BASTER DAT 9 :46 A. M .. . ...unday sohool Arthur Sta.rk, supelri'itetidêit Il A. M ... Morning worship Sermon: "Easter Memories"' :G000 PEIDAT 8 P. M . .. .. Vespers Medtation: "S$hall I Cucify -Hlm?" The Chureh council will hold its regu-, lar Apfrl meeting Tuesday eveniùg. April 1. Mr. Arthur'Dobeer lq the de- votio6nal leader -for the evenlnr.. The tenth anniversary of the organ- Aiation of tht. congro gation will be observed Sunday evening, Apfrl 19, at 8. p. m. A programn of mernt wlll ho broad- eaut ln the cburch, featurlng Prince * William 0of Sweden. TJhe combined choirs of Nôrthministor Presbyterian ehtfrch and the Wii1mette Flnglish Lutheran church will tfurnish music up- on this anniversary. * Thé Tenth Anniversary dinner *111 be served lun thé Sunday school Auditorium Éfiay evening, April 17,, at- 6:30 p. m. A program willi augment the dîrmer. Tickets for the dinneir may ho obtained fron, any meniber .of the Women's qoe- ciety. The Luther league presents "Crooks For a Month," a coedy draina, Friday and Saturday evenlugs, April 24 and 26. Tickets maybe procured from any member of the, Luther Ieague. The prnoceeds of tho play wlll ho used by the league to, reduce tIrir BUilding Fund. pledge. We exten d a cordial Invitation to ýal unchurched people of our north shore communuities to worship regularly, *Ith us. "WVoYghip ln Wilmette" ln "A House of Worshlp." Ba>tist Church Wllmette and Forest avenues George D. Allisen, pastor "A. Church that Cares" EASTEIL STNDAY. A Sunrise Elastefr service la being' pimned. by the youug people. whIch w.11, be a service of &ppreclatlon, for the inmegeU!ster hau foryouth. Ail mcm-. bers of the B. 'Y. P. U., and Sunday uchool are to, share lh making this q * time of real loy. The church sancëtuary% *111 be -used for the service. 9: 80 A. M. Wdrshiu urograme ln the various-dc- Mrs. W. C. Huggins and Mrs. W. D. Millard wilU entertain the executive board of thé Woman's society at lunch- eon on, Tuesday, April 7. at 1:15. lu the home of Mrs. Milla'rd, 1721 F'oreut avenue. The Qood Frlday service- this evenlng at 8 olock lu the Methodiat church wiiI ho -preslded oven by Dr. Allisen. Thre Rey. Mr. Mindleày, pastor ef the Con- grgaIonal.ehurchi, wfll apeak on thre thme "Tlie Cross and thre Glory."t The choir of tho Methodist chiftch will oint "Tho Crucifixion." The week o! April 12 19 bing set.aside, au the time for our members and frlends tei renow their flnianctal pledges te the churceh. ýPledge carda ýwill bo malled te' evo;ryone befone Aprîl 12, which will ho considerred '*Loyalty»' Sunday iu this chunch and many othens threughout thre entire denomination. St. John's Lutheran Wilmet te and Park aivenues, Wilmette Hermuan W. Meyen IL A paktor W-3 Pral*rie, avenue Toi eh<one 1396 *Church telephone 31 1 Cor. 15, 57: THANKS BE TO GOD, WHICH GIVETII US THB VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE EASTER SERLVICEWS 9:15 a. m.-Firut service and sermon 9:30, a..' m.-Sunday achool - -nd Bible, classes 10.a. m.-Advanced Bibleclass il, a. m.-Second service and. sermon Sermon: "The Resurnection of Jésus Christ as a Prophecy, a Fact, à Pledge- and a Symbol." THE ORBER 0F TEE EASTEE SERVICE AT Il 0'CLOCK Cello Prelude...... Mr. George Lauer Organ: Preludioni ........ Rogers *Mr s. Electa Austin Ganiron Invocation Hymn-Awake my Heart with Giadness No. 218 The .Confession of! 5mB Thre Introit and Gloria Patri The Kyrie Gloria Iu.Excelsis Prayer Thre Epîstle,.and Gosp el for Easter Day Choir: Iu tIre.End o! thre Sabbath - Lansing Ofrtoù)ry-Celo and Organ--Largo. -.. Mr. George Lauer, Sololt The Nîcene Creed Hymn * Christ, the Lord lu Risen today, No. 221 xRadio .'Hour wivxu ýColumnbia Chain.eeon from 9 to 9.230 p. Im.' comes uver.m Thiursday eveniu.g Classes fol' the. Christian, educationi of childrên will ho nesumed on, Wed- nesday aftornoon April 8 at 4 o'clock. New childnon may ho. enrolléd lu these classes at this time. The regulàn meet- ing of the, church council will beho hld on Tuesday .ovenlng April 7 at 7 1:45ý 'lock, at the Sunday, uchool nooms o!, thre church. The Ladies' aid. and. Mlssionary soclety, wiil have Its regularmonthly meeting on Thursday afte'rnoon Apnil 9 at. 2 on'clock.* On Thuiruday afternoon, April 16, at 1ithis society. Is giving a Plunkett lunchoon*togethen with its an- nual Easten sale.. Bohthe Senior and the Junior Wal- ther league societles will have thelr regular meetIng thre comning week, thée Seniors meeting on TÉhursday evenInig at 7 :45, and the Juniofr on fflday ove- n-ng *t 7:45. Preiarations are now under way lu the Junior society for there ecep- tien o! the newly oonfirmed which will be given on Saturday evenin< May Z. Presbyteri"an Chrurch. Woma's Club Tenth street and Gkreenleaf avenue Church Office., State Bank building Telephone Wil. 6; and 688 Morning Worshlp ..............il1 a. mi Sunday uchool .............. 9:30 a. mi Junior church............ il 'a. m. Y. P S.C. . ..... 5 :30 p. mi. Prayer meeting, Wedriesday ... 8 p. m. We, cflialIy welcome strangers and visitera to ail the services o! thre church. On Easter Sunday. April 5, -thre ser- mon will bo preachèd and services con- ducted by the Rev. A. H. Barr frorn the Preshytorinn (MoCormlck> Theologi- cal semina'ry. There will bo special miusic bv a ouartet under thre able direction o!. Miss Enma Rounds, Prelude-"RPmurrecion Momu" .;Johnstoni Anthem-"LlihtItteing Moru" *....... ................ Parker Anthem-"A .oyoug Es ster :Roue" .... ..... Reimann-Dickinson Anthem-"lthis Glad Baster,-Day"o ...........Dickinson Offertory Anthem-"Hou6anna" . .GranIer Anthemn'-"The Angcl'ts Song" Camp Postlude-"March on Easter Themes" ...... .... ... ...1 . .. Andrews. Methodist Charciz The choir o! this church will sing '*The C'rucifixion" at the special servie to- night at sevon !orty-five ln the sanctu- ary. Dootor J. G.. Hlndley, Pastor of ,the Congregationail church, will :breach the sermnon. This, will - b sort of a community- wélcome to. thîs new minis- ter. Other churches are joInlng ln this service, and Doct<lr Allîson of the Baptist church.willl take part. The. service Eaater Sunday, mornIng will start promptly at 11l o'clock with an anthom by the choir. thê choir monte for this service will be- as foilows:- '"L.Ight's Gllttering Mern .Bodecks the Sky" by Parker, "This, Glad Esauter Day," anranged by Dicklnnon, and IlBe- hold, Ye Despîsons" by Parker. The Crgan Munie wlll be:, "Baster -on Mt. Roubidoux" by Gaul, "ýChrist Trium- 'ohant" bv Yon, and "lHosannah"l by Dubois. The pasto' fie non will con- ter around the. one word. "Today" New in-'YnbeFrs will ho eeived at the cloue of the service. The 'speclal Easter offerIng this year will, be divlded, botween Mt. ZoIn nem- nany ln Georgia, the Helslngforls ,Rchools and churches, and Garrett The High school and Young, People's departmentu are having an, early.morn- Ingý lreakfast -and service Easten Sun- day' morjing. Therefore,, there 1will be no evening meetings. A Sanctuary service wlll ho held, Wodnesday nlght from 7 :45 to 8 :45.. This will be a unique. quletlng, and Invigorat- InF -service. There will ho songs and 91lItres .conrerning the aften-glow of Easter. The Aokiya clans, taught bylvMm. Kim- bell, wlll meet Tuesday evening at the homeé of Emily Hoffman, 66 Warwick avenue, Wlnnetka. Thle Phîlathea ciass Is booking for,. ward with a great deai of expectation te the meeting on 'Tueesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jaeobson, 618 Washington avenue. There la to be something on the programh which Philathea'has nover before had. Miss Helen Nelson will ho_ the asusting hostess. A Musical luncheon w*111 ho givon -Fr1- day,, Apil 10, at the 'reu-idence ôf Mrs,: Motrnson Griffith. 691) Greenleaf avenue. Mes. Edgar. A. Pellons will éIng. Miss Maude Willls, a reproducen of great Playa.-and a reador of chaYni and abillty, will give the play "Thre Prodigal Father"I as a reading. Phono neservatiông tn Mrs. Griffith, Wil. 4625. il , Iretiiqte8will Uniep si s t d t i o c o c k p r e s < sUky meetavg ho Preebyterial annual meeting, Friday, IThre American Gulld of Organiste wMf e. Affll 10, et the Pourth> PreshyterlanJ give a nrecitgl lu this cureh'UAZ lni durcIr, Chicago. at 11 a. ru. We hope April 26.:,h'uM ho a great tiaber fmro Ur oburol wlU ,- attend this lntereetlng meeting. blale The Woa' Adsciety wil ldlla