NOW -You,'CanHavie On Display in the Bank CorneIn'and See Lt Here is a truly fine piece of master2 map makers handicraft, lithographed in colors and plainly legended s0 that you can readily follow the course of radio flashes, explorations,, aviation hops, world news, international poli-, tics, etc'. Not onlyan object of. decor', but a mark of culture for your h ome. By it the , children can improve their The World at Your. ( Symbolical of the strength of this commiunity National Bank, guided by acknowledged leaders in commerce and finance and fortified by the power of tremendous allied resources, this-hand-. somely lithographed globe. cap become your property absolutely without'cost under our new and novel Globe. Savings Plan. We want you to corne into the Bank today and learn the details of this very special offer, which. is available for, a limited tirne only. .ANew Savings Account Started with an initial deposit of $10 or more qualifies you to receive one of these attractive Of «First in