Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Apr 1931, p. 78

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FOR RET - A' uuAign*dm -.- - tage, 7 nus.; 2 fireplaces ; large porch on bluff overlooklng Lake Mich. 10 miles N. of South Haven, season $250. Ph. 'Wnnetka 850 or 1245. 1LTN48-ltè JUNE TO OCT. 7 ROOMS,. 2 BATHS. Shady corner lot. Sereen poýrches. 1200 per month. Winnetka 1730. MI WÀNIWtD TO RMENTr-HOUSE WANTED >TO RENT - 4 OR 5, ROOM bIunga1ow or' lst fiat, garage, yard.. T e Wmette 4900. 62jTN48-1tC OSWTD. O REN-UN S WANTED A 6 PlM. FURNISHED house at mioderàto.« rentai for B- months o.r year by, reliable party. Reforences furnishied. Cali Dbake at' Frankln 0930 or Village .9429.- 63LT48-ltp SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, MUST bé reasonable., No childrcn. Repiy g1ving full particulars. May ot oceeu- pancy. A-1950 Box 40, Wilmcttc. 43L'1'47-3tp f ROOM FURNISIIED HOUSE FOR sumiper nèa.r lakte and transporta- tion.. Cal Willette 3914, B. S. Ilosen. 63LTN48-ltp GARAGE FOR RENT, $10 A MONTHL Noar Indian Hill station. Ph. Win- netka 722. 64LTN48-ltçc GARAGE FOR RENT; OAK AND Blrch.,Cali Winnetka 3379. 64LTN48-lte 60 FOR REN-S-TORS & OFFICES FOR. RENT - STORE .16x55, NEX1T to Woolworth 6 and 10, -for ladies' hats and lxoslol-y, haberdasher, dres shep, etc. Wuiif-Grhftis Hardware *Building, or phone 'Wiimette 1724. 66LTN48-,1±c Glencoe State Bank IN- SUITES 0F 1-2,.OR 3 ROOMS seitable for Doetor~ Dentist, Archi- teet or any' business requiring office space. -I.ow rentai. 66LT96-tfc STORES$-OFFICES -$50 Mo., IUP GEORGE F. GONSALVFS 7461 ElI St. Winnetka 62 66LTN48-4te DEERFIELD -NEEDS A - EVANSTON -BRICK COLONIA,-WHITE TRIM" Attractive and Practicaily New. 5 Bcdrfts. 3 Baths. (Grounds 80x200. * «SOLID BRICK HOME" Weil. Bult. English Type. 6 Rm5f., 2 Baths. Priced by Estate t0 Sdil. 4"DISTI ,NCTiVÉ E9GLISHHME 7 Rms. Solarium. 2 Tiue Ba. and Lav. 3 'Car Garage. Unusual ln Detail. Prioed underý $35,000. ..UNI VERSITY DISTRICT" New, Modern Solid Brick Homne. An Exceptionally Weil Done 9 Ris., S Batha. Priced $16,000 bclow Market.. WILMETTE "ICHARMING POSSIBILITIES" Brick. 6 Rms., 1 Bath., For Qu:iek Sale Oniyr $16,000. Reasonable Terme' WINNeTK BEAU TIFUL HOME 0F DISTINC- TION. TWOACRES 0F RIPARIAN. Modem Construction. 12 Spaclous Rnis. 4 J3aths. Tennis Court. Gardens. Wooded Ljawns. Will Exchange for Smaller ]leuse or Ineome. GLENCOE "PRACTICALIY NEW COLONIAL" Red Brick. White Trim. 4 Bcdrms. 2Ba. Well Plann'ed, and Bult. Owner wants offer. 1Iovlng Out .of Town. * "ENGLISH TUDOR"I New Stone and Brick. 8 Rms., 3 Baths. ...Open, for Inspection., "ÉEGLISH COLONIAL" 6,Rms. 3 Bedrms. Sleeping Pch. Woodcd. Lot. 3,Biks. ftom Stm. Transportation. In Ideal Location. * "SKOK[E RIDGE"' Several Charming New Homes and Home Sites wlth Wooded Grounds. OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY. HIGH-LAND PARK 'DEERE PARK", TWO BEAUTIFUL RIPARIAN HOMES. SEVERAL BEAUTIWUL NEW HOMES. In Different Price Ranges. With .Riparian privileges. OPEN% FOR INSPECTION DAILY. Owners of. above properties want of-' feru or w1ll1 exichange for smaller. in- corne. These hornes represcnt sclected offerings from our "Library of Fine Homies" These are two represenitatuve of[erlngs from our lst. See us for rea.l bargains. MGure &Rr 316 Park Ave. Ph. Glencoe 13 '2LTN48-ltc CIRCUMSTANCES, FORCE OWNER to oi attractive 7 'rmt. Colonial, on quiet street, near trâap. and Country *Day School. « 4 beaut. bedrme.,'laV., oïl burner, 2-mcar garage.- Cost ln 1928 $22.500, price .$18,000. Make offer. IHI©o~msn&Jm EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 930 Spanish Ct. ý Wilmetteý 2920 513 Davis St.,- Evansatoni Greenleaf 1617 72LTN48-ltC ALMOST NEW BRICK, SLATE ROOF, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, and - lav. At- tached garage. %k acre grounds, fine garden. Cail Glencoe 361. , 1 72LTN48-ýltp 74 FOR SALE-VACANr ATTRA~CTIVE HOMESITE S. E. GLEN- coe, quiet street near lake, Ph biks. to transp. Uiusual bargain for quick sale. Will divide into lots of 60 ft. orý more. Owner, Winnetka 1394. 74LTN48-ltp VACANT LOT IN WINNETKA.à 50 FT. by 187 ft. 1032 Oak St. Price $4250. Winnetka 3240 74LTN48-ltp WILL SACRIFICE FOR EQUITY 40 f t. residence lot near Glenayre Sta. Skokie Valley. Iniprovements in, ready. for building. )Ph. owner Ravenswood 3655. 74L48-ltp Georgiana W.- Mercer - BARRINGTON REAL. ESTATE Tel Barrington 365-R 84LTN48-ltp 85 EXCHANGE-UEA^L ESTATE EQIJITY IN I N C OM EBUSINESS property on BROADWAY N EA R WILSON in exchange for equity i NORTH SHORE HOME, of, 6 ,or Y roonis. For full particulars cal 1505 Crhicago Avenue Greenleaf 1084 II.DL.. ana until sold.' 27 land Park., mau Drive, IHigh- rk 3131.11 86LTN48-ltc. DIN. RM. FURNITURE SOLID MAH.. William. and Mary perlod style, daven- port and refectOry table,, gas steve, etc. Ph. Wiimette 4358. 86LTN48-ltc BAnGAIN IN FURNITURE, CHINA and glass ware, ol paintings, Bric-a- Brac. Lady's- Japailese mink, coat site- 42. 1025 Greenleaf Ave.,. Wilmette. 86LTN48-1týc SCHOIJE HEPPLE WHITE MAHOG- any. dining table, 6. chairs 56 table leaves, asbestos pad, àlmost new. Will selI ver y reasonably. Phone Winnetka 2065.86iLTN48-ltp FURNITURE FO 0R SALE - BED, spring, miattress, dresser, 9x12e Frenchi Wilton velvet rug, odd, chairs, vie- trola. 1534 Highland Ave. Wilmette.; KIMBALL UPRIGHT PIANO $25, 100 lb. hce box $8. Roy Bricker,'1124 Ash St. Ph. Winnetka 873. 86LTN48-Itc. B7 WANTED TO UUY-HSEELD. GOODS WANTEI) TO BUY-SECOND HAND furnîture and other household gooda. Highest prices for samne. Crost Furni- ture Store, 1004-6. Emerson St., Evans- ton, Ill. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87LTN42-tfc s FOR SALE-M ISCELLAN MOUS $175 IELECTRIC IRONER, $150 WASH- ing machine ln perfect condition, both for $75. $10 down balance mojithly ai- though disco'uint for ceash. Ph. Win- netka 2267, or cali .943 Oak St. Win- netka. 88LTN48-lte GIRL>S SUMMER AND PARTY dresses, cheap. One size 10, several size 12. Some worn oniy twice. Large ice box, $10. Winn. 1857. 88LTN48-l tc REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE IBY G. Soderbiom,96 Linden Ave. Hub- ibgrd Woods. Phone Wlnnctka 294. COI'1tCRETE SID E WA L ICSLABS, good for drivcway, garage, floors, etc. $2 per cubie yard. Ifartweil. Ph. Glen- Amoreoan home hn lîubbard Woods. New. On largo lot'beautlfully land- op..P.reetly loatod. Evy m7,uod- MU covnlene. Fr further particu- Jars p le w er t < l nc 727. 72LTN48-ýtp residence ln Ralna, 2 blocks fropi chest of drawers, day bcd, Vacuumn station, ail modern conveniences. IL leaner, Blectrie light fixture, ward- TECAEO W., heat. WrQolacc. Tile bath. a.rage. 'robe trunk, anld garden furnture. Ph. TECAEO 1721 Broadview Ave., Highland Park. Glence 79. . 86LTI484lté Tedsperh ftecaeo 72LTN48-ltpTh iapaaeoftecprn LGE. GAS- RANGE F!OR SAU N~ from Amxericaui life i s due, declares FOR SALE IN GLEN ELLYN, 7 RM. good condition, $10: 1q25 Spencer Ave. Arthur Train in "Puritan's Progress," modern residence.1 H. W. heat, 50 it. >Ph. Wilmette 1626. 86LTN48-ltc to the' safety b)icycle. ",Old ladies, coQr, lot Fruit trees, 2 çax garage, near epr sehool. Whll sacrifice, $9,500. $42 Tay- HOTJSBHOLD F UR N I T V RxE.W11c4Lno eprsae o ieb- lor, Ave., Ph. Gien Ellyni 944-J. - 'dispose of at a bargain.i Phone Win.: cycles," he remnarks, "and the youiig 72LTN48-ltp netka 2136. 86L4-lt ones coutdn't be kp off them."'

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