iuto apartulents of distinction and " «a"a'c'A0u"Lul charm, when thé group of members met. Mr. - Cook is a member of th% of classes in bouse design and dec- family which established a professor. ration, taught by Anna Helga Hong- ship i art at Northwestern univer. at Northwestern university, visited sity a few years ago i memory o: themin ast Wcdnesday, guests of Ray- their mother, Mrs. Ida C. Cook Teeho.Ivestment Securities Pott ODce Box 44 WILINTH 2717 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgsges -WILMIErrE, ILLINOIS )DISTRIBUTORS. 0F SUPER-CORPORATIONS 0F AMBRICA TRUST SHARES s8hould not b ">(too fixeé"qf UN VERSA!J~~I~IjHRUS uiversalTrutt 8har«s rePie- sent a partlclpatnL ownership la the cormne.s okofthe Coupailles listed below: IITILITIES Ainerican Power & Light Co. American Tel. & Tel. Company Consolidated Gas Co>. o! N. Y. Electrlc Bond and Share Co. Niorth Amcrican Com»pany Unlted Gao Imprqvement Co. RAILS Atchison, Top. & S. F. Ry. Co. Chesapeakce & Ohio Ry. Co. New-York CentralR. R. Co. Union Pacifie Railrogd Co. Gulf 011 Corporation of, Penna. Standard 011 Company of Cal. Standard 011 Company (Indiana) Standard 011 Complapiy (N. J.ý) INDIISTBIALS Âll1ed Chemical & DyeCorp. American Can Company.1,,.. Amerkcan Smelting &.Rief. Co. Arnerican Tobacco Co.' (0100 T HE idea of a long-tenu invest ment in a fixed portfolio of higii grade com- mon stocks is based on the soundest theories and well proved in experience. There ha. been only one, flaw in the makeup of the. typical fixed trust-the. lack of provision for weedin9 out individual stocks that show signs of weakhiess in quality, that is, for replacing9 them before they undergo :serious declines, and doing this without conferring the managemenit privilege. a change in the presettfax situation, Cwhereby the real estate owners pa,% -85q% of the fax burden, and repre- -sent less than haif the wealth and Sonly ten percent of the population. The petition is the resuit of action -taken by the Board of Directors of the Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards. This organization consists of -fifty-five -real estate boards,, of which twenty-thr-ee have property oWners: divisions. Presidenit. George, P. Nixon and Executivè. Director 1Ralph V. Field'signed the pétition, -whiich, is, as follows: WHEREIAS, the constituti on of the State of Illinois was adopted when the People were -engaged -almost exclusively In. agricultural pursuits and WHEREAS, at the, present, time this has iargely changed and the great mna- jority of the people now live in towns and cities and the State has become one of the 'foremnost industrial States In the, Union and- WHREREAS, this change d condition makes many of. the provisions In the constitution obsoiete- and diffleuit. of application in the present compiex needs cf society and especialiy those section.,; relating to rvenue andthe irethods of-- taxation. Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVEI) that we call upon his excellency, Governor Louis L. Eni- merson, to transmit a special message to the Generai Assembly of the State of, Illinois requesting the passage of neces- sary legisiation to p'rovide for a consti-, tutionai convention at the earliest prac- ticable dat e. The foregoing preamble and resolùtion was unanimousiy ado pted at a specl meeting of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Association of Real EstateC boards participated In by a large nuin- ber o! delegates 'representing the con- stituent boards, NVhich was held In the City of Springfield on Feb. 18, 1931. BILDING CURVE UPWARIW Clarence Woolley, head of thec Amnerican Radiator company, saidc the other day, "For the first tirne in twenty-eight mronths the curve onN private residence building,' that hadS been steadily going down, turned up_-à ward.", That is important says the i Chicago Real.,Estate board. Building private residences shows returning il courage, and courage> Must corne be- M fore prosperity. & EXPERT; but iias încreaseau us revvnue in field of specialized activities from - $181 ,084 in 1929 f0 $231,285 in 1930, according to the annual report of President A. J. Cermak,. n0w iii the hands of the -printer. Golf bas Proved one of the most. popular activities, carried on by the Forest Preserve- district, President Cermak's report reveals. The district nowý operafes fhree 18-ble. courses and one 9-holeý course 'and. owns fwo, others which are. operated. by mnuni- cipalities. Fromn the courses operated and direcfed 1y the, district, the in- corne was increased from $1 13,000 in 1929 to $152,000 in,1930. At the saine Urne fhe cosf ôf operaf ion was reduced, from $81,000 in 1929 f0 $77,. 000 in *1930. Impo rtant improvementscalled for in 1931 are a. swimmning pool af Mil- waukee and. Devon. avenues, and two, additional golf courses, one at 142nid street and Harlemg avenue and the -other at Cumberland avenue and FPorest drive. I'hey are needed flhe report sets forth, fo meet the rapidly growing demands of the public for golf courses, and for additional swim- mning facilities, and will be supple- mented by a program* for the ilevel- opinent of proper sanitation, shelter and parking grounds. The program will be largely financed from the pro- ceeds of the $2,500,000 bond issue au- tborized at the November 4 election. The report specifically praises the work of Charles G. Sauers, general su-' perintendent of the For-est Preserve district, and the advisory committee, composed of General Abel Davis, chairman; Edward E. Brown, Fred W. flrummel, Daniel H. Burnham,. Walter J. Cox, Rufus C. Dawes, Wil- S. Eliiott, John C. Lewe, John T.- McCutcheon, Chiarles W. S$eabiury,ý and Robert, Kingery., Mr. Cermak furtber reveals, that the Cook CountyForest Preser 1ves imere increased' 500 acres during 193.0, bringing the 'total acreage f0t 33,000, whic~h is within 2,000 acres 'of the egal limif of 35,000. It is expecfed to comnplete the prograni for the re- -w, ?hsu. ond me fum4er laforumtion concerint Unhv.rsal Trust Shares.. . .. ......... .... ........... ........... .......... 521 MAIN ST. R~POOFWAREJbOUSF. TABLeS FOR lIENT FOR IL LOCCASIONS WILMETTE 32 L 4 M 0 A 7474