Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Mar 1931, p. 71

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weco.ne. tua** ritu urrtiivcm ."Worship ln Wilmette" ln "Aj0 House of Worship." Holy Week wIlI be observed wlth fit- tlng services on Wednesday, Thurstiay,' a.nti Frltiay evenings. 'I-he.,services be- gin at 8 o' dock., The genéral theme of the. meditations wIli> be: "What shall 1 do then ýwith Jesus whlch is called Christ ?11 A union Lutheran service will be held in StL PaUI's Lutheran church, Evans- ton,, on -Good..Friday. The service:be- gins at 12 noon, anti closes at 3 o'clock., This congregation *111 cooperatie ln tiis service. "The seven worde from the Christ on the cross will formi the'basis for the meditatiOns. MethodistCuc 66COME AND WORSHIP." .Hère your effort to.worshlp wlll.be..quiekelied by, the stlmulating speli of a noble ,sanctu- ary; kln'dled by the contaigious presence of a gootily company of fellow seekers. af te? Godi el'1evtLted by the mystic power of' music "which lifts us to the. verge of the infinite andi lets us peep oe';di'recteti by >the persuasion of preachi.ng which has the quiality of bu- man interest; gulded by, the spirit founti »iily where prayer Is "won't tu ho matie"; andi freed fromn eneYvating mys- ticism by a sense of life's cornmanding challenge to high endeavor. .The pastor's sermon for Palm, Suntiayý wil be "This Man Continueth ForeBver." The choir will sing "The Palmn Trees"* byFarean "Jerusalem" by Parker. This service will be heid at 11. o'coc in the sanctuary. The High School - league anti 'Young People's department will have a joint candle-light service Suntiay evening at 5:.30 ln thé sanctuary. Dr. Smith wili speak on "Is Life a Pienie or a Cru- saie ?" Miss Margaret Stgifford will slng andi Miss Marie Briel will hé at thé organ. Théré will be five special evenlug services next week beginnlng at 7:45 andi lastIng onle hour. The achedule 14 as follows: Monday-"A Hani 'Stretched Ont in Hope.,. Tuesday-"A Never-to-be-Foegottefl L&ok." Wednesdiay-"A Prayer Ever. -te Be Itemembereti."' Thuratiay-A Communion Service for Frliaày-"The Crucifixion" by - the choir. Dr. Sm~ith wlll speak, brlefiy Monday, Tuestiay, anti Weclnestiay evenirigs. The Denison uniiersity Gle club will sing Tuestiday night. closing with sacredi mius lc appropriate to thé tiay. A supper serveti after the manner of the early disciples will precede the, asKa t uvIwe the pastor. ýThe Russian Cossack'chorus il lpre- .ent a concert at the Suntiay EvenIrig *?lIub this week at ý7:30 lu the Congre- gational .church. The Woman's Aid society will holt i ts 'regular anonthly meeting1 Thursday, April 2, at the'church. The schednle is: as follows: 106 . .M.-Bxedutlve c ommittee meet- ing anti division meetings. 12 Noin--Joint luncheo-First divi_- sion servlng. 1:30 P. M.-Business, meeting and A phenoménal growth ln our church school attendance has been the record for mfany months. Our average 4*ten- dance now is, around four hundreti, whilé a short time ago It was untier three huntireti. New enrollmenits. have been matie each Suntiay but one since thé first of ast. September. This haF been tue to gooti equipment, Improveti meithotis, beet ; materlals, -high Ideals, anti personal devotion, For at least two Wetinestify nghts followlng Easter, we shall make use of the ~safldtuary 'for tthé nmld-wee1tmeet- ing, beglnnlng promptly at 7:45 anti loslng ln an heur. These services willl combine eenients of our regular tievo- tionai meeting with something ef thé silence of a Quaker meeting anti the elé- vatlng tignity of those meetings in which one feels as thôugh hé hati realhy -lifted his heart up tinte the hilîs." "Thé Passing of the Third Floor I3ack," a three-act play by Je'rome K. Jerome, will be given by a cast of oiur own people on April 22 anti 24. This trama is one of the few really signifl- cant productions of. recént years. A sprlng luncheon fer the women of thé church wilhl h held Thursday, April 23. Boy Scouts andi their parents will share in an évening meal at.thé church Friday, April 17. First Congregational John G. Hindley. minister J. Clair~ Meati Dietrof religions éducation Theé service of worship. for Palm Sun- day will be helti at, 10:45 a. m. Mr. *Hlndleyý will. continue his séries of ser- mnons on *ILtveable Beiefs', preachlng on -theé subjeot,' "The Common Sense Jesus." The Junior andi Senior choi" willh slng spécial number§, anti the Pri- mary tiepartment wlll take part ln h service. A Junior story will be give LOANS, ON. REAL ESTATE well located and carefuffly selected, are. alwayS acceptable to. conservative investors. As Baîrd & Werner eis mn the market for such Ioaais, it wili be to yorae tage 9.lnecn your present joan to write or cail this office. B]RAIRD & WARNE 528 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855' PO?~~1 L - Phone Winnetka Night or Day 3ý HEATING..SEÈYICE Co* Orrington et 'Davis Evanston, Illinois I "i 0 m

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