A guide, to Eàster Shopping things togive 'and things. to weair ACCýESSORIE Tho. nic.st, fkings ive for Easler- sr Prises are acclessories +0o comple ,bne otf ifs. thaé are worn for the occasion'.. because fhey are fimely afmd, theref or. -doubly ,welcomne. And the. ne st things fo buy forEse o yourself: fali into this group foo. for pro- cis*l elytisame reason s. Think if over *. You'Il egree. Note. these exce. tion.l vol'es HAT VALUES...84.88 A colletion of haIs from th. best Amrican Manufacurers ... in.- chading .v.r wigf.shape Md colo,.rao. ltIn wpIt .dg.s. SOFT STRAW..* 1 shap.d into à hot that go.s Up on on. side an~d down on th. other. Comes in the charming combinetion of gray and bur- gundy, $10. FOURTH FLOOR WIRAP-AROUND sLP in fl.sh or White A."nCh finish crepe de chine . .. trimmed in Alencon pet tern lace in a, soft ecru shad*e. A inarvelous value. TIIIRD FLOOR PIRST aQOR FIRST fLOORFISFLR ,. e or I. con,.sfr Soeoni able for iu Y miu RRST nom. FIRST ROOR,