Sea Scout Ship " Argo Will Meet Frida y,Evenings We bail our last wNeekly meeting ituesday ýat 7:15 p.. m. in the Baptist chuncb. We are going to change out meetings from. Tuesdsty to Friday night as one of the Scouts will flot be, able to -attend Tuesdays. This change wll flot be permanent until we have tried it for a, while. We have- been learning abou t navi- gation and the compass which we find is very interesting., We have alse been studying to pass tests te become Ondinary 'Sea Scouts. As yet We arc, *1l apprenticeSea Scouts. When ninq Scouts become, Ondinary, the Argî wîll be -a Second Class ship. Our boat, the Argo, has been it dry dock ail winter in one of tht Scout's backyards. Nextý week, dur ,ing spring vacation we expect tc iwork on the boat and finish the jot bf painting. W. have some carpentrý avork to do 'on it and aiso on oui dinghy. On Saturday, March 28, there i! going tio be a Boy Scout Hobb3 ShoW at the Stolp gym. We are pre. paring a display that wiil be well svorth whiie to come and sec. It wili .ive you an idea of what the oldet organxzation of Boy Scouts is-Sea scouting. Two new members were admitted to the ship last Tuesday, Scouts Otis .GDocl and Lester Bratten.-Yoeiman of the. Ango, Bob *Éall. EigJit Cubs Pass Tests to Receive Wolf Badges T1he iast meeting of the Cub Pack 63 was heid at the Congregational' church,, Saturday, March 14. Firstf we h fad. the regulanr games with Mn. Mead leading. Followingthat we had our negular meeting including the promise and the law of the Pack' givea by one of the Cubs. Twelve of the.'ih %vt, n I e oo nd New Patrol Started for Scout Troof, 25 Tbunsday, March,,199 at the. Scout meeting ýof Troop 25,. we started a new patrol consisting of Clayton Tay- lor, Stephen Mar anetti, Byron, Jones, William Hessier, Batisto Bia:ncho and ýAlbert Beneventi. Mn. Baehr, announced. that our trip te the aquarium- and Field museuni would be held the first Wednesday in vacation week. 0wi' hike for Saturday, March 14, wai -postpoàned ýon acco unt of the blizzard wvhich. was felt. al over the. north shore. The paetrois are having keen competition: for the best hob- bies for the ceming Hobby Show and we will bave, quite a collection, of hobbies.-Rogern Brown, Troop -25, re- porter, St. Elisabeth's church, Gie n- coe. Stags Hold First Place for Contest of Patrolsî Thursday, Manch 19, Troop 1 of Wiliiette held its weekly meeting at the Congregational church. The mecet- iîng opened with ceremonies. *Mr. King then announced the standings in the efficiency contest; they are: Stags-2l6y2 points; Eagles-125-4; and Silver Foxes-112. The patrols then went into their respective cor- ners and discussed the things that they were going to have at the 1-*ob- by Show, March 28. The meeting ciosed at about 9 :30.-Stanley Coch-. ran, Troop 1, Wilmette. Tickets Going Fast for Wilmette Hobby Show Thursday, March 19, was instruc- tion night for Troop 5 at their week-ý ly' meeting.ý The diffenent ranks of m'embens studied together and ac- complished much. After this the tnoop piayed "swat tag" for a short EXECVTIVE'S COLUMN Every troop can have a practical Merit Badge pamphlet library by the following meéthod:- Several -Scouts now have ' Menit Badge pamphlets they have used and vhich rare no longer wante d. They wl be glad to, turn these over to, the troop for starting the library.. As more Scouts f rom. tinie 1o ýtime purchase pamiphletsflot yet in the Trroop library, they can in turn preseîit these pamiphlets and in.a. short time the troop Will have a menit badge ibrary of twenty to, forty of the niost popu- larsubjects. The public and high, school l- brariesý carry comPlete sets of the eighty-eight different mtenit badge subjects and Scouts dlesiring, the less popular subjects can secure the pamphlets at these places. Kenilworth Cubs Plan jHike to Chippily Ridge The Kenilworth Cubs, under the lIeadership of Bob Townley, planned-a hike for Saturday, March 21. At 9 a. m. the Cubs were to leave the gymn for Chippfily Ridge. They planned to cook their own lunch,, and there was to be a contest among the various dens -in cooking and test' passing. The Cubs intended to play a f ew gamnes and then to returil to Kenilwôrth. Some of the older Cubs Were to be permitted to sIeep in the gym Fni- day night. Plans; tncluded story tell- ing and some intenesting games. This is one of a series of likes taken by the Cubs every year. Therje are at present about fifty members of Pack 6.-Cubs Ar.end Knoop and Benjie MacKinnon, Pack 60. Hobby Show on April 4 Awaited Now in Glencoe, The Scouts of the Glencoe troops have been out vigorously elling the Successful Scout Troops Make Use of Patrol System The Patrol system is used -by al of the'successfui troops. Vcry few of the . unsuccessful troops, Use*,.this system. In almost évery instance if the Patrol systemn is used 'by unsuc- cessful troops, it is used, in npmne only. The pr «am f it can 'be called suéh, of the unnsuccessfUl troops, is gen.erally conceived and administered by the: Scoutmaster without a ssist- ance, Ail of* the successful troops et goals or objectives sçveral months or a year in advance. These goals are setat a meeting--of the Troop staff, comprising -the Troop commffittee- mien, Scoutmaster, Apsîstant Scout- miaster, junior AssistantÎ Scoutmnastcr, $eniir ?atrol leader, Patrol leader and Scribe. These goals are subdivided into months and weeks. At the weekly Patrol leaders' confenence, these goals are always considered, and are included in the weekly prognam. Scouts at Fire Station Slide Down Brass Pole Troop 12 left their meeting at 8 o'clock for their planned trip to' the Winnctka fine station on Monday, March 16. The Scouts were showul the fine truckçs and ait the apparatus through the courtesy of the fine de- partment. After seeing the fire truck, chemnicals, hose, iaddens, and the in- halaton,,the tnoop went upstairs where the sleeping and recreatien quanters for the, firemený are. Up there- the Scouts werc shown how the knots for. firemeni were made. The members of the troop then sidý down the 'brass Pole and after thanking the fireianý who had shown them around, they. left.-Foster Gilgis, Troop 13, acting reporter, Club Vista del Lago. accompanied uy some peoplev came to sec how '1roop 10 was g ting along. 'Before closing the me ing with the Scoutmasters' Benec tion, we played a game called 'St the "!acon."-John King, Tnoop Wilmette, Logan school. me evn prnteav. on it. boo ar the an nour aina then had> a tew stunts points are as follQws: Stags, 10; Bats, which the Pipe Tnee patrol won. Af- I 2/; Beavers, 4; Black Bears, 1,/; ter the stunts Mr. Leach gave us 'a. IMoose, j42, and Eagles, 3/. The con- short talk on Scouting and wc then. test.has created a lot .of enthusiasm closed the meeting.-Gerald, Spinnen, and tends te be very successful- Troop 4, Winette, ýSt.. Augustine's Bob Fuilton,'Tnoo p 13. l Ch urch. DONT FORGET D.s't fée tthe. WIIuatt. Boy à-- Hobby 8how mmd Court of at 7:30 et "i.Byrn St.11 .&ew y. Mora I