sp8..Aari uS uramLa i>c A 1'iI IUman. JEach part was wetl chosen. Elmer Nygaard, better known as the superin- tendent of the Kenlworth school, took the leadjng part. As 'the, Rev. David Lee he was lble and con- vincing. It was a fffcult part in itssimpticity and, sincerity and Mr. Nygaard brought a genuinely true characterization. Mrs. Herbert Bartling in the role of the Rev. Lee's vivacious niece. recently arrived fromf Paris1 aea excellent performance. She is lovety- to tojc poq and as the part called M f~just, tbis' type,. it was a. great satsfaction to the audience. In the tast act particularly she gave a spar- * kling performance enhanced by a most becoming gown. Empbasis can justly be, given in' * - praise, to each member of the cast perhaps the outstanding in this. rather long lit was !the work of *Dean Hole as Anê JBeardsley. The naine "Aùdy Beardsley" brings a certain type to mind, rather humorous, farmerish, - likalile, demanding broad character. ýor , and very easily overdone. Mr. Hoie brought a splendid piece of dramatic interpretation flot in the least over-acted. He received, a great deal of applause f rom tbe audience. Mrs. Zander as the maid, was very *good. Just a toucb of a sniall townl gossip was brought in costume and * portrayat by Mrs. Harry Otin who sacriiced ber own attractive per- JO, accordiîng to ' Zibble. The first c one for a chirnney ire at the Walter Re Mitchell borne, 1009 Oakwood avenue, ami one for an automobile ire. No damage resulted f rom these ires, Fire Chief Zibble reported.- SPJING i th'e HME. Spring cleaning, at its best, is no sniall task. The miodemn woman employs the neWest honsecleaning helps to aid ber. To ac-, complish the task in the newest, quickest and moat pleasant wav consuit MIU~EN'S. SWIFTEE The newest In- ventilon for cleanlng shades, wali paper,.and caisomlned walis. Chemle- alIy treated tub-, ber sponge willl cdean 9 ýroons.' soc BONDEX "The paint eter- nal" for concrete a in d masonary surfaces. Tt Will. not rub of.f. Waterproofs thb e wall. SPARKLE LiquId .'glass cleaner. "Make wlndow Wash- lflg a pleasure."! It actsanad leaves the glass elean -and spar- kling. econoini- calI. Sie FL4^X SOM5 .Por aU cleanlng purpe. mIi not Injure the moa13t delicate surface. 'Use It on yoqr piano or your car. 1 1b. can 5.- lbcan SSILF K. V. P. can be wlped with a damp eloth. 100- ft.,rolla. 29-20-14 luches wide. Priced at *1.00 -75e and WOC Lt~ 1 " rVara". P)ries lurd 4* 4 hosrf Fur gloralino- leuin, wooEwork a n il furniture. Heeiproof a n d *waterproof. Morton Jones, Who. had two normal and interesting cbildren. These parts were taken by Mrs. Wendell Clark and Tom GilIett.ý The. vestry consisting of. DeWVitt Stitîrnan, Sam Vait, Courtney Davis, j . Harold Barnes, Taylor Ward, Harry W-éese, were excellently -portrayed., Mr. Weese as spokesmail was most, natural. Charles Driver gave a short, well defined characterization of the butter, ~~,,:&~;:: Paint no sub- ir good ageur Now's the Time to Plan Your Spring Painting Our coinplete assortment of Paints and Painiter's Sùp-. plies are ready for your use.. You. will ind thie prices, Iower, yet the quality retn3ins the samei. ise Mlle C. WiIoy was dimletor Of the play, Mrs. 14'awrence Mitten, as- 19 , ov itant director, Mg. anld Mra. Vernonu Jioucksansd Mrs., DeWitt Stiliman were lni chaffl Of the propertieà, D)OiTaucO M ~Uu~go.er àsu lIgbttngo J 0"'Owc Dryig Emamai