G. A. A. Meombers Mm. Cottoni opened the Girls' Ath- h.Itic, association awoxd assemibly .by ledi»g the girls in.sngwing"tht school Phylas Brown, president;of the G. X., introçluced Mr. Plhelpe, a mem- ber,%,, th, eho boardl,. and Mr. Rrown presented the numerals and cm- Mr., Brown announcéd the heads-of- sports and dlas managers for next yer.JaeWaidner- is the uew htad of ortaAnderson of,busletbal,Agi Fraxer of htural dancing, Elizabeth Balhatchet of Cioggng, and Eleanor Culver of swimmn.Tht dlas man=- Mm fo r-hockey are, senior, Margaret ink«g, 1junior, *jean Gourlay, and sophomore, Rosei»ry Karnc>pp. The clasmanagers for soccer are Mar- gant Kalilar, IFraucess Jl1iuandl Ruth Solomon. Tht clas managers for basketball arm Jane Knowles, Rita Off- ner, and June Mauland. The swimmngi managers arc Palyra Burpee, Barbara Wilder, and Margaret Taylor, 1Those girls who rectived the "'Npp" the 500-point emblem are Constance Addenbrooke, Pats Boylston, Agnes_ Frazer, Ruth Jackson, and Margaret ThieIl Those girls who received the 300- point emblem are Olive l3rower, Betty Brown,. Josephine Dabin, Beatrice Dri- ver, Frances Ellis, Helen Holten, Amte- lia ,Jacohu, Frances Kelley, Jane. Kuowles, Katherine. Maxwell1, Mary June Miller, Dorothy Jane Orr, Mar- ion Popper, Claire Simon, Jane Waid-: ner, Elsie Wade, Barbara Wilder, and Teallie Wilson. The senior girls who received first teain numerals are Jean Hall Ruth Jacso, meia Jcbs irgima Dui- laand. Katherine. Maxwell. Tbe jun- ior 'girls wbo received these numerals are Elaine Aiber'ga, Doris Goode, Thelma Erickson, Betty Simpson, Ruth Webster, and Helen Taf t. The sopho- mares are MarjrinsFelsenthal. Marion Spring Is lere! Spring's here with the robins and vacation. That certain intangible sométhingr that calis us i the spring time bas. again- comé-this time, as usual, mianifesting itself in many .dif-' erent channels. NJew Trier stûdents are' ail par- t akingo the opportunity in almost innumerableways. The track teamn, the spring football squad, and the baseball team ail had to stay home and practice. They are celebratingj their vacation itheir own ways. But others who aretflot so tied down are getting out and seeing thé world i their own different ,ways9. Chick Kremer left Thursday morn- int on a hitch hike. Last summer Chick saw the south anid the great west, and sohle plans to Sée the tast this time. Dave Davis and Newt Lott bave also set out on foot for the east. .And then there are Harvey, Klun- der, Oàkley Ienks, and Bill Healy who bave left for Biloxi and the South in a car. Jack Heitman, Nick Borino and Gene Mancenelli bave also started south in Nick's car. We ail know about the group going to Wasbington under tbe sponsorship of Mr. Frisbie. * And here sits a scribe trying to con- centrate on what 'he's tryilng to ex- press. Trying bard, but Spring's here. Girls Club in Plans for Bake * Sale to Aid Fund ,Wednesday, reports were given by several Girls' club officers, the trea- surer, Ruth Off ner, reported about $1'9100 in the treasurv for scholarships Lens Club Exhibits Recent Hi/w Pictures The Lens club exbibit for tItis week consisted largely 6f pictures taken on the hike iu February. The hike, wbicb cati be traced -by the pýhotogralis in the exkhibit, started. f rom Indian Hill station.'ý .Prom tbere the students drove out to DeerePark where a great many pictures were taken around the cabin in wbich tbeyj cooked their lunch.'-and on the toboggan , lide'across the lake. The club hopes to have another bike this spring, this time along the lake front. Special commendation should be xiven to Prçd Wetterer for his hand- tinited photos. New Trier Track Team Wins Trophy n-in A. A. U. Eveint Duriniz the week of Mardi 22 the New Trier track team met and de- featied their traditional rival, Evans- ton, as well as taking the 8/9 mile relay at the Central A. A. U. invi- tational meet at Oak Park.. At tbe latter meet a magnificent trophy was awarded our boys and medals big enougli to "Igrace in captive bonds" anybody's chariot-wbeels w e r e brought horne by .each member of the relay team - Hank Bender, Johný Kirby, Walter Wanger and George Quinlan. The trophy, depiciting two runtiers exchanging the baton, will probably be on display as soon as school re-opens.--tbat >is unless Miss Dora Jane Nay gets hold of it. In order, to wln this trophy, the boys had to doWn Malne's great team, whlch they succeeded In dbing by 'the corn- fortable margin of fteen yairds, to .say nothing of La, Grange, Proviso and a few other schoolu. Oak Park pulled. a surprise by flot entering a- teamn, but It *oüid have made nio difference, for our, boswere7pienty good on the two-iap distance. The Oak Parkers have beaten New Trier's one-lap team twice this year, but on the longer distance, thé re- suts probably would have been dit- erent; however, this remains to 'be seen next Friday, when, we again meet Oak. Park I one of the blggest rneets of Echoes Workers Busy With Many Details of Book Such activity has neyer heem Sme before in. the halls of New Trier Higli. The 1Fchoes -staff 1is busy 4'gettig out" the 1931-Echocu. Everyday the bulletin lias- an an- nlouncemnt of smre, depatment 'hold- ing a meetig thatevning after achool. This last week he Album staff, the Literary staffi, the Organizations staff, the Gr-oup Pictures staff, ail of them kept busy supplying mtaterial for the Eclices. just becauge this.week b as beeh '-,i Cation time, is no sigà that> the staff hbasn't, been busy. There have been sev- eral meetings -and, a great deal lias, been accomplished. ,Have you noticed a group of very pretty. girls goi about the campusý with cameras taking pictures of promti- tient New Trierites? That gropcm ýposes the Snapshot staff of the Bc=oe. b.eaded by Ruth Offner, '31. The group pictures taken by Bri jhave orne back and are said tol be very goç' Tbe work of naining every oneý iithese pictures is progresging steadi ly -witb the help of, everyone 'fromt your best f riend to your advisor and' your worst enemny. Subscriptions to the Echoes are go- ing slow but sure and ail wise folks are taking advantage of the present bargain. price. Don't f orge, the price is going up ini a short time!1 $etter buy now 1 Posts Provide New, Mystery ag School. There have been many comMents, botli favorable and otherwise, con- cerning the new ten-foot posts, which have been seýtnup directly, in fro6nt o)f New Trier. A nmber'of theuries bave been presented. as to their ýuse. Our illustrions dean, of boys presents the*, following ideas; Our new superinten- dent wil be able to Park bis bicycle directly in front of. New Trier, fa- thers wiho are tired of, classes on ext- year. teams wittf a certain ilumber, of poits: 5 for ecd gaine won by the 2 first teain, and 3,for ecd by tie sec- rnq a match to ond. The dlams ending with. the most t a more of points is awarded the title of "school de by New 41 S: lm .99, champions." In tItis case we congratu- S 4 late tIc J uniors. - 1 . r-av lu c ei ( N T ; 2 , n " - th e s h a d e s - o f n i g -ht d e s c e n d . 3, Boyleston (NT)~. Tirne _______ -1. Runge .(E) ; 2, ti, be- TENNIS SOON nlaysn (N and Kellogg The tennis courts are being-renovated Iay-W6onby9%. «T. <Bnde as usual, prior to the advance season Wagr ulin.Time:- àygW. ch always talces. place at w ier.