Mr. Fieberg is well known in amateur and prof essional the- atricals in Chicago and on the north shore and bas coached or taken part in numerous 'out- standing successes in this field. He b as. been a, resident of Wil-, mette for sixiteen years and bas been . interested in "many cofl-, munitv and civic enterprises. According.. to recent reports. f romn the rehearsals, the play is pr ogressing splendidly and a iruly prof essional perfîormance may be expected when> it is presented on Friday, April, 10, at 8 o'clock, at, the Woman's club, Trenth and Greenleaf ave- nue, for the. benefit of the build- ing f undý of St. Francis Xavi-. er's new church. Besides Mrs. Marshall Kear- ney'and Mr.' Fieberg, the Cast includes Mrs. C ha rles' Broad wbo pjays the graiidmother with young iceas; Miss Marion Ortseifen, wbo takes the part of Dudleys sweatheart, Miss Mary Daegling, who talces the part of Ethelyn, w.hom. you WilI want to aid and abet in her romance with' Robert Kiiby, played by Robert Weilarnd; Hollis Gleason, playing Cyril, a most disturbing influence ini the Dixon bousehold; and Johni intimate f riend of Dudley. On the original production of "Yot garUen. Yitii meIecept~Dion oiIne IVvcatin. NLr. £n.aiu *ana4W8ar8c flagstone.walk, ail of. .the work was have been 'motoring through PJorkla done by the committee. for the past four ,weeks and wil The gàrden is a, refreshing. place, arrive in Pinehurat the *end of this with its fountain -playing. It seems week. M" smoo+h aondofif 11931: SPRING FASHIONS gSay you m'usi KEEP THAT-YOUTH.FUL LOOKI The off 4h.-wf ace brim Hafs-The bracel.1-I.ngth Sisves make if i mperative that your face be -anrid your kands% weII1 manicure.J PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT TODAY ALBRICHT 8EAUTY SHQP 1 167 Wilmette Avenue WiImetl 1A. Ronan, taking the part of1 Sunday afternoon Thomas Ross Lr Uncle Dudley" and who isi te 4517 >Post, an1 Housewivuart asured 01 quuillty ments at eey dey Iow prices in the. modem 1148 Wà Avenue P ATRONIZE OUR ADVÎ1rTISERS. , 't