Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Apr 1931, p. 77

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LIGHT COLORED COUPLE, ABSO- lutely first class, best of rot. turnished, good wages expected, i'auline's Agen- Cv,, 748 elm St., Wlnnetka. 43LTN48-ltè HIGH CLASS COLORED COUPLE DE- sire position togethe!r in. private family. Man. licensed chauffeur, wife * good cook. North Shore ref. Forest 4418. 43LTN48-ltp COUPLE COL. MAN, HOUSE9MAN and Chauffeur; Wife, good cook, maid. Exp. N. 'S. Ref. cali after 5 p. ni. Ph. Wilrnette. 1058. 43LTN48-lnc COUPLE WISHES STEADY POSITION, best ref.. Ph.: Winnetka 1661. 43LTN48-ltc GERMAN COUPLE, 4 YR. HIGH class references. Pauline's Âgenicy, 748 Elm St. Winnetka 2662.- 43 LTN48-ltc 44 HELP WANTEDi>-FgMAL« LADIES BARN 5,TO 8 DOLLARS daàily, spare ltimetaking orders for ijANALENIE,"1 childreni's and ladies ' dresses. Cali moruinge, Rm. 2O2- 1791 Howard St.. 44LTýN45-tfc COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL, 2 ln family. no laundry, small, home,' $15, Pauline's Agency, 748 Eirn- St., Winnetka. 44LTN48-ltc MAID, NEAT AND WILLING, FOR generai housework and, some, laun- dry. To go home nights. $10-12. Gien- coe 1308. 44LTN48-ltcý REFINED GIRL UNDER 35 YnS. FOR second fi. and careo f children,. $22. Pauline's Agency. 748 Eim St., Win- netka. 44LTN48-lte WANTED A WHITE GIRL FOR gêeral liousework famlly of 4 adults. Wages $15. Ph. Gieneoe 1613.. 44LrN4-ltc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL. housework, miust be exp. 2 aduits and 2 children. No laundry. $15,. wk. Ph. Wilrnette 3610. 44LTN48-ltc' GýENERAL, MAI D, EXPERIENCED, 3 aduits. No laundry. References. Cal Winnetka .102 before 2 p. mn. 44LT148-lte GIRLý FOR GENERAL,4 MUST ]BE EX.- ut ekil mer- and . Selle have found the Want-Ads of WLMETTE LIFE of inestimable value. Many a deal invol1ving hudreds of dollars,, has beeni the result of a. Classified, ad wihh cost but a fewcents. Cla.ssified ad& will be accepted e very evening until 9. Phone Wilm ette, 4300, Wednesday before 9 P.'M. for, the Current Issue 46 HELP wTPD.-MALg AND FEMALE WHITE COUPLES- WANTED Want 1 irst class couple. Butler-and, ,orne riving, cooking and list fi. A4 rot. req. $175 per mo. Couple, man do driving, somo servingi wite act as ladies' maid, must have rot. $150 Mo. Couple, exp. housemali, some driving, .wife do cooking-geIi. 7 room homie. $140 mo. PAULINE'S AGENCY 748 Eh St. Ph. Winnetka 2662 46LTN48-ltc 48 FOR SALE-AUTrOS LASALLE SPORT PHAETON 1928, splendid condition, driven 11,000 miles, Aiso 1-upmobiie cabriolet coupe, 192D, driven 15,000 miles. Both cared for.by chauffeur. Inquire Winnetka 549. 48LTN49-ité FOR SALE -~ 7 PASSENGER 1927 Buick. Sedan. Good Condition, cheap at $250. Ph. Wllmette .1143 orcali at 1035 Chestnut Ave., Wiimette. 48LTN48-ltp MUST SACRIFICE DESOTO ROADSTER, DRIVEN LESS than 5,000 miles. Paid $1,050, wIll sèll for haîf. Ph. Wihnette 1079. Si FOR ItENT-ROOMB LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS WTTH dou.ble beds. Wel turnished. Near transportation. Tel Winnetka 374. 51LTN48-ltp 2 FRONT ROOMS FOR SINGLE OR double, also cornfortable sleeping porch furnished fo'r light housekeeP- ing. Winnetka 2669. 51LTN48-lti» FOR RENT - WELL FURNISRED front room suitable for one'or two. Garage If 4osired. Ph. Wilmette 3804. 61LTle44-tfe N1EWLY DECORATED* NICELY FUIIN fýront room, east side homne. Ph. Wil- * »ette 1940. 51LTrN48-ltc LAKRGE SOUTH ROON, ALSO FRONT room for one or two aduits. 731 lth St., Wilmette. S1LTN48-tfc COMFORTABLE ROOM NEAR TRANS- portation'. reaeonable. Phone Win- netka 3238. 5~lL48-ltp ROOM FOR RENT,. YOUNG LADY. Close to transportation. 'Phono Kenil- wth4799. 5IL48-1tp FURNT~TISHEDROflM. 419 (GREGORYý FOR RENT- 2 RM. HBAT19D APT., also 5 rm. fiat a.nd shop for Ma>' lot Call at 1937 Wlmontte Ave., orPh Wllmette, 4978. 56L1'N48-ltp FOR RENT-VERYI DESIRABIE EX-' CLUSIVE 5, room. apt. Light, airy, qîuiet. $065per .mo. with hoat., 100d Oakwood Ave., Willmette. 56LT48-îto 6 ROON FLAT FOR RNT WITH gar. Near schools. and churches. Ph. Wiimette 3040. 6T 8-t 3RMS. WITH BATH, HE&'flI, HOT water. Garage. Aduits. $50. April 1, 1027 Sp'uce St., Winnetka 1560. TO SUBLET-CHEERFULi LARE KIT. apt. $60 permo. 'k blôck to "la." Call Wilmetto 4430. 5$LýI'N4s-1te 4 ROOMN KITCHENETTE AMT.5W4 Chestnut St. Cali Winnetka 98 or 3328. FOR, RENT ÂPTS. KITCHENETTE and larger, near transp Adults. Ph. Wiiniette 2309 5LTN44-ttc 57 FOR RENT-FURNIUHED -APTS.- MY 4 RM. APT. FURSIISHED WITH- antiques and oriental ruga, Posses- sion frmm May lst to Oct. lst. Mrs. Kaltenbach, Winnetka 3138. 57LTN48-ltc Po0 FOR ENTr-HouisU For Remit 7 rm.trame, H.W. heat, gar....$7 6 rm. shingle Col. H.W. heat, gar...8 6 rm. brick, H.W. jieat, gar....... 100 6 roi. stucco,~ lot 58x300,. fine gardon and fruit trees.................. 120 6 rm. stucco, near Laurel school, va-- por hea.t, gar. 75 f t. lot ......... 135 7 roi. Col. N. E., *H.W. heat, 2 car gar. . . . . . . . .. . . . .>. . 150 340 Linden Ave. Ph., Wilmette 49 TO R ENT-7 RN. BO.USE,. 731- 11TH St., water heat, garage.. S ide. 10 rm.w house, 1104 Greenleaf Ave., Ig. garag e eau be ýused as shop. Cor. lot, lnfine conlition. .$125. Fientye, 729 Lake Ave. Ph. Wil. 1382 60LTN45-tfc q garage. Hait block trom Elm St. sta- tion. 589 Lincoln ave. Winntka 186. 3 ROOMS AND. KITCH 51LTN46-tte glazed porch. 2nd flo _____________________________ Kenilworth 3219. -LARGE ROOM FOR ReNT, SUITA- ble for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1204 Grog- UNFURNISIIED AND1 ory Ave. jPh. Wilmeitte 3 350. room apts. Tel WineR 51LTN48-l.te modem 8 oroom rme. station and schools, 1 1020. 'OR'RENT - 8 RN. H( roomai, 2,baths, doh bu transp. $1465. pr-me. 43"8. BY à 1 'l.

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