MOST. FOR YOUR MONEY AT THE HUB A Comfortable, BOTONIAN for' Spring $7 ports of Yokohama and Kobe, with trips, inland to Nikko, Kamakura, Nara and, Kyoto, and. Tokyo. By special permispion .cf tbe Japanese government a speciail stop was made at Miyajima, the sacred island wbere there are n'O ricksbaws, autos, gaso- line, births ýor deaths. Tbe Belgenland reacbedthe port of Cbinwangtao o n February 4, where the paXty entr.n.ied for Peip-. ing. (ex-Peking), for a stay of. four days- in the world's most ancient capital. The next cal was' at Shanghai, thence. to Hong Kong, the "harbor magnificient" of the Far East. Manila Was reached on the, morn- ing -of February 18, and during a ire- ception, given.,at Malacanang palac Miss McNamnara shook hands with Governor Dwigbt W. Davis. Among th1e Belgenlnd-s passen- gers is Douglas Fairbanks, Victor M. Fleming, motion-picture director, and Her Royal Highness the Princess, de Braganza, Duchess of Oporto. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. Virginia Brock, 601 Ridge road., Keiiilworth, celebrated ber tenth birthday Saturday, Mardi 21, with, about eigbteen of ber littie friends, wbo were entertained With a bayrack ride to the forest. preserves, wbich day, eveniug to drive to Atiatita and. Rome, Ga., for the Raster bolidays. HOME DURING HOLIDAYS Miss Betty Jane Keck, who. bas been living at the Kappa Alpha Theta. house, Northwestern universityf,will return to ber home to spend thçeEas- ter holidays witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. .Keck, 912 Greenleaf ave-' nue. This is ber Freshman year at the university and she was initiated in March into ber sorority. in the two groUPS of. songs lit an- nounced as his program: 1 Four Old Baliads Bois Epais (1664, French) Slighted Swain (Old English) Turn Ye to Me (Old Highland Melody)ý A Sailor Loved a Lass ý(Old Eniglish) N. Valentin's Aria from "Faust" (Even. BravestHearts) Where the Tiz za's Torrents Swell Don Juan Serenade ... .....Tschaikowsky In response to the enthusiasm of his audience,*he sang as encores '44l Neige,"' and. "Sylvia," the latter -by Olney Speaks. COMmments of- praise followed, bis singing, comiments which said there was, beauty in bis vroice and which foretolci for him a future. Mr. 1Fleiscbmann's. accompanist,- Miss Blanche Barbot, displayed fine niusica1fl1'l in>h~ 1e'respnive sup- port she gave hiin. The remainder of the afternooWs programn was given over, to interést- ing taIks of philantbropic work done at the Park Ridge School- for Girls, and by the Infant Welfare. Miss Ruby Badger, representing the fortm- er, explained just what bier organiza-. tion is doing, and Miss Sara Place superintendent, told of the wide- spread activity of the Infant Welfare Society of ChicaiZn. Tues !o UVý illn.ess. Who was and aims ýs unable ýcause of Jack Foley of 143 Linden avenue, .Wimette, Friday nigblt of, last, w eek won the fifty ,yard', free style cbampionship swimming meet at the University of Illinois.. Histinie was 27.2 seconds. Jack *as quarterback on the Evanston High scbool team in 1928, and was graduated f romn the same scbool in 1929. P h.. Wintks 188 Lisp o>~ r..a~,. 7~araJ47 .d £gSar~Lq Z-"r' .LIJ J. MAASS