in Evanston. in an'interesting diversity of new%, designs-soft. mnellow tones-bright ýcheerful patterns-to si everv room and .every taste. There's sometkhing ne.w afoot! SEEMINGLY SEAMLESS -CARPETING eliminates unsightly searn-s-wov en on resiiet waterproof. back that can. bew scrubbed; on thé floor, -a smart floor covering at Carpet'prices., 7«;:- lo eà* 40 àà w hich was quite uinique and iiiterest- ing. Mrs. W. W. Wheelock was chairman of the committee for the garden. A third prize was given to the club for a breakfast table ar- rangement done by Mrs. T. E. Moritz. A. description-> of the garden, says. that it "ýis featured by, a1 tool house where spades, forks, and garden ac- cessories can- be glimpse- Gourds are:'hanging from the books on the sides and a. sprinkling can is readY for use. The garden itself is plante- I with %many, kindsý of old-fashioned herbs. placed in 'rôws. With a back- ground of evergreens, massed planting of rambler roses and white daisies is used together with> heliotrope trees, and in à corner of the *garden, is the salold fashioned chairwith a work basket wvhich makes the little garden a personal thing." EXPOSITION SUCCESSFUL More than 6,000 persons attended the Better Homes exposition on Wednesday, 'Phtrsday, and Friday of last week at the Woman's club (--f Wilmette. Thé splendid cooperation of. the Wilmette merchants was par- ticularly noted. - It is reported' that_ all the exhibitors received some re- turns, and the exposition itself great- Iy stimulated business. The Frank Ketchums of Sheridan road, Kenilworth, have returned to their home after a sojourn in the Announcement of the selection of Mr. Gaffney as successor to the late Frederick E. Clerk was made to the students of the high school by Mrs. Janet Gordon, president of the New, Trier -board of education, at an as- sembly held last-Friday morning. At this assembly the students voted unanirnously to send Mr.Gaffney a telegram. of, welcome, and this wa.s done through the Inter-club board, the student governing body. Mr. Gaffn.ey bias *also been given an officiai welcome in advance of bis ar- rivai here by the faculty of, the higbi school. On Thursday night of Iast week the faculty meni's club and thè faculty women's club Joined in senil- ing him. a telegrami of welcome. Joseph Iturbi to Give Piano. Recital March 29 Joseph Iturbi*, Spanish, pianist, will be heard in recital at Orchestra bal on'Sunday afternoon, March '29, uin- der the direction of Henr.y E. Voegeli. Mr. Iturbi won an ovation when, he played the Haydn D major piano concerto and the Liszt E flat major, concerto with- the Chicago Symphiony orchestra last week 'end. Mrs. A., Zorn of Chicago and, Mr. E. Eakiis' of, Woodlawn, Ill., *wvith bher son, Billy, have been guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs. R. J., Kroscell, and ber family, 661 Illinois, road. SPRING lIES> New ties. with light. backgrounds - l wyhatever spring shade.suits ou rvng hnàcy bestt Foulards - crepes; they're, both smart. a tie will FiRsT CHURCH 0,OF CHRIST, CETS WILMETTE, ILLINOIS ANNOUNCES A FCRELECTURE On Cn1uSTIA'N SCIENCE. BY tTHE PUBLIC 18 g CORDIAUXY INVITED TO ATTEND Those not familiar with Christian Science May -secure reserved seats Upon request. q 4 M 4 I He G. LII (JpeLserig -Cabinet 80 Oak: Street CHINTZES-- ALL: FVork -Atqus-Refoarieg - Reftiishsng Established 1895 Winnetka 145 Put Off i1~, Dd Chu reh Evgoings Phn. Wiu.hwt&a188 qiéà