- 'y',- Y"~N To Voe Tour £aster Owedugs HUBERT ROFFVMANN.. W e Deliver Wilmtte3300 -- Bernie Photo Balfour Photo 3Jean EVeroon Patricia', Fi&her the, Saturday recital 'series at -Lyon and 'Healy hall 'Saturday, March 21, Patricia play;d "The Wood Nymplh's. Harp" by Rea, "Lark's Song". by Tschaikowsky,. and "Intermezzo Or- iental"» by Rogers. Jean presented, "Little Serenade," by Grunfeid, and: "Chasing ]Butter-fiies" by. Lemnont. Both Jean and Patricia are, students. of Dorothy L. Pound. TPle public is being invited to thest prograws which will be given every Saturday at 3:30 p. mn. through the month of Mayý, and will be resumed in October.; TO BE TEA DANCE IIOSTESS Sunday afternoon Miss Thelniza Mancinelli is giving a tea dance at her home, 1010 Sheridan. road, for members of the Alpha Gammia Delta sorority of, Northwestern uni'. ersity and their escorts. She .will entertain Commerce, according to a ctispatcIx f rom the Los Angeles Times. Mr. Jensen, wbomn the Times called "&one of the. world's best known land- scape gardeners," is visiting his gon. Ed.. C. Jensen, at Riveirside. He is president of the Chicago Art coin-, mission, and the -Mississippi 'Valley Park, association,. "Hïere, where it requires, no eff ort to. grow plants of nearlyr every sort you have parks that are a disgrace to your ch.ies,", Mr. Jensen said in his talk before the Riveâside Cham- ber of Commerc e. ',And parks are an indication of. the city's. intellect." Mr. Jensen said that. California has only one real1 park---GoDlden Gate- at San, Francis.co, and that, he said,' lacks unity. -Chicago,. with ail its poliu- tical corruption, he'declare.di has mi.-, lions, for its parks. RECOI4CILIATION TRIP. "A day with the problemas of love, sex, marriage, parenthood and the f amily in contemporary, hf e" is thé objective of. the Reconciliation tour- ists this Saturday in their journey to.Chicago under the -guida nce of Dr. Frank Orman Beck1 of Evanstoni.* In addition to lectures by prominent- sociologists and social service leaders, the group will visit the Morals court,ý police stations, and the clinic of the fer, Fi. 6Sat., bMarch .27o2S *Cut frou Yoùàs Porloers WImoIe or'Haif - LOin I IL½cI IPORK LOINSý I SM-*., vîtoWlnt 17 1~ 304 Ridge Rd., ........................ .4111, 1