te jiven at Munp Recently l1B Clams gave > i-ts pregran in the asscmbly. At Il *.l0 thoebhlîdren vent luto -the a asembly fer the meeting bit our clama vas already, in thore, back stage. Flrst the meeting *as called te ord[erý by pur president. MaryWatdener. Thon the serfrtai'y' -report vas read by Ueanor WlUlams.ý Then the meeting vs turned over to 1B. A »pe0 vau made by .Rosemar'yDay about the, pregrai whicli ,vas' te be a vsiety. o! thIngs ln black anid white ~ignia Ana Sinot at the piano and ltàjè Jean Lewis vlith ber violin, Led a duet.. Thon Helen Born made an annkeuncement a&bout tho progi'am and told about. ballads and Mothe'r Goose rbythme <1nd bow vo forget thon au we grow eider and how lB was going te r*7LVe a few cf the best known one Id illUMette, while some of, the girls sangtii. verses. A .huge sheet vas stretcbed *cross the stage and1 a 300-Watt ligbt bulb behind -té, ma1, the. silhoutts. The eues oited vere Simple Simon, 014 Mother Rubbard, Little Miss Mudfet, aud Tom, Tom thie Piper's Son. We had the pigs, coe, and spider that vent vith the v*saes worked by strings. Thcy werkeil quit. vell and looked real. N'Ixt there vas tap dancing done by t4n girls dressedln black skirts, vhite shirts, black dtes, black tame,, blaek. aboes vith tape on theni and white anlket 5001<5. Mrs. Clark accompanled thein, and It vas done vory weli., XNext came the m instrel show vlth lake. smnzae and cloetiug. Evei'ybody Cornets Finish Season; Sufer Only One Defeat The Cemets, a team In 8B, had a very good basketballeason this year. We won every gaine but one, and this vo lost te the I.uch:ies, suether tean ln cur roon; no Mm. Bail sgaid*that oui' roomn liad tho chamnpiensbip o! Stolp. She j9cked the best eut e! the ron te plaY Howay'4. The teain ran as folows: Poetry Cont est Won by Fleanor Williams The Stolp achool held Its annual poetry contest Tuesgday,,March 17. Four contestants were choe» fremr each elasa, maklng a total of twelvo for the final readlng. Froni Miss Wymnan's room, Jean Anui Meôuldlng, Mîriain West, Reeva, Golden and fiarry Emnerick Were chosen. From Mrs. Jones' rom,.Eleaneir Bu'rpeBiIly Condy, Josepihino Balhatchot and Rose- mary Day veire choseni, and f rom Mis,4 Chase's irôoi Eleanor Wllliams, Dom- othy Hoiway, - H iosing and Betty Beys. The fellowing poeems weïe road by the yarious contetants: "The Chiidren's Hour," "L'envoi," **The Best," "Mouagr- ereI- LIfe's Mirror,". "When Pa Cornes Home," 4uJimiie Xoore,", "The House Wlth. Nobedy: ln It," "George. Washington," "Whlch Shail It Be?" "Lullaby.", The judges were MisseCay- ton' Stolp Ilbrarlan, Mrs. Staliing troin HowaÎrd schdool, and« Miss Park.-< There' weî*o three .possible winnersi, and» the foliowing, were read. Flrst place vasawarded to El eanot Willliams who read "The flouse; With Nobody ln It." Second place wçnt te Roseinary Day who read "Jinmmle Moore," an third place to Biily Cendy who read "When Pa Cornes Horne."-Beotty Bowe, Stolp 2C. Stol> Eightk Grade Clinches Cage Titie In the second Howard-Stolp gamne the tiret quarter belonged easily to Howard. Rui't shot a basket in about the rnlddle of the firet quarter, niaking the score 2 to 0 ln HowaYd's favor. Just befo)re the finish cf the second quarter Burrili scored a basktet for StoIp .and the score vas 2 to 2. rayer of H even. strugs EMnIaysoni tying thea About tln toi' Stolp a -basket, Crossey sec 4. Stackhi the taliyt basket soer der of TIrn the score biUg 4toLU3, in loard. There vas a prAtty, le te the end of the quarter. of Stolp siiot a free throw, ount, 4 to 4. the middle of the last quai- tot geing. Stackhouse sanir mnaking the sccte 6 te 4. ired, maklug the count, 8 te ousee scored 'again, bringlng to 10 te 4. Burrill sank a i after; score, 12 to 4. Sny- rard scorod thon, bringlng the' >te 6. The. gaine ended ln- wth Stolp vinning the cham- Stho Wilmette.scheoi$.-ý-Go- Dead 1,000 Years anrd Yet Alive! (Conclusion) Vanerr leapd to, bis feet wlth a sheut. At this the face of Vai!can faded,away Into darkness.-1 '*Who, le that man,?,"sald Profeâ-. soi' Maxim excitedly. "'That a le 'Valican," sald Vaner,'«a sort of inventor up on, Venus:. As a reward for a recent invention l bave a. high position wlch, If 1 vere dead, would be, Vaàlîcan'.. fie bas made frequent attempts on'my 1fe..fils most me- cent one vas when 1 Ianded upon Earth. fie. somebow. must have stowed away.upon my shipe. When. 1 vas.about 70.feet fron my sbip 1 sensed sorneone bebind me. Tumnlng quickly I saw VaIIcan. It vas evi- dent that ho bad fired; his gun vas smok ing. I bad iiot heard the shot,, fer ho used a .silent powdor that he Invented. When Vailcan'per- elved that ho, was -seen, ho, slunk f romn siglit. . But now I am afrald I have gatten you Into a greater trouble. for ho vill hound yen te, death. fie Is very Jealous cf dother InventoYs. especjally of the success- fui elles.", "But weren't you going te 1<111 me ?" "Yes, but now sinco 1 have* seen yen and know what a wonderful man yen are, I do not vaut te kill yQu." "You know cf my invention?" "Yes, that Is why I came." "Weil," eald Professer Maxim, "Let's tgke a look at the ship, Bokar." A month passed and a crowd o!f people were gathered on a iaunch- Suddenily and Vanr into fiight, a crumupi nover agai And witl cret ôe tq and.Jerry Maxin roare the Bokar veut the seà- mnal lI.fé.-ýGordon Wells lom, BA Hovard (The end) Pupils of Howard Tour Art Institute to Study Paintings On Tuesday, Mareh 24, h Acas of Howard scheool went to; the ArtMIectl- tute. We- let at 12:54 on the North Shore line. We had a prhrate-car going down and coming back.- We ar'f1ved at the Art InstItute at 1':45. Miss,,Upton was our guide. She took -us to various rooms where >we saw different types of. pa1ntinga. Flrst we saw pictures by. Hiobbema and, Rembrandt who were old Dnttch masters. Their pictures were land- scapes.: Hobbema's tres 'were lacy anid stood out ciearly, whllé Reinbrandt's were more true to life. IAnether-pictuYre we, saw was an ocean scone'by Turner. 1Next we vent to a !room whlch con- tained- many lpictures by Monet., Monet's pictures were quite different fromi Hob- berna's, Turner's and Rombrandt's, be- cause bis were made up of tiny dabs and dots of difforent colors. Monet be- longed to the lmpresslenlutIc greup of patinters who PaInted the ffi'st Impres-. sion of a scene when they firstsaw, IL Thon Miss Upton tok us te the Helen J3lrck Bartlett Memlorial reofin. This reoin contalned one of the. best collec- tions of modern art ln Amertca. The pictures in this room were much more2 mnodoËrn than Monet's; In fact they were more modemn than any pictures, we've. studlod. Wo left the Art in!-t.tute at S3:58 and arrived at Wllmette about 4:48.-Jean Perrili, 8A Howard. fIoward 7A Cagers Win Clzampionsbi'P Hioward 7A beat Stolp.the first gaune at Stolp and the second gaine at Ho0w- ard to wln the. basketball champion- sh lp. 'The Howard lineup at Stolp was: Contai', Knioper; forwardq., 1Haugsner,'; and Edmonds; guards, Mickey and Jor- Jorlan. Substitutes, were MacMorran, Specht, fiaas, Brumbaugii, ermanson, Atiderson and Speredes.. The tiret gaine was faly even, but toward the end of the tilt 11ow-rý4 found Its oye for the basket. At tbhe iast of the thîrd quarte'r, wlth the score 8 to 10 In Hi6ward's favor, H1oward took Its timo, but Stolp got afirious and fouled Speredes three limes stralgbt. Speredes took his timetiand sunk. al three shots. Roberts . of Stolp imade a long shet, and. the score onded 13 te *10 ln Hevard'm favor. Ijoward 7A beat Stolp the second garne; 18 to 10. The lineup for How- me an# vo nov hav# Fe hope vo yull lu tih baea1 as.Mr mi LWISlB tbls subjeet.' t tis earDijwe have alspstudùid hlauuS ov-ces «et electriety.-M atout. "ade are lce.. We sans 01o astIons. dlsov- lu, C j