The meinhers of the board- whose ternis expire this spring are: Arthur> T. McIntosh, president, Harry E. Weese and Miss Barbara Erwin. A noinatLting committee headed- by Charles M. Holmes recently n»ominated. Jul jus A. Petersen, 22à Cnberland avenue, for preside$t. of theboard to sqecedMr. Mclntosh. Mr.' Weese and Miss Erwin were nominated 'for re- elect ion. Other members of the boardwho stili have one or more years to serve, are: Walter Anderso n, ,DeWitt Stiliman. Hlerbert Taylor and, Mrs. John L. Mrs.. Andrew J. Tholp Taken by Deatb Sunday, girs. Andrew J. 'Thorp, 'for many yegrs a resident -,of tbe north shore, died Sunday, morning, *Marcb 29. at her home, 104 Seventeenth street, Wil- mette, at the age oûf 43 years. Mrs. Thorp had. been failing in health for the past two years. She is survived b v ber. husband, Andrew J. Tborp. north shore building contractor, two sons, Clarence and Willard, ber mother. two brothers and a sister living ini Swe- den, and two brotbers residing ini Chi- cago. The 'funeral services ere held Wednesday afternoon, Apr-il 1. at 2 o'clock at the First Evangelical cburch Il Winnetka, witb the Rev. Roy A. Thompson officiating. Burial Nvas at Memorial Park cemétery. Death Takes Twin Son ini Johni Phillips Home William Phillips,.nie years old, son oi Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, 729 Harvard avenue, died at bis home. last Tuesday evening after an illness of two months. Funeral services will be at .1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoonat St. oseph's cburcb. Burial wil hé at Memorial Park cemetery. He was ýa student in the'third grade at St. Jo- seph's scbool. Besides bis mother and father, William is survived by bis twin brother. TJimmy. a hrntbpr. Euward, CREDIT MEN TO MEET TJ.he directors of thie Minette Credit Men's association will hold a mieeting in the near future. ýTWO apliaiosfor membership* are to J.C. Blaylock, wbo has bec:' ill at his homhe, 120 Lake avenue. is now fillyrecovered CaliI for Ap.Out.u.eW I.4." ALBRICHT. BEAUTY SHOP' l»67 Wilm.tteAvenue WiIm.f. e451l' PATRONIZE- OURADVER-TISERS EA&TER Ushers in, MULLER'S PLNK SHO (Formerly of Evanston) let National Bank Building Offeringfý The same high quality of food andi servilce that bas characterized our shops ini the past. I DAVIS