of, Interest for Vacation Tours Suggestions, to car owners con- fronted with the annual probleni, of where to pass their summer vacation have *been compiled by the* tçuringý bureau of the Chicago Motot, club.. The motor club, in a statement lias suînmarized, the most popular trips available to midwest motorists, and has shown round trip mileages f romt Chicago. The periods shown for driving and sightseeing are, not to be *regarded as arbitrary; they are merely an average, and can be lengthened or -shortened to. some ex- teqt, in ,conformity -with driving speéd and time passed at:the destina- tion. The >statement follows:1 "The main national,.parks in the west which. each year lure an increas- *ing nuùmber- of tourists are Yellowý- stone, open june 20 to September 19, 2,944 miles,- thrce weeks; Glacier,, ope.,n June .15 to, September 15, 3,600 miles,' threc weeks; Grand Canyon, alway.s open,.4,006 miiles, four weeks; Rocky * Mountain, always open, 2,200 miles, three weeks; Mesa Verde, open May. 15 to November 1, 2,600 miles, three weeks; Yosemite, always open, 4,915 miles, five weeks; Mount Rainier, open June 15 to Septemfber 15, 4,730 miles, five weeks; Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Monu- *ment, both open june 1 to September 30, 3,800 miles, four weeks. Westlaaiereium 3j,0miles, four'*weeks; Excelsior Springs, Mo., 1,20 ieoeweek and, Carlsbad Cavern,' N. M, 3,100. miles,, three weeks. "Southern vacation centers include Hot' Springs National ýPark, always ýpen,'1,60O miles, oine week; Main-, inoth. Cave, 800 miles, one week; the proposed Great Smoky Mountain National Park, 1,450 miles, ten days; Florida and Key West, 3,011 miles, quiring approxiuiately one week." Experigients *ith iron plates as a base fôr bard-sirfaced highways are bei!g conducted, actordin g to the' QChiaqO motor club. -Evanston, Ill., and Cleveland, 0Ohio, are the latest entrants i the country- wide tràffic safety contest; the Na- tional Safety çouncil bas announced.. Evanston held the Iead in the contest for several months, last year but end- ed h! third place.., Gýran!d Rapids, Michigan. o ne of the, contestants, bad its first ýmotor ve- hicle. fatalty in February siiîce> De- cember 23, 1930. The city went fifty, days without a fatality, ýthe best record made since 1924 when they began to keep the, stat.istics. The contest is a year-long cam-7 paigil against traffic accidents and is entered by about 30.of the largest cities. The goal is to pile up. the greatest possible number of "Énan- days" without an accident, The num-r Increased Truck Sales Foreteli Better Times Increase ini Chevrolet Motor com- pany truck: schedules by which ouf- Put of some models bas been. doubled, is made necessary bv orders bein ieceived, H. J. Klingler,. vice Presi-. dent aqd general. sales manager an- nounces. "There lias been a steady uptrend in Our truck business since the first of thé year,» iMr. Klinigler déclared February we were compelled to in-ý crease production beyond that. plan- ned. In Mardi, output was:.moved- "We interpret this large and in- creasin&g buying of trucks ois et- nonmlcally significant. Inceam, a truck deniand pjtint a better picture of improving business conditions thas' do similar increaseés in passenger tar sales. Truck purchases are a capital investment by the business nman1aMd are. made onty when justified b"' Profit possibilities or expa nding bus- ness. Our records show the - pur- chases are from al scCtions of the country, by a xreat. variety of hui- nesses and in numbers from, Indivièduai nuits up to fleet quantities."' fllujaaum * 2worth' of highway contracts dw4nUgE ebru-, ary, thus placing -the state weIl.,in the lead in this. respect. __________________________________________________ I I «JVilmette Buumess 1, Pcrs.saliged" Chevrolet' basset a uewý s taudard l of 'lvalue' in dhe seIec- Ili only. a "new standard of quality,. but one of value as well-for this attrac. dive, capable new Six is off erud at even lowçr prices!1 Conuider'Ghevrolet's l.man y advan-, taies when you buy a. low-priced automobile. Theyý mean that the. Chevrolet dealer i. offering you more motor car qui ity Per dollar in'e Noaurilil] 611 Main St., WiImette DEPOT Phione . 1