'Darkwater"-Du Bois. fiAcquleltlve Society"-Tawney. "Some Fbqlks Won't Work""-Calkinis. *<OUr Mysterlous Pà"Ilc"-Coflan. "Principles of Labor Leislatlo"-Com- mono. *«Youth ln a World of Men"-Johnson., "Ha-With Your Eyes"--aood. 1«Ârt of the Story4teler"--Shedlock. "IFlfty Littie Businesses for..Womn'- Dodge. "Modern Coûveratin"ý-Hall.* "Old Chinà TradeI--DUlles. 4Free Trade"-Johnoeu. Lterat!àro "Debate, Coachlng"ý-Lahbmgn. *Socialisation of MedIne'-Phe1ps. 'Prose, Poetry and D%,amaâ"-FarPàma. *Readlngs ln* European Lterature"- SeboyaT-- ."Beglirings of Critical Realism ln AmeriCa"-ýParringtofl. "Ballade and Poenls"'-Benet. 'oTeasurer's Report" - Benchley. "Barrets of Wimpole Street"-Bels1er. "Apple Cart"--Shaw. "James Joyce's Ulysses'-Gflbert. "Ending ln Earnet"-West. "On the .Art of Foetry"-Aristotle. Travel i"Watchlng Europe Grow'-Paýrker. "Through Merrie England"-Stevelb. 'Red' Trade Menace"-KnickeYrbocker. "Travels ln Arabia Deserta"-Doughty. Blogrphy "Daughters of .Ev"-Bradford. "Conteniporary Immortals"-Hendersofl. "Lives of the Painters"-Vasaii. "Taft and Roosevelt"-Butt. -That Man Dawes"-Leach. "-lei Own Story"-G1andhi. "For the Defence"-Marjoribaflks. F rederie Smith Elected to Position on Yearbook iTowers," thie senior clas s annual atWorcester academy, ha*s appointed Frederic Smith of Winnetka to the position of associate, business mnan-. ager for 1931. Mr. Stmith went to Worcester from New Trier High school, where he haci won five var- sity letters and was a member of the 0o Jean Munro, 1119, Elmnwood avenue, leéft'-early this week- with the 'New. TrïirHig h scholroup for Waàsh- ington, .C. 1. Triplex - Shatter - proof plate glass windshield whicli reduces accidents sixty-five percent. Worth $12.00 more. 2. Double acting hydraulic shock absorb- ers used elsewhere only in the high- est priced cars.ý Worthi $25.00~ more. 3. Twenty-four high grade roller and bal bearings or sev.u nor e than in any other, low priced car. Worth, $140 more. 4. AlI wool upholstery made to exacting Ford specifications. Worth $12.00 more. 5. Rustiess steel. Worth $16.00 more. 6. Steel wheels, one-piece electricallyr welded, flot riveted.. Worth $10.00 more. 7. Three-quarter (-.4) Floating aàxle, not in any other Iow prkced car. Worth $25.0 more. 8. Torque tube drive, not in competitive cars. .Worthi $10.00 more. 435 Ml te NMore that $148S950 Extra Value. wil be Shows and Explaise4 See and hear about Engineering: Precision, -Fiene' CraftsmanshiPt and the Quality Materials which make the Ford Car beyond com- parison in the small car field. Wiumete .~ st FRED Tralkisg pictue Y OUR OPPORTUNITY to se ndher "à ti Built-in. unsen Quaity. and Value of the new, Ford car reeled for. the' first time inSound Icture Satuw sy,, April 4- :1<P. . 1