Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Mar 1931, p. 52

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airP. m. Paiday evenig, March 27, at 8:15 oébýk,' marks the one big dramatic Mb t of the catire season for the ~ICedworth club. Annually the club prescnts something of this nature asi each year it continues to be a moit. popular attraction. It will.lie held> at the Josephi Sears Scbool Me-ý morial 'gymiiasium, 542 Abbottsford roaWl Kenilwvorth wt admission by' ticket only. Xy way of variety the comàmittecs, wata Ms. enyZander as chairman, dec$ded to produce a tbree act plav tWié year. It lias meant weeks of thosaght, energy, rehearsing, and plan- nitg. It presents the -play "Thank Yà«," by Winchell Smith and Tom Cushing, with a cast "vicb, inctude Mas. .Harry. Olin, Wendell'(Jtark, Ehue Nygaard, Dean Hole, Mrs. Alfred Hodge,. Mrs. 'Wendell Clark, Tom Gillett, Mrs. Herbert Bartling, Alfred Wiltberger, A. . Peterson,' DeWitt Stâlman,,:Courtenay Davis, Traylor Ward, Harold Barnes, Samn Va, Harry Weese, Charles Driver, Hrbert 'Taylor, and- Mis. Zander. Thte play' il under the direction of Miss Nelle C. Wiley with special permission and arrangement of the Samuel Frenchi company, of NeN-v York. Costumes are being furnished by N. A. Hanna and company of Spanisbl Court and the furniture is loaned by, Wieboldt's of Evanston. Mr. Nygaar-1 has been most gtnerous in cooperat- iaag with the management in the useý of stage settings anid stage equip-' muent. Menibers are requested to note that the play will be*given at the Joseph Sears gyaunasium instead of at the Kenilworth club. This is donce to aq- sure seating arrangements for more than the club rooms wi1li accommo- date. Meut to Discuas Plans fot Production of Play On Monday afternoon IMrs. Mar- shall Kearney entertained thc fine arts commttee at a joint meeting wth Mrs. Samuel' Moore and the ways and imeans committee to per- I s c I a c Mrs. Frank "X. Thale ofý 710 Linden avenuie,,(ai lef t) wlmette ii: presdeitiof et/e, Woman's 'C0",o lic, club, of Wilrnette ýand is, active- 13, interested in the play, <'Vour LTnele- Dudley,"' ts*fch thte club is presenting Priday, April 10, at thte Womat!sl club, for thte beie fit of the churcht building fund of St. F ranýcli Xaz4er arish. Photo by Toloff M r.-. Marshall Kearney, 905 Greeniwood avenue, (at right) chairman of' the. fine arts department of the club, is taking the part of the domineering mother lin the comedy. Mrs. Kearney is a graduate of the school of speech of Northwestern îrniversity and bas been associatcd with many amateur, groups: in Chicago and on the north shore. Baron, B atones. G estsa of Honor at Dinner Dance> Mn. and Mns. Carroll Shaffer of Highlandi Park gave a dinner dance rhursday evening at tbe Vista del Lago club ln honon, of Baron and Baroness Karl Ferdinand Tinty 'of Scballaburg and Plankenstein, Au- stria, and Dr. and. Mrs. John' Torek of Pit tsbungh, and New York. The*_ Bâroness, a necent bride, is the, laugliter of Dr. and Mns. Torok and acousin of Carroll Shaffen. Tbe Bar- on and Baroness expect to make their hoomc half of the year in New Yoack Jusnior Auxiliarg Wl Hu.as Committee Reports On Thursday evening, Apnil 2, there ill be a meeting of thc Junior Aux- iliary of the Woman's club of Wil- mette at the club. At this time 'Miss Marion Cook as the thc new v- president, and Miss Helen Hayes asý recording secretary (continuing the office she has filled so satisfactonily tbe past three months);, both having been elected at the meeting of March 12, will take office. The rest. of the of- a group of weddings occurrang the last of Mardi and 'during April took place. Ona Saturday, March 21. in the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway of 207 Cumber- land' road, Kenllworth, Miss Jane Ridgway became,-the bride of Wilý- liam B. Plumer of B rookline, Mass. The ceremony was performed hy Dr. Herbert L., Willett -of ,the-Kenïlwortb. Unionchurch at 8:30 o'clock in the evening in the, living 'room wbich as- su med. the aspect of a beautiful formai ganden with its box tre hedges and:trees of jonquils. Large. baskets of flowers and éther floral, decorations were arranged tbnough- out the otherroins where the re-. ception ,was held' and -the wedding supper was -served: *The. bride wore a charminig dness of heavy antique. ivory satin made witb siceves an& bodice of real rose- point lace. Her beaded headdress wIs. close fitting and from it'fell the -long cloverleaf ivory net train. Hee bridal bouquet was a garaipd of hile, of the valley and gardenas which reached from her armn almost to the hem~ of her dress. The two matronu of honor, Mrs. William Adair of johnston, Pa., and a sister of the bride, Mrs. Samuel Clark of Winnetka, wore ciel blue gowns *of brocaded chiffon with matching bolero jackets trimmed in ostrich feathers. The bridesmnaids, Mns. Leon Ellis of Kenilworth, an- other sister of the bride; the Misses Beatrice. and Dorothy Plumner of, Boston, sisters of 'the 'bridegroorn, and Mrs, Rober-t Weiss of Boston, wore frocks of yellow of the saine, style. Each' carried a' siali muiff of' ostrich feathers whicb had as a center a bouquet 0fjonquils. They ail Wone blue satin sippérg. The littie ring bearer,. Robent Ells, son of one of the matrons of. honor, carried the weddîing.ring ,on an ivÔry satin pillow. Leon Plumer, brother of the bride- grom, was best man. He arrived .a few days before the wedding f rorm the east with bis parents, Mr. and 1.4. K. Jour- Honora &ide-Elect Mas. Frederick S. Rye of 1714 F«egt aveque was hoStess at a lunch- em Saturday in boaor ýof Miss Ruth Uinof Crwu Point Who is to be- obtethebride of Horace M. Moder- *Mu MIVanetou.tomorrow, at' taie home of ans. A. E. .uunder, 909 Cbestnut aveniue- The assisting hostesses wifi be Mrs. Frank AdIams, Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow, and Mns. Wil- limSheliman. 'A luncheon.will be served at 1 o'cock and the day will b. spent in sewmng.. za anua.allernoUUU 4: 'iUclodck. Monday the next. regular weekly bridge -luncheon occurs with Mrs. A. H. :Goodhue and Mrýs. ,Samuel B. FPlefgen tbe hostesses. Celebrate Bwtthdag Mr. and Mns. Edw.in B. Knudts'on, gave a, difnier party laqt Sunday', eve- nlng-at Shawnee oun!Ty club forý sixteen, guests, the'occasion being Mr. Knudtsones birthday.

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