Partitions that have the plates and soles of at least two-inch materials shal ho considéred properly fire stop- When . jolots rest upon, rlbbon sup- Ports., the space betwëen the studs shall be completely stoppedl by means of a twe-inch thick matorial, placed at the bottorn of the ribbon and the top of the Joints so, as to crnpetely close_ off the space between the studs at bo th places, or the space between the bot-' tom of the Joins. to a point fçur Iinches Above the. top cf the saineé may be filled between -the. -studs With Incombustible materials. 'he, surface of -the walle behtnd wainscoating shall be plastered flush .with the ground down to thé floor line. The spaee between the istair carniages shall be fire stot>ped a.t ieast once Iln the middle portion of each run.. (h) STUD PARTITIONS. Studs in boaing partitions shah be flot.lesas $han two inches by four Inchez ln dimensions -at right ariglos to Uic plane of the wall. Beaning partItions shall be providod with double, plates at thetop. each at le4st two inches thic1k and of the sanie width as theo studs. openings in stud intenter bearing par- titions shall be b.idged at the top with two tlibers net on odge o e crlowi-- *ing minimum dimensions: Two 2-inch by 6-inch for spans up te 3 foot and 6 Inches. Two 2-inch b y 8-inch for spanu' uiJ te 4 foot ando6 Inches. Two 2-inch by 10-inch for spans up te 5 feet and 6 inches. Two 2-inch by 12-ficeh for spans Up te 6 foot and 6 Inches. Two 2-inch by 14-inch for spans up to 8 -foot and 6 inchés. and for lonlger spans the size shal) be comiputed as required for. wood con-. struction by the Building Ordinance. At the sides of the openings exceed- ing three foot ln width, there shall hoe two, studs on each ide, the inner one of which shail hé cut lovel at thc top) to , fonin a bearng for the bidging timber. Short pieces of studs shall net be used for ts purpôse. Bearing stud Partitions shah: be bridgod once ln each story helght. SECTION 2: That ail ordinances and Parts of ordinances in conflict with this * ordin-ance be and the sanie are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance slhaîl be in force from'and afttr its passàge and approval. .PASSED bv the Présideunt and Board of Trustees of the. Village of Wiln-ette, this l17th gay of, March, A.- D. -1931, andý deposited and filed inu:the -office of the' Village Ciork of said Village, this l7tb day cf March, A. D. 1931. On, their hind lefgs" ýis the way the top sergeant describes the. raw re- 1cruits. af ter a f ew -days of' outdoor exercise and training in a C. M. T. C. citizehship schoô1. When hmÔst of the ybung men arrive, they straggle around, leaning on one foot, witb one elbow resting in air, They. soon snap out of it, bowever, and stand "qn their hind legs," look one squarely ini the eye and generally biave that smnart "front"' that gets a person somewbere ini daily life these days. The Ameni- can Legion tbrougbout the country, sponsors the Citizens' Military Train- ing camps because they teach young men the principles of good govern- ment, healtbful living and obedience to law. The camp for the North Shore dis- trict will be held at Fort Sheridan this year as usual, from juJy 30 to Augu-st 29. Any young man between the ages Said ordinance p)rovides for the pay- ment. of said assessment in ten (10) ti- stalhnents, with annual interest thereon at the. rate of six Per cent ver annum. dlay Of. March, A. D. 1931. * CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Ixnprove- monts of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinoi.s. to inake solid assessment. vacation at Government expense at the C. M. T. C. is a very popular one, 'and several times more men ap- ply. for admission than can be ac- commodated. Thus it is advisable to. apply early, as the rule of "first corne. first serve&' applies.1 Full information mîay be obtained from any member of. Wilmette Post No. 46, American Legion, or by telè- phoning Wilmette 1084. -John B. Stanton. Vivyennc Morin. Will Sing at Culture Club Miss Vivyenne Moin,635 Maple avenue, mezzo--sopra no, will give the program for the Spring Breakfast of -the Chicago Culture club next Monday in the Bal Tabarin of the Hotel Sherman., Miss Ruth Truska, 715 Forest- avenue,. will be her ac- companist. This winter Miss, Morin has ap- peared before a great many Chicago and north shoree wgsnizations and besides having prepared ber own pro- grains, bas coacbed a number of otber vocalists who bave been doing public work. Starting in tbe fali Miss Morin plans to open a class in foundation work for a number of north shore, girls starting on a musical career. The Ralph Starretts of 221 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilwortb, bave, re- turned to their borne f romn a sojourri j oc ,bchnt Fniday afternooui members of the auxiliary will visit their Unit, No. 8, at Great Lakes, taking cigars, candy, magazines, and, cards along for the, boys. Mrs. Mildred Steffens atteftded the, district: board meeting at the home of Mrs. Mabel King, MS2 N Paulina street, Cbicago- Candidates for Wilmette Ni»ie Regdy to Practice The first warm Sunday afternoon will find the Village Green swarming with candidates for 'this year's Wil- mette basebaîl team. The great suc* cess of las'year's. ie will probably bring out-a-large number of aspirants. Practically al of last year's -nuembers bave signified their wlllinWness :t play with Whrette thèe omin~g season. Anyone witb basebail experience is inviteld, to try out. .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S Koenien, 1710 -Forest 'avenue, antnounce the birth of a son, March 1,- at St. FTan- cis hospital, Evanston. -0- Miss Beryl Billimack of Minmette is spending a few days visiting in ]Baldwn. Ti APrul,. A. D. 1931, at ton o'ciocl; A. M., or 'as soon thorp.-fter as the business 'Of the court ivili permit. Ail porsons desinipg may Ile objections ln said court before 'ail day anil may appear: on Uic boarlig and malçe their defnse. Drawn for Wilmette Coal &.Material ,Yard LTA 01 Me k Ceuni, onseosm iL. 11 MK L4-t -- m