Dm, on Smoking Is.Requested'in Tri!@Sbîp Report At the regular meeting of . the Tri-_ s--hip'.representatives Monday, M(arch 23, a report 'on thé Work' of a coin- mnittee appointed to, discuss the smokring situation, was pré.sented by. Dan Wachs, chairman of the comi- zitittee. The commnittee has been at work for the la&t three. or four weeks, discussing the problein with' eatb advIsor room individually, and bas finally drawn up a, resoluion which was unlanimously adopted atith mheeting. Thé resolution as drawn up by »he comm!ittee, which consists of John 0allenger, John Borino, Dick lait and Dan Wachs, follows: "We, of the commnittee, appointed th învestigate the problei of smok- ingý within the New Trier Higb scblool. do submit the fôllowing suggestions and çmmeints- "I. The question of smoking has as- aumed obnox1ous proportions within the Shool and the surroun<ding neighbor- hood and has become a. nuisance. There- fore, we believe the admilnistrattionf wbould act in the absence of self- dWsIpiine on the part 'of the boys of tii. uchool. any1 or ln scboo !ns 8. la wrong for mnrad see no reason why it ritted durIng school hiours ie or place reflecting di- ectlv ow~the good nainle lie returna there at nîghtu *nThrerinr, the lstudent's conduct, 'whether it. he favorable or unfavorable, betweeh the2me hours, bas a direct effeet upon thé -4. That -it la, the duty, of the - Gtvidual, to sp- Msfice >fown pleasures tôr the benelit of others. f .t be for' SJuat .cau 1se., This we cite as a Just =asefor prohiblting samoking, wlthin' Joo territory, wlthln achool hours, anid any time or place where It will «eect the school's reputation.'.' Thie coimitte's recommendation Ilama --SPRING E Tonight's the nig annual Spring 1Frol New.Trier Forensic ha.veg"t made'youF make them >now!I late! ý Come early, three hours to t unes of Chuck chestra. -Tickets at the door. ght of the third lic given by the ic board. If you ýr arranemei1tSi It's neyer tÔo and. dance for the mnelodious Eastman's or- will te on sale Girls'. Swimming. Teams Compete in 4-Sohool ,Meet A week. prior to the telegraphic mieet between the girls' swimming tearns of Dêerfield, Kenosha,' Wauke- gani, nd New Trrier,'wbich was held' Tuesday, Match 24, the Girls' Class. teams of New'Trier were announced. They are as follows Seniors-C. Addenbrooke, H. Adler, P. l3oylstoù, J. Norman, C. Simon, M. Smythe. Juniors-O. Brower, A.' Crumlish, A.ý Fraser, M. Lauer, H. Taft, M. Thiel, G. Vosburgh, E. Culver. $ophomores-E. Burke, G.. Johnson, B. Kuitchar, M. Lepman, J.".%acArthur, D. J. Qrr, J. Petrie, J. Waidner, B. Wilder, S.. Wilson. Freshmen-H. Bellows, V' Carlton, Christensun, Scrimgeorn, M. Taylor. The resuits of this meet were sent to Waukegan m-here thev w111 be judged with the three othér compet- holdi»g only lone of these as in pre- vious years, there will be several, and the victory will belong to the teatn winning the majority of times. This arrangement gives each group a fair- er chance for success. Arian Delander Plays for Senior Music Club The Senior Music c-lub beld- its, Echoes Staff Bus y; Go to Press Soon The various departinents. of the Echoes staff. ate being kept busy, for that publication' goes te press soon after spring, vacation. The ,Group Picture. Staff bas. completed two sec- tions of, pictures which includes nimost of the clubs and -athletics about school. The only big organiz atioli left to. be: taken is the music. depart- ment wbicb is -being delaye eas of the opera. Most, of the advertise- ments have been' turned in and are being organized. The organization staff is'busy gettin g tbe "lIow-down" on the various. organizations. The student body is: again u rged to get hehind' this year's book.and support by buying subscriptions in advance. Tickets GoinigFast, /Or G. and S. Opera April f10 and I1, the. daté ôfUthe Gilbert and Sullivan opera, "The Pir- ates of Penzance," is approaching, and the tickets are going fast. They may be obtained froin memibers of the orchestra and glee clubs. Seat s for the opera are not rei served. Tickets are selling for fifty, cents. In former years prices have been as high as- $2. This means that it won't be long before the entire bouse .15 sold. out for both nights. Get your tickeiý now and avoid last, minute disappointnients! Tells Sophomores About rngeit School Customs At reentassenibly of the soph- oniore class, Mr. Roland Wehr ofutt history faculty spoke on! English schnools and EÜglish custumrs.- During the, sehool year of 1929-1930 Mr. Wehr was an exchange teaýcher in a London school, FIls talk was woiven around bis experi- lences and impressions while teaching there. Hie compared the dress ut Eng- lish and American sebool children, the different mnethods of teaching, spôlrts, vacatio~n periods. and the schools them-. .aaiveS- HP lsa-o on ninaA th&. rii.s icf Namne Dan Wachs as N. T. Orator in News Contest. Prelimiharies of, the Daily News Oratorical contest *ere held Tuesctay. March 16, before an: assembly of Freshrnan boys. Thrée disciples of, Demosthenes entered, the contest- SalIy.C1arki Chick Kremer, and4 Dan, Wachsw Each of these delivered an original oration on the United tae Constitution. The contest was close as but one of the contestants had bad any 1Prev.o1 experience.. The -iudges*:awarded first place to Dan Wachs on his pre- sentation entitled, "John Marshall and the Constitution."~ The'district contest is to e 'held during spring vacation. Althougb the hall bas not 'been definitely decided upon, the promot- ers 'will choose a.,neutral auditorium. Wachs w111 represent thý' school in this contest. Lens. Club Makes Plans for. Its Amateur Movie The lens'club bas stajrted the amla- teur môvie it intends to make thi'ý year. A request bas gone out for books on amateur movies. If you have any lying around they would be greatly appreciated. On March13' screen tests *were given to some of the prospective actors although the plot of the scenari 'o, wbich was writ- ten by one of the inembers, 'has not been divulged as yet. Wedflesday, March 18, the club was. surprised and amused by two trave] reels and a two-reel comedy, , "l. They are hoping to rent more niovie.s 'for future meetings. Perhaps the people who like*>to hang arouund the main hall lookihg at the, exibits. will be:ilad to know that the, pictu'res will be chànged oftener after MakeAwards to G. A. A. at- Assembly Ceremony çlub L'mlu lzm-uic-stuvns lis vuîunrtreu to attend wtote club, speaac on tne political situa- s'. 5A8 WJEU liVUUPt senta as Uts annual project. The ein- ive woe moderately liard, this for the irnail chargé of twenty- ticOn in Italy. The subject will be bers of the club have already presented ,g4.t~f act. thé two five cents per, person; any article not open for discussion after the talk is a one-act play and are planning to ]*e- fèi ~Uwill . e nt- tO inc luded. in the regular gym will cost given. The club is compose«d'of sent 4nother In the M~ar future. These tlu plocal extra..e Give y ur na mei n d.basket thirty m ib rr w o are i t re t d n plays are flot oily aoimusbig but ode, extr. t ~ uniaj~n ~ ho ~ -: inmerce lan.