Presents Rules for Saf eguarcling Scout. Swimmers If, you run no risks, you won't need your lif e saved. There will be no riskg in Girl, Scout, camps this suni- mer, when new plans for 'accident pre- vention go into force. The .plans for safeguarding Girl Scout swimmers b ave been outlined by Miss Olive McCorimick, waterfront advisor of, the- Girl Scouts. Every girl. entering' a Girl, Scout camp this summer Will be.tested, grad- cc ad ssgned t one of tbree swinî- ming ý groups, known as beginner, inter- mediate and advanced. 1Every group will bave it own-s1wilm- ming area, the deptbs being respectively not over, tbree, flot over five, and not over fifteen. feet. every Girl Scout must Wear a bath- zig ca p of the color assigned to the *group to wbich she belongs. All caps must bave a white stripe, twocolorsI being more readily seen than one. These regulagtions, Miss McCorinick says, make -it possibile for a councillor glancing over tbe pool to sec that )1oý gr is swimniing in water beyond, a safe depth. No- pre-breakfast swimmlng will be permtted, because human vitality- Is low at that time. No nlght swlmmlng, because that Involves certain -hasards. .No swiniming withln two hours after mèals.. No swimming outside swlm- ming periods, when the direetor Is pres- cnt. No long-dlatance swimmning wlth- out a boat manned lby two life-savera hI attendence. No swhnming at ail un- less the camp nurse. approves. These are a few more of the préventive incas- tires which are going to keep Girl Scouts safe this summer. The saine care wiIl govern the uSge of boata., No Girl Scout may take a canoe 'out' until shte has passed her BwImmlng, test. Careléeaness, .suoh. as 119 g seats or towing other boats, maycost ber her priviieges. 1Al Uic insuranoe againet rike,,how-> -ever, wIll by no means depend on the girl herself. 'Vownpiete- exploration of the swim- m1ng area In lakeil, rivers and streanis mhnul bevM.d. j& ai r n," PMss Me- r1 Sharing a Joke. - - Girl Scout leaders have their fun, to. Here. are tzco of theisj'ending a witer zeek-'eiid aiCCamp Andrec<, national Girl Scout experiinîeiittl labo ra- tory at Briaircliff, N. Y. WILMETF. T'hursday, Marcl patrol of Troop 3 ,chose the naine of the .........Mary Lou Peterson. -Gir 1r1(udes iii Zuz.niand" ..... ... .. ...... . else Hosaeus Swtzerland -. ~Pixlorig ~ee~~a... rances Collins. Hkin. hiSwitzerianid" Betty McCUlomn Song: "The Swiss Chalet" India: "News About Kashinire-".......... .1[ariliess Srnith -AWidCtItds".HeePero HollanO: -VWbat Is.a Paclvindster" .......... .*" ******Madeline Hutchins Persla: tell about. Theni Mary Jane Farley anîd Antoinette Hearne made'up a gaine f or the,,othier girls te play. It was a bird gaine. '1'bey would describe a bird and.the others would have to guess what bird it, was. Then we went over to the new: pârisb bouse. We took the fags over there toe. By next meet- ing we -hope te. be in the new parisb bouse.. Mr. Carter, is teachi»ng drum- tning* and the -girls that are taking' drumming lessons are Betty Solomon Troop 1, Louise Popper Troop 2, Helenl Chancellor ýTroop 3,' Nancy Moultori Troop 4,. Mary Hanimond Troop 5, and Mary Jane Morse Troop 6., They are> getting along very nicely. They expect sometime soon to be- able to- march outside. Zada Craft. is going, to be' the druni major.. We. knôw she wiUl be a very good one.-Anto inette Hearne, scribe. TROOP 5 Tilesday, in the horseshoe~ Sally Bull and Peggy WVard were invested for their second class test. Mary Hami- mond got ber Health Winner's badgeý and Sally Bull ber Swimmer's badge. Mrs. Burnham announced that she and Mrs. Bull bac! a surprise.for us. The surprise was a sort of a St. Pat- rick's party and sort of an anniversary of our troop. There was a big cake with green icing. That was delicious- and grape juicg, tôo. After 'tbat each patrol gave a charade.-Martha Jane Harshaw, scribe. TROOP6 , Friday, February e~, seven tender- foot girls were invested by Mrs, Bak- er into the Girl Scout association. We are very graieful to Mrs.. Baker for. taking the time and trouble to corne to usi The seven girls, who were invested are Vernie Clayton,, Nancy Palmer,, Barbara Cole, Jane Anin Donfobue, Kathron Mathews, Estelle Brown, and Margaret Stephens. We were very proud to. bave three erson ................. 1..........deilGordon Percy Arden ad Miss Pearl Scotch Song, "Flow Gently Sweet as' thse hmopcaptains; Miss Atn C Mitchellamd Mii. P. J.PokDnig..àhrhre, ...... .........aaleYates tise'lie mas, "irlGuides IU Newfoundland". WINNETKA TROOP, 3 Troop 3 opened its 'nmeeting by hav- ing attendanice ac! roll. Then we had colors. , IEach child by this -Saturday was supposed to> bave -drawn a mlap o f their yard and chosen any- tree to ure was discovèred -by the bounds. It consisted 'of Hershey bars and tolli- pops wbicb were beartily enjoycd by everyone. We camne back by Sheridan. road, ad seng taps after arriving at the Parisbh ouse. -Margaret Stepbens. scribe. l 1 1 1 . 1 . ýý I l . ý M - . . > 1 i ý ' à ý ' ý . - ,