SpringHose $1Pair Phoenix interprets the vogue in men's hose in tensof fine lisle-and-.silk' mixed sox, in new colors, with. embibidered .. cloac. ýChoosc f rom three styles aud. new colors, sizes 10 to 12.- Broadcloth Shirts, $1.95 Wie boldt es -- .ao-Md Unexcelled in quality andi workmanship these. shirts are* pre-shrunk insuring 'permanent fit.. Splendidly de- signed, in a choice of. white or. figured broadcloth. A Second Group aet $21095- Made, of exclusively patterned madras, and broad- cloth*the shirts in, this group are available îlu coUr- attached style or wit h twQ uiatching collars. -INew Allen-,A Shorts,$ Properly sized ta assure comfort and long wear these athietie shorts with elatit back adjustment corneini white or figured broadcloth, sizes 30 to 44. Notable values at $1. Allen-A Lisle Shirts In ribbed or plain effe«t these 75. shirts are priced at .... 75 Men4. s ESua>-Fei7st Ploor .1À77 0001 Hi*s Hat Will Be A ýMallory --at $8 Atways the ultimate in bat fashios for men these Mallorys are of a quality which surpasses anytbing we have offered in yeams .The Homburg aud suap-brim models corne in crystal grey or ecru. Snap-brim Maflory bats, $6. Other bats at $5-and $6. Easte r Styles Fro m Our Boys' Juni.or Town- Suit's With 2 Pairs. Knickers 1O*95 Intypical uew tweed patterns waves or- plain blue cheviol Jaunty tEnsembles For. Master 4 .-to-i O,, herringbone these suits l EBOLDT3-EVANSOW- Davis Sre Wilmette 10 Shop ,Coat. at Cap at $1 i