IkOLLERÉSKATES, BaIl bearing, adJustable as to ime, made by one of the largeat STEEL WAGON Child'sail steel Wagon, 11x21, W11.1 support a. welght of 200 Ibo., rub- ber tirés, a real buy. CHILD'S COVERALL Made of blue Cambray, plped with red, pegr top style, aimes 2 te -.6, gond value at.69c, special for this sale PICKFORD) STYLE APRON t styles, vat dyed, fast color, bias bindlng trimmed, large Patch pocicets, asorted. styles, colors and sizes. Speclal1 290 MEN'S SHIRT Collar attaclied style, miade of 100xc60 genuine broadcloth, ful cut, fast coôlor, blue oî,t5 value, sites 14% te -17, speclal- 84c 'TURKISH TOWELS Made by the Cannon Mîlls, niedi- um welkht, 16x32, assorted col- ored bordera. You wlll want 9 dozen at thls price. tionps, Miss AjnaBele peïçrr&i, su- perintendent, hopes te carry out the landscape plan made for the en- campment several years ago, but which it.bas not been able te realize. Those having:the soap coupons to. contribute, may nôtify,,Mrs. Hntson at .1112 Elmwood avenue, or leave Tthem witb ber. North shore garden- ers, who, as they go over their gar- den plansfor this coming season and Tfi.nd they h ave more shrubs andi perenB>Ilsthan they need, or some they wish te discard, may notify Mrs., Leslie W. Millarý of .510 Wa shington avenue, chairman 'of the Wilmette. Arden Shore board, and she wil ar. range for their collection.' Miss Virginiia Rich, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnest A. Rich' of 120 Abington avenue, Kenilworth, bas returned f rom. ber7 studies at Beloit coliege te spend 'the -spning. vacation witb ber parents. Miss Ricb is a freshman this year. WitII her from Beloit came MisDonna Wiley of Wihriette. * est avenué, Wilmette, who bas been at Miamni Beach, Fia. since Cbristmas, will return te Wilmette about the midde. ofApril. Mrs, Edwin, bigof 304 Melrose The morning session 'will open at 10 o'clock with group singing of "America the Beautifur' followed bv greetings from Mrs. Charles O. El- son, president of the bostes club, and response by Mrs. S. W. Gibson-, Tenth district president. A feature of the mor ning session wil be. four. minute reports by ýdistrict chairmen on their. year's work.- Luncheon will be. served in the, hôtel at12:30 and the afternôon- session., will convene -at 1:30. The, principal speaker of the afternoon will be Mrs- George .Thomas TPamer who - wilI speak -on «'Probation in Illinois. Music, will be furni'hed by -a double vocal sextet from clubs in theý dis- tnict and by Tsianina, American In- dian -prima donna and president of_ First Daughters of America, a Tetith District club. oomposed of Indian. women. Mrs. Campbell Collins will read sev- oral poems1 entered in the District poetry contest .and just before ad.- journment the new. oficers for the coming year will bc presented. Mr' and Mrs. Charles Driver ýwith their two claugbters, Beatrice 'and Charlene, of 423 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, are expected home very soon f rom a two weeks' sojourn at Bi- loxi. They were accompanied by Mr.ý and Mrs. Herbert Bartling and their two daughters, Barbara and Joan, of re on mVens Tis via instaonsnea maxi Speclal Low Prlea-VFri.. 6 Bat., Apr., 11.12l Dsul.s* RoIhd IK - - A - A& S FRICASSE Fr*esh KiId SPECIAL 24c1 oseless RolIId __* I * - Abiam 621 Jim~ ofthe Wilmette Variety-, Store J. L. KNowLEs, Pro>. Saturclay, .April il 1105 Central Avenue PhoneWilmette 3691 .1 . Ili m