The Childi*n, Easter Plovier Service wil be held ln the church Easter Sun- day afternoon at 4, o'clock. The chli- dren will bring flowers. te docorate a huge Easter Cross in the chancel. They wilI ýalso bring their Lenten. savings and depoqit them 'at the foot of the Cross. The Girls' .Veéted Choir will have special mfusic for the occasion., Last niglit (Mau'ndy Thursday) the Gil'Vested Choir and quartet pro-, vlded a spécial program 0of sacred musie. They aiso' provided the samneé programn on Tuesday évening at'thé Churcli of. the Holy Comforter, KenilWorth, under the, leadership of Miss. Winnifred ickey. Today, Good Priday, there, wiIl be the regular Three-Hour Memorial service ln the churcli, from 12 te *3, during thé three- hours à in which Our Lord hung upon the Cross. The three hours wil! be.divided into seven, perlods,,each with a short devýotional addréss and spécial hymne and prayers. Those wishing to attend, can. enter and leave as they pleaee especially at the beginning and. close of each period.. At 8. pmn. the Boys' Vested Choirwill siiig the sacred cantata,' "The' 8tod' of the Cross."- Tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 (Easter Eve), ln. the church, there wili hé a 1pecial service of Holy, Baptism for ln-* fants, chuîdren, and adulte,, Names whicb have neot alréady béen givén te, the Recto! s, hould be sent te hlm at once. On ,Fsté'r Morsday and Eastér Tues- day there *111 be Holy Communi on at q, a. m. Tuéedaj evenlng, April 7. In the Rec- tnr's office. there will hé a meeting' of the Acolytes' Guild. There will be no session of thé Chu rch schools Easter Sunday inornlng, as tihe childrefl will be- attending thelr Eastfir Flower Service at 4 p. m.' thée'came day. Potted. hules and otheY- flowers are gréatly'needéd by thé Altar Guild te help ln the decoration of thé churchi. if a card lie attachéd with the name oif the owner ail potted plants wiil be kept aftér Easter until called for, Firýst Congregational John G. Hindiéy,,minister J. Clair. Mead.- Dliector of Religions' Piducation *This F'riday evening at. 7:45 'clock On Monday, at 12:30,'o'clock, the, Neorth End Circle will mieét for lunch-' eon at. the 'home of Mrs. Bruce Oweêss, 714 Elmwood, avenue. Mrs. -C. P. Berg will givé a talk on the* scéne'ry, cue- toms, and flowers of Norway. Mrs. H. .A.ý Craig, Mrs. W.. J. King, and Mrs. R. F. Kolb wIll be thé assisting hostésses. Thée ast End Circlé will hold Its April meeting ln the church parlor next Monday. Luncheon fill, be sérved, at 1 o' dock.- The :hostessés are Mrs. J. C. Gapen, Mmr. E. J. Mclraith, and Mrs .Marguerite C. Taylor. Thé Mid-wéek meeting ls heid ln the church parlor: at- 8 p. mi. on Wednieeday. Néxt Wedneday Mr. Hindley will lead thé meeting ln a ýconsidération of '*The Practical Value of a Belief In Immortal- lty."l Thé meetings for parents on 'thé ré- ligioue training'and guidance of chul- dren will begin Monday evening, April 13. fl le requestéd that those mothers and fathérs Intérested caîl thé church office, so that definite arrangements can hé made. Scout Troop No. 2 e njoyed' a two-day and night excursion last week to théý CIabin-in-the-woods. Taking advantagé of thé vacation time, these boys under thé leadership of Frank A. Wilson hikéd to thé ?orest Préserve, where fun and work were combined in their Scout ac- tivities and tést-passiflg. Thé next Cub for. Pack 63 will be held Satur-day xnorning. 4pril Il. It Ise xpected thaL every' Den wifl report many tests passed and that theré wil be'a rep*esentativé froni every Deén to réceive thé :ank advancésnent badge. Kenilworth Episcofrnl Church of thé Holy Co'mforter Kenilworth LéadH. Danforth, réctor Eastér day,.April -5, thé services of this churcli will hé as usual, thé eléie-' bration of thé HolyCommunlin ai'.8 o'clock and thé second Clébration, with spécial. music and a sermon 'ythé retr of this parlsh, at il o'clock. There will bé no session of thé Church school' at 9:30 &'clock on Easter Day. Tnstead, thé children are asked tô at- (Angelica King Photo> Dr. Robert Mapiard Hutchins,- présidenst of the Universitv oaf Chsicago, wvill address the Wil-ý mette Sunday Eveuing club Easter night in the Pirst Con gregational church. Thse progran»i ii t>aak thse çlosing of -the l6th seasoit of the club. New Minister Preaches at Community' Services The Rev. John- G. Hindley is to preach at 7:45 o'çlock Friday evening,, April 3, at the Wilmette Parish Metho- dist church and the choirwill sing. "The Crucifixion." All other churches in the village flot baving speclal s ervices. on Gond Friday* evgtning have been invited to attend this service. The Rev. Mr. Hindley is the new pastor of thé Wil- mette Congregational church, ~to Dr. Robert Maynard Hutclhis, president of thé University of Chii- cago, will give thé closing address of the sixteenth season of thé Wilmettç Suniday IEvening club IEaster. Sunday, April'5. Dr. Hutchins, is the fifth président of the Universi -ty, of Chicago. Ris election .to succeed Max ýMason,. who resigned to become director of the Division of Natû râl Sciences. of the Rockefeller Foundation and latér president of thé Foundation, was an- nounced by the Board. of Trustees April 2, 1929. At. the time of his é thé Presidency of the University of -Cli- cago, Mr.' Hutchins was dean of the Law School of Yale university. He had a remarkably brilliant career'a1% Yale, as an undergraduaàte and *as a student in thée' Law school, and then as an administrator. He received lus A. B. degrt f rom Yale in 192. In 1923, after two years as master at thé Lake Placid school, New Yorkc, and study also at the Yale Law school, be was appointed, whilé stili a law student, sécretary of Yjale uni-. versitv. succeeding Anson Phelps Stokes. He graduatéd f rom the Law school' in 1925. After graduation, lue taught in the Law school, becoming a f ull timne proféssor-in 1926, but ré- taining the secretaryship of thé uni- versity. Ini 1927 hé was appointed act- ing-dean of the Law schôol, and' thé next year was appointed. dean. Pr..ident at 30' His' election as président of thé University of Chicago at the age of 30 created wide interest, but -thé ac- tion of the. board, was virt'ually a. répétition of early university history, for the first président, William Rainéy 'Harper,, als a Yale graduate and fac- ulty mnember, was but 34 years old when he became président of the uni- versity, then nothing but a plan. President. Hutchins conmés of old New Enffland ancestry and of a fami- the cinrch wiié wil be hld sorneume AVespr service wlli bé held at 4:10 during the month of April théré wIll bé Sunday aternoon, at which tme' new an, exhibit of the work don. by the1 members wIII' ho recelved mbt the chureh women during. the pat yeaIr. The Covenant clans and thos. of the hlgi séhool delirtnint Jolning thée There la somue Indéétlion ' as te -okuteli are requested to 'meet at 4:10 whether tiser. will h. any rurther Wed- P. ,ii n tise ëhurch parlor. T'hs will nesday evening lectures after theé onle give time for explanation of the service of Wedneuday, Aril 1. on "Mormon- 94> tsefialmeeting concerning chul-eb leOnP WisIOb tise 'hurèh "lw"t* . o memlersné% etSuWWy.1 ordetite ;anftoiméement. 9:10 a, .Sp. :1:45 p. Death" ff M chie