Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 5

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*The board of educâtion* of New * Trer High echool îs considering ded- * ication* of *one of the.new- buildings to be * erected at the.- bigh schoôl ini *thé near.future as a mhemorial to the late Supt. Frederîck É. cieik, * 1or some. time tbeboard bas bhad * this. mattes under advsement. Mrs.1 Clerk liaà been consulted on the mat-. ter. and har, givenà the« plan bfer ap«- proval. if one of the new building units is named. the "Freclerick Edson Clerk' building, it will contain a bronze tablet or something of a similar nat- * uire which will be a reminder to al present and future» students, at the, high school of Mr., Clerk's service to the -school. AtaAdopt Resolutionà Atarecent meeting the New Trier *board of eduication adopted the fol- lowing resoluition, a bandsomely eti- gosdcopy of wbhich was given to Mr. Clerk's widow: " In the passing of Frederlek EWsofl Clerk, ý'Aericafl edulcation bas lost an in»prinýand courageous leader, and the 'youth of Arnerica has lost a kindly and an Undestanding friend. Althougb his lite Was aIl top brief, he reachied heights of succes and'achievement sec-, *nd to few in bis profession. Despite> the. irreparable losse1caused byý his death, bis work*:shall continue undimin- *ished, fl ot merely lbecause of loving appreciation of lm, but rather because' of the impetus of his character and, gen jus. "His lite was one of service, unceas-_ ing, untiring. To his nation, to bis (.hIuËel, to bis choseil profession, and to bis community he gave unsparingly. of himself and of bis giftt. At. New Trier Tomnship High scbool he iabored during the best years of his lite;. Here lie acbieved is greatest sucees; iti at this sébool and in this community * thit he, is most sincerely loved and inost deeply mourned., Tt is this 1nsti- tùtion., as wel as tbe.many o)tbe'_rs, that be served, mhicbh le leaves, rich In memnores of bis personality, and In thé bleitake of bis plans for educational progress. "ýResolvedt by 'the Board of Education of the, Néw Trier Towniship High sçhool that these expressions io! our admiVra- tion and affection for Qur associate and our friend shall be spread upon the minutes of our board, and that a copy thereot,. suitably engrossed, be sent to bis wife and family." iIUIKIV 4Us ÂVLUAIa. AjLura, wvaoeai Roséhill. cenietery. Mr. Woodbury is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary I. Woodbury, 'a son, Kenneth E. of Chicago, and a daughter, Priscilla M. of Wilmette. He badAhved in Wil- mette fortwenty-one years. TO RETURN FOR E.ASTER - .Miss Marjorie Jane Hecbt, daugh- ter of> Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Hecht. 104Z Greenwood- avenue, whois'at- tending Downer, semin ary. in1 Mil- waukee, isexpected bome next Pri- day for the Eaîter vacation., is Helen Otto of Milwaukee, Who 'is also attending Downer, will be Miss Hecbt's bouse -guest during 'the ten days,',holiday. Mr. and. Mrs. Ludwig Skog and family of 135 Seventeenth street are motoring to Florida. They expect to be away about four weeks. FREE LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. CHARLES, E. JARVIS, C., S.*. of Los Angeles, California" Meniber of the: Board of Lectnreshipý of The'Mother Chutéb, the Fitat Cburch of Chirîst, Scietiat:. ini Boston. Maisachusttis IN THE. CHURCH EDIFICE Friday Eveningp, March 20, 1931l at 8 O'cLock The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend YouAre.Cordially Ivited To Be Present on. Saturday., Match ýtwenty-Irst, to. celebrate .Our siluer anni versary and' the openngofoui- ely, furnished store.. aduit customer and A Gif t Box wilI be giu oeCh, a surprise for thechildi-en. A edproducts wiIIl WILMETTE, ILL. - The funeral services were neld at 2 o'clôck Tuesday afternoon at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, with the Rev. Horace G., Smith of the, Wilmette Parish ,Metbodist- church offiéiating. Buial took placé at :Deerfield. Gireenleaf Avenue end Beach Road. s q

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