bo and the - amue in nerey ame ae .z rend as follows: PROPORTION4S 0F PLAIN CON- CRETE. The'qualityr of matenials and the methodaet f.handling..platin concrete ahal hothe same as ýspeci- ied for- re-infonced cuireto. The proportion sahlho esuch as te pro- duce a concrete having a minimum cOmpre.ssive streugth at 98 days ef 2000 pounda per square Inch, as specified under the rgulations fer re-inforcod coei'te.. TRal said . ordinance e4>itled "n Oriauonlaigte bulidings"' ho srnded by addlng therpto a niew sec- tien 1617,10 read an follows. CONCRETE B LOCIC. The ave-. age comipressive strength of con- crote block or tile usod for oxtelor VMrty walls. or pIons shal ho nol ieu titan 700 pounds per square Inch cf gnos soctionai area, tested lu position as:used lunlteé wall. The absorption of coucrete block or t11e under a 24 hour Immersion test shall net exceed 14 pounds of wator par oule foot oet actual inaterlal lu lte block, except that whero con- crote block or 1110 bave au aven- age compressive strenglt et over 1200 pounds per square Inch grosa ares, or where they are net exposed te dauipness or witere they are coatod with stucco, lte requireulent as te absorption rnay ho waivod. Tests on concrete block shall ho couducled lu accordanco wlth lte Standard Spécifications oethlie Amreican Concrete Iustitute. That Section 1706 et said ordînauce be sud the -sarne le henehy asrnded by addlng to sald Section four (4) uew paragraphe designated as' "(t), (g), (1 ),"' to road as folews: RSE <t) DRAWINGS 0F RJSS AND SPECIAL FRAMING niay ho neqiured. Drawinga et woo4 anti steel trusses and spécial an>d un- usuai frarng, showlnglté ise of. members shal ho submltted with plans and spécifications, te lte Building Commrissioner, and Wheu requlred by sald Building Commis- sioner a stress diagrani, shewing stresses iu the membersi, shall be likewlse subrnltted. (g) TF3MPO1tARY SUPPORTS. Evéry Temporary Support pýlaced unider auy strucînno durlug lteé coustructioii. alteratien or repaîr oft any building, or structure or' I.o. De' etor of compression and'absorption re-, quired Iu Ibis Ordinatice.. (3) ST1ENGTH AND ABSORP- TION. The strength and absorp- tien of concrete or tile blocks, used for bearng walls, party walls and Pieo, shah be as speclfied lu para- graphi 1611 of thlh Ordinauce. Concrete blocks shiah net be used lu >construction untîl they have at- tained the age of ý28 dayrs, uer 'un- tiil hey, have develeped the re- qulred streuglh. (4) MORTAR. Eltiier Portlaid ernent mortar, ceomposed of one. (1) part. of Portland cernent te net more titan three,,(3), parts of sausi, pîroportloned by volume. with an allowable' addition, of hyAnated limhe net t10 exceed fifleen (15) per cent. of the cernent by volume, or -a spécial cernent-lime mortai mixesi e 1 proportion of eue (1) part etf ortiaud: cemeut, oue (1) part of alalted lime (lime putty) or dry hydratéd lime, sud net. more than four (4) parts of sand, shal h used for beàang'and exterlor walis cf coucrete block or 111. (6) WORKING $TRESSES. The allowable worklug stresses for con- crete 'block construction shal e net te exceed 70 pounds per square lIhof n grs secîtinal ai'oa w4,en laid lu the wall wlth the cells ver- tical and thirty (30) pouuds per square inch cf grosa sectional area, wheu laid lunlte wall wlth lte colla horizontal. (6) CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. At the tirne cf application fer the Building Permit, where. concroto blocks are te ho used, the contrac- ter sha.ll furulsh the Bu ilding Cern- taîssioner witb a certificato from the National'-Boarid of Fine Under- wrltors, stating that lte blocks te ho used on the job are of ap- proved manufacture and that thoy conform tb the specificatlons of the National Board cf Fine Under- writers. (t)-(1) CONSTRUCTION RE - QUIREMENTS-H-ow Laid. Cen- crete blocks shall ho laid se ltat lte shelle and webs miait be super- posed upon the shells and webs of the adjacent block or blocks ho- 10w. (2) CARRYING CAPACITY OF. WALLS. If a wall la h uilt -ef blocks wlth the colls laid horizon- taliy, whichi re deslgnëd.'te be uer- nially vertical, or .1< baud courses of , such blocks wiïh, colla horizon- tally are laid. lu a Wall otherwlse built oethle saine-bloclça witit the clis ve rticaàlly,, the carrylug capac- ity of such wall be calcùlated froni lte. stx'ength of 'the blocks tested with ther celis honlzfltally.. when the lhniting distance is ver- tical * Sufficient bonding or an- chorage shall be provided between the wall and supports to resist the assumed wlnd pressure tn an out- ward direction. Piero and buttresses shali have suflcient strength and stability to transmhi. ail forces ând loade to the. ground. (9) PIERS. Pesof iconcrete blocka shall be filled with concrete andshh lot exceed ln height ten (10) tumes their, least horizontal dimensions. (10) CHASES ANDRECESSES. Chases and recesses lu wall of con-, crete, blocks shall not exceed ln depth one-third of the wâll thicl<- neas, shall ho vertical enly, shall flot. eccur: within 6' of any outaide angle. Ail recosses shall be filled solid around pipes or duets from 6 bolow to 16" above the bottom of each. joint with cernent mortar. No rocesa shall occur lu 8" thlck walls. Chases and recesses shall but >be cut In, walla 0of thîs type but shall be' built lu. Radiator recesses beueath windows may be recosaed to wUthin 40 of theoûot- s ide fae. ,of the- wall. That Section 1717 of sald ordinàne be and the same la hereby repeale.d, andi t4at sald ordinauce.ho and the same la hereby- -amended by adding, thereto a uew section deslgiiated as Section 171I7, te read as follows: FOUINDATION CONSTRUCTION. The foundatiens shall be construct- ed of stone. or gravel coucroto, dimensions atone, or rubble stone, sewer or paving brick, iron or steel imbedded ln concrote, or pilies, or a, combinatien of any of thé saie. Ail nmasonry foundations shall ho laid lu cernent mortar. Foundiatli walls of Class 111 Buildings shall be carried to the undorside of the floor joists. That Sections 1734 to 1756, beth In-, clusive, of sAld ordinance bc and thé, saine are hereby repealed, and that saisi ordinance ho and the sameie s hereby arnended by adding thereto a new sec- tion deslgnated as Section 1734, to reasi as follows : REINFORCED CONCRETE CON- STRUCTION. T4ie structural de- tonial and supervision of ail relu- forced concreto construction, shall eonform to thc Tentative Building, Regulationa for reinforced concrete, adopted by the American Concrete Institute, February 29, 1928, a copy of wliich la on file Iu the office of the Building Comiasioner~ That Section 1799 of said ordinancé be and the saie la hereby amended by, adding thoreto .aub-sections (a), () (c), (d), (e), (f), ()and (),to read as follows: (a) DIMENSIONS 0F' TIMBERS to 3 feet. Two 2 inch by 6 ich for spaus up to 4 feet and 6 Inches. Two 2 inch by 8 inch for spans up to 7 feet. Two 2 inch by 10 inch for spana up to 9 feet, aud for larger spans thes aize' shall ho cornputed as requirtvd for wooden construction by tlt ,Building *Ordlnauoe. At the aides of the opeulngs ex- codlg three feet in width, there shahl be :two stida oen each sid», the lmuer one of which shah ,be cut level st the top te form aIear- ing for the bridging timber. Short pleces of stud B hall n*t ho used -for this. purporie. (d), JOISTS AND RAFTERS. Nô Wood floor joists or roof. rafters used lu, buildings ef Wood construc- tion shal De 1058 than'two luches ln thickuess and shaîl be pro por- tionod ' to f carry sùfely the loada. perrnltted byý the ordinance.1 Every wooden Jolst and other tim- ber member lu any part of a tine Wall shall be'separated fromf evèry. other joint or beain entering the' opposite aide of the, Wall by at least six luches of solid. 'masoury, sucli a separationmay be obtalueéd by. staggerlng the Wood memabers or by corbehlng. If the 'ends c f the Wood mombors are opposite, each ôther . the cWall te separation shalho flot less titan elght luches. Every woe4 joint, except header aud taMl joistsi shall rost at each oud,,four luches iu a Walil or on.a corbel, a bearn, girder or column. The end of the floor or noof Joints which neat lu masonry wals shali ho cut te a bevel of at least thréee inchea lu their depth., Neithor' end of a. floor or roof jolst shail be supported by a stud partition, oxcept lu buildings of Class III.- Whiere joista reat upon masoury., everST fifth Joist shall be aucho red te, the wall with eue-quarter by two inlch wroug4xt iron T. anchor twenty-four luches long, securely splkod te the àside of the jolst near the. bottoni. Where joists run parallel wlth. the walls, joists shall be anchored te the walls by oue- quarter by lwo inch wroiukht irou T. anchors set te mun over three joiats and, spaced net more ýthan three féet on contera. The anchors- shah hbe set imb the top ef the- joins. and shalho securely spikP~d te s.anie. ýý1 e The ends of wood jolats reating on girdoms. or bearing partitions. shall be:woll lapped aind ,apiked togethor Or they shall ho strapped together with . wrought iren atrapa 0f the sainie se and distance apiart and' lu the sainie mauner as -for Wall -anchors. Wdfloor aud 'cellihg, aud roof .0ball De as L. be, 4sed. foir ment Wabhs ulfidings or net .keOd, retea forced Wlth >steel soiidly . wllh onc tels shOI b. desl suewilb 1h. ui sBlI* DO rein- rgodàan sdfilled ýt. Sucüh. lin-, ned lu' accord- ttrëee",ansd bopards, 'net bolss titan nine-six- leenlh luches thlck sud attache;l wlth aI east eight pennyý nails sgptLced net oves' four ,luches apart on o.ach slnd, sud ail buildings for Al spaces hetwecu ltechirnuey and wooden boarna or jêlats shali hé fllled wittii Ihonthustibie materlals. The header I)eams, carrying lte taal bearne of 1he floor, and sup- portlug theé'trimmer sncb lu front ofthlie fireplace shall ho set net boss titan twenty luches from the, *chimney brest. 'No wooden turring shall. eplaced agans lutny ichlmney; lte plastering