shaft of water framed with a pair of slender trees, ail centerlng in a sinmple setting. Again and yet again we sec cvi- dences that it is not so much how many plants, ortrees we have to work with, but rather the skill with which we use them. that counts big. Many influences' urge us t1o crowd into Dur imited grounds, too Many ideas, too many, features, too many varieties of shrubs andflowers. Mas- tery of the art and. siill in. use of materials is neyer overdone or over-7 stressed.' Ability to grôw. superb flowers is plentiful, but the, crafts- manship in picture composition in our> gardens is fat f rom fully appreciated. Trhe ;trend is not alone toward beauty, but toward lastink beauty., There is too much. need of remodel- ing and modernizing in gardens lo- day., Greater care. must be taken in planning, so that mnaturity wvill bring. greater beauty, peace, serenty: and repose. Greater emphasis should be placed on form. If the skeleton is right and the composition is good, there is great hopes for a pleasing landscape that will, continue to pleas e as the yeairs go by. Your grounds are: the horizon of the home. As such they must both wear well in that they must be continuously pleasing and they muist also hold their beauty against the passing of time and the changes it brings. .THE SPIRIT OF THE GARDEN We speak of getting the feel of a garden. We mean that before we cati properly, enjoy a garden scape, we must have an appreciation' of i ts spirit., Just the saine as we nutknow somfething about a persôn before we, canbetejyamua association, so,we mustknwth spirit Of a garden and get in tune with it. * We speak of the spirit of the bis, the'river;, the waters, the forests. Now thé. spirit of a garden ýis *akinto the spirit of the owner of the grou~nds * If the owner is a devotee of sports, his grounds wiIl reflect the fact in NOTES PROM HERE AND THERE JEvery garden should hgve thrée outstanoding* qualities. It -should be fi rst, inmte, -second, livable and tliir4ly, usable. A garden should be In th cts, styles, and vary greatl>y appreciation of the, qualiis ie judges credit. s 4ig specd age, machn TIhé Most, Co mplet e Org anilezatilon of Tree Surgeonsý on the North Shore, EXPERIENCE The long and succesaful career of Mr. Lynch as- head of hie organization la penbapa' -the strongest, single raeomenda-J tion that ean be brougtt yu.' Met work on the north shore la a* living testimonial to his train- TECHNIGAL KNOWLEDGE trade, doos flot constitute proof of skililu using them. Techul1a1 kuowledge and skill back of the baud and brain that guide th tools are as uecessary to the. tree surgeon as to any other surgeon. EQUIPMENT surgerly ha. deve mnost recent aud approved type,* offers the mot coiete tree service on the North Shore. Ouri power aprayer, for Instance,le one of the :môst powerful and' efficient machines iu use today« DEPENDABILITY To engage the services of the L[ynch organization of tree. ex- perts le to make assurance ln. Advance that every detail of the. work will bo properly cared for. iPAr..mebr.of the staff lu TR..ESfRGeO N.S 61LINCOLN AVENUE, WINNBTKA Glonco. 514 Northbrook TOL UI-J ,*