These New Coats, and Suits QI> There's' something unexpected about finding fur: ofly 'on the sleeves of a garmnt-nd nytingunexpected s, the markof a:1931 fashion! The suit -is of wool crepe, with scal-' bops edging the coat and the wide lapel, as well as the white faille lapel f cig Teblouse, tool is of white faille.$450 The> coat buttons up in - a way that g i v e s the slenderest possible line to the shoulders-and over the but. tons you fold an Ascot scarf. The cuif s are deep, fluffy blue fox. $79.50. Sienod, Fléor Edgar A.Stevens,,i nc. IOaà4 ORRINOTON AVENUE, i r N 'FA tws