at the:, chap->. hoMe. ter house in e.vaniston. at 2 'clock. As a featitre orhr- Program Miss Mat yas; will off er a. grouP of he'r. Hungaria,. fàlk, sonus in. he ai ton gie. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel P?. Owen and their daughter, Miss Jane, of 725 Greenwood avenue, have returned f rom an eight weelcs' tip to thl West Indies4 -Venezuela, Pauoa a an

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