i i. In "The iEmperor s 'he w111 play the part ol o clever rogu~es whoout- r cf the royal robes an(' ave a gorgeous robe for ured t/he dis play àf ,ial Plower show coi irden club which took t/se Nuse ribbon .aword, en club of Illinois in thse Merchandise mwrt, ing created a sensation at tise'showk. (Photo Mrs. Charlotte Chorpenning, wbo bas recently written the play for'the Children's theater,, bas conceived the rogues as two gay young adventurers who roamn the world insearch of new, experiences. With -the naivete of chiu- dren they cxclaim wîhen tbey arrive at the colorful Oriental 'citr,. "This -ought Ito be a good place for. things to happent1" And with the cbild's1 sense of justice, they champion the 'cause of the down-trodden «eavers, and leave only, when th«.y have righted the wrong donc to them. *Playing2 with Mr. Phelps as the sec- ond of. the two rogues s, Richard Had- ley who bas successfully, played al. manner of parts in. the Children's theater, beginning with the cowardly. lion in "The'Wizard of Oz." These two men, leading.,a~ctors in the uni- versity, will provide' most of the f un i this the last play of the season. John Wollenwebber of'the school of speech will play the partý of the vain 9mperor, and Rollin Laughner that of the wicked Han. James Krafthefer returned on Wed -- nesday to Si. John's Military academy after passing the spring recess at the home of lis parents, Mr. and M-\rs. James M. Krafthefer, 901 Oakwood avenue. in Aorean L'rcnestra (Continucd f rom page 79) than I can do. Any number wish to take lessons and it is pathetic to turn down really excellent talent, but bu- mnan endurance is imited. '41 hope you get to corne. on your tour. japan is wonderfully beautifu'i and. Korea more so, I think. Of course, japan rules here and gets_ more adveytising than Korea, but if .. a. WSW * titr t%- or 150. cars. A-11 the Mr. and Mrs. Cedric H. Smith and ýe ocupied at present, family, 205 Essex road, Kenilworth, deulgmed withan x- left yesterday for. a nionth'strip toI 1prograM ini view. Havana, Cuba. '«Wilsselle: Business .15 Personalized" Should ÀAppear Hlier Most. chairming on Easterl Youlhful and modiîsh appearance hi uressed on Eatter Sunclay. as of no BeaUty Salo 11351h Central Avenue IVe dsrry a, complte Ian, eof cosmetici for home axe