Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, 10-11

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the tFCTS~j opponents. as tsey as they exist in the 'ininds of Bither through ignorance or design mucb misinformation iisrepresentation, and im~id- ions propaganda is, being. bawked about- the illage by an 'army of PAID WORKERS Who are oui only to earn their money. (Tht Wilme tt Civic Party haîno PAY ROL.L. Every worker is actuated solely y bis or ber sense of, civic rigbteousness and loyalty ta home *ad village.) Take tes minutes RIGHT NOW and read thefollewing. Your intelligence will enable; you to recognize the truth. FLATrS AND ZONING, Mr. Dubbs is mucb 'exercised because of 'the assertion- tbat. he is being sujp- pptdby the organizers and supporters of the Greater Wilmettéý Asso- ciation, Which, due to the opposition of Frederick J.. Newe y and bis asso-, ciates, failed in i ts atte mpt to rezone some 70 acres of property for flats, to create, wbat they ëalled "buffer zones." Here is a partial list of the sponsors whose names have' appeared ini print, of tbe Greater Wilinette Association. and a partial list of the sugpporters of2 Mr. Dubbs and bis Puilc* Welfare Party: Signera of Greater Wlmette Assoia- Supporters of Mr. Dubbs and the P'ub- tien petitien for flat remening. lic Welfare Party. Robert C. Halleli Robert C. HaIllwell Geo. L. Panushka Geo. L. Panublka E. A. tatunders E. A. 8aunders Les, J. Ort Lea. J. Orr A. IL Edianton A. B. Eddington Rloblard X. Durais Richard M., Burns Dmmw your own concluiain. In Wilmette Announcements of Feb. 21, 1930, appeared this item: "Now lt'u up, to you. At a public meeting last Friday night the .reater Wilmette, Associatipn threw down the gauntlet and started a fracas on the apartment building question. Qulte refreshingly frank was the chairman, John H. Davies (a bulider), In bis replies te questions as to the- lutent and purpose. of the peti- tien(t bili'was presented te the Village Board on Tuesday evening).' 'Ite. grant- ing,' he said, 'would b. followedi by a request for a repeal of the present building code aud the adoption of a lesas sringexlt one te permit the building of upart- m-enta <on a, profitable basis.' Asked what would happen, when the' »ropertles ëoveredinl the petition were al bullt up wltf apartuients, he replici that 'adjoin- lng blocks would bel rezoned for the same purpose.' 'So natur'aliy the question arises: Wiii a buffer zoes buf Vte Just~ wbat doesa Mr. Dubbs' piatforan plank on fiise raly mneanT He and bis party seem not to know exactly what it means. It is like 'the littie pea u'nder the shell-now you see it and, now you don't. On March lth at tbe. caucus wbich ratified the nomination of Mr. Dubbs, HIS platform, then submitted.(which later, with'some cbanges and modi-' fications. became bis party's platform), contained POINT NO. 7, reading, simply: "No apartmaents." In bis campaign advertis'cments of March 20 POINT NO. 7 bad disappe'ared,. from tbe platform. In bis circular snailed Mardi 25 POINT NO. 7 was still missing fromr tbe platfoum. POINT NO. 7. is stili mîssing from the small caxnpaign cards now being' The Wilnaett. Civic Party, believns that a fut free.and franIk discussion <ofa&U thimes of.tii. ciapaign wouId b. of get ndwcationaj value t. the. voters, h.reby challenages CARBON P. . DUEBS, candfidate for. President on the. Public- WeIfaa Tiïcket, ta a&JOINT DEBATE witii FREDERICK J. NEWEY, canedidat. for, Presidient o» thi Wilmette Civic Pawty Ticket. Time ani pisse of. much debate -te be arranged, xpon aceltace of this ehallenge by Mfr. Dflbbu, by smue preaniment orga'nisiiton uwoh- as the, Cham. of e Commercee or Wiliuiette Clvi eae. STREET W1ID MENING A DEAD- ISSUE If Street widening ever.was a n Issue in this canipaigu It le eai now. Th WlmtPsCivie Party doese net andi-bas Bet eoiitempllit5d, advocated or desiréi treet-wldenlng. *No action bas ever been or le now before the Board of Local Improvemneuts, or the Village Board for the widening et.- any etreets.'The follo'wtng letter, signed *by the memnbers of the Board-of Local Iznprovements, ls indisputable ovidence of this etaternent: VILLA«E 0FP WJLMETTE Cool County,' MBIeS 190-31 r4a.reh 39, 1981 ToTe ii.tizene lof Wlmette: A grpoat maî'y plo ns paiRs sud Inquirles are elng ,into the Village Hall1 regardlg the wldeulng of Prairie, Maple, WIliuette Avenues and other Strees. W. tale thîs means ef advlelng the. citizens of Wilmette that there are ne actions betors the Board of Local Improirements 'or the Board of, Trustees provd- lng for the wldenlng ýet aày treets, nlow or lu, the future. Trustee- Ernest C. Cazel ýBOARD 0r LOCAL IMPROVENENTS Ruthi Hurd Snyder VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ILL. Carl C. Rennelar " Ea.rl E.. Orner, W. W. DeBerard " President' ýStanton Van Inwagen Mr. Dubbs, lni bis receut statemeut, explained that the reason fer orgauluiug his. party was to preteet prôperty owners against the, widening of streets., Se, accordiug te bis own 'wrds, there is uow NO FUITUER NEED FOR THE PUBLIC WULFAIW 'PARTY, and Mfr. Dubbs in the 'roleocf Moses ieading the citizens of Wibuette eut o! the wilderness of majorstreets la a; ruined show., In his speech o! acceptance at the cue' <(Axei Lonnqulst,~ chairman) wbich ratified bisnomination, Mr. Dubbs, sp,éaking o! etreét widening, sai: 111 am net againet etreet wldsnlng, but I am agalnst wldenlng bu Ut.up etreets. I would tarer wldenlng section ani half.ectlon Uine streets.» Accordiug te this statement Mfr. Dubbs would faver thé wldenlng of. Lake avenue,ý Wilmette avenue west ef Ridge aveniue, Ridge avenue from Elmweod te Wilmette avenues, Laramnie, avenue,. Tenth street north o! Elmwoed avenue, OakWood.aVe- nue, Flfteenth etreet, Locust road, Hibbard read, Twenty-thlrd, Street, and Ken- ilworth avenue west of Twen.ty-tbird Street, ail of wbicb are either uetion lino' or haîf-section 'lino steets. THE BUGÀABOO 0F1c CLO UDED TITLES Iu bis statement cf April 3 Mr. Dubbs sets eut a supposei "defeot" of title ralsed by Chicago Titis and Trust Company te a piece of land describsi by hlm as'follews: "The piece of property le in Wilanette oit Ulat street, anid north of Lake avenue."~ Mr'. Dubbs bas plaYed up etrong his pet referendum lde-an Idea, by the way, that has been **weighed and found wanting" upon practicaliy ail propositions except the simple one of spendlng money--euch as bond Issues. JUJ8T EXACTLY 110W PJNCERE 18MR. flUBBSI AND 110W MUCII REF- BRENflIM TALK IS J1XST TALIt L~et us see. In his Stolp school speech lie discussed bis referendumn plan at length. In uan obvlous effoirt to impres the audience wlth the Importance.,he attached.to It, he éaad: III -speak of this matter éihagetdal of feeling." lie eays that ALIL. MAJOR PROPOSITIONS muet be. decIded by the citisenes through a referendurm. Can Mr. Dubbs deny that the piajor street ordlnanceê In a "major proposition?" >adybcause ho han told us ta that ordinance was the,.sole reason for the. creation' eot the Public Welfare I'arty and bis own- heroic spring to the defense, of threatened property owners. Ytet Mr. DOubbs, referring :to, that- ordinance, sald: III say this,- that If I arn elected, the firet..thiing 1 wll do ie remove this ordinance from the records, Ordinance No. 1690.'! See anything there about a REFERENDUM! Seanything there about the Trus- tees? NOS Mr. Dubbs syýs: 111 wiIl remove thisordiflance.". Mr. Dubbs evidently forgot about hie sacred referendum, which seems, after al, te be sacred for convenience.,only. THE A B Cea 0F VILLAGE AFFAIRS Mr. .Dubbs read from Wilmiette. Aunouncemente of March 27j this Item: IlAny improvemont In the village like the opeuing ýor- wideuing cf a Street or widenng cf. a Street pavement, or Installation of auy underground Improvement muet originate lu thé Board of Local Ijnprovemente. "This Board, muet hold a duly advertised. public hearing at, wich both the proponents and opponents o! the contemplated improvement have the right -te be beard. Should'the Board o!, Local Irmprovemnente thon decide that the Improve- ment ls ueCessary, tbey pase a proper resolution and transmit It to the ]President and Board of Trusitees for their apvrova.l or disa.»proval; befoeoà.ny firther stops ean be taken. the Preeldent and Board cf Trustees muet pass an ordiuance in whlch le incorporated the findings of the Board of Local Improvements. Later on the County Court must pase upon the neceseity and legality of the stops taken anad the subsequent spread (asseesment). againet each piece cf property te be benelited by the proposed' Improvement.. .461n the County Court; any o4jector may be represented by counsel." Sai Mr. Dubbs: "T11hat le ciaimed -te beý the AB C'a cf- village, affaire. That may le the A B C'e cf a lawyer, but It le Dlot the A B C'a of a business administration." Wbat Mr. Dubbs evidently POE& NOIT KNOW 'le that the procedure outliued ini the item quoted le simply that of the state Iaw as contained ln the cities and' Villages set. But why sbould a little thiug like a state law bother Mr. Dubbs? Espocially if it stands ln the way cf a "business administration?" Seems too bad, but it looks as though Mr. Dubbs, "If" eiected, wiil be compelîci to follow that precedure or eall up the legislature long distance sud havre the statute repealci.' One la forced te the conclusion that Mr. Dubbs le woefuliy lacking in knowledge of goverument andd its prevesees. And was ho entirely frank and honest when lie falled te read the finl an sd vital paragraph o f the A B C'a,' wlich follows? "The ]Plan Commission ofthte village tales noe actual part In the opening or wldeilng of a etreot or the wiicnlng of a pavement. The Act ot LegIsiature under whieh ift Is ersated 'ndd the 'Village Oidlnaîice unier wlilsh It las appolut.d gir. It no leglelatîve pqwer, The Commission le WhydidnetMr.Dubs raitha tehieaudenc? as le more auxione te make pelticl cpitl b ataccin th Pln Cmmisio tan ho was te be fair?. "Th reeredumle etnewlji'Wlmete. t as becu uxssi for yeate. Howserws o nt arocae te ue e th rserenduntby the Trustees te vae her sspnsblltss Threerweopose NEEBLESS and EX- P~NIVEspelalrefrenum iecion exsptwhsn proesrty or bond issueae n*ofved." AN $SOOOE SCHOOL IN WHICH TO TEACH MR. DUBBS HOW TO RUN A VILLAGE "I came to And aizain: foi' a * - "The. only intereat I1ihave lier. lamyihome.'! His reason for becoming a candidate is elucidated by his statemuent that lie became interested when he feared that HIS street was to be widened. Mr. Newey, during the past seventeen ye ars, bas had to make a. living, yet- HE HAS FOUND TIME'to take part in civir, affairs, flot only those affecting bis i own personal . interests, but the interests of ai.! the people- of the village., For proof, note bis gratuitious service for more than seven years, notably on the Zoning and Appeal Boards, where-be and, bis asso- ciates have itood liii. a atonme val aaina»t the encroacbments of fiate and other objectionable projecs Are you goini.g to.place the conduct of village affairs intoý wholly unt rained and. inexperienced hands, orare you going t place them, int«'théheada of Mr. Newey wbo, by PERFORMANCE and flot by PROMISES h'as demonstrated bis bigh-mhinded civic consciousness. and wbose, friends can and do point to years of UNSELFISH labor -as- indisputable, evidence of his ability and fine -public spirit? ýWe believe tbat no voter wbo'carefUlly considers this matttr can do otber than' vote the civic:PARTrY TICKET,'STRkAIGHT.- HECTOR DODDS, Chairman Publicity Cnitee For Preuudeaut of 1'Village Board, IFRmD*tac J. NIIWEY 436 Lake Avenue For Village Truste.. FLoYD B. WIIKL;Y 946 Loonat Road T*'aamrou []Wilmette Civic >Party Sponaored by voters wbo have no axes to griwd For Presideut of thé. Village Boýard EFREDERICK J. NEWEY 436 Lake Avenue For Village Treasurer nHARRY W. MILLER moid soning la essesia Village .t1lhomes and mutgor'ilanes."' i te thé in we tarr ,DAYp APRIL 1IL strict elitorcement ot Blec tion Tuesd, April 21 -te te Wi1melt Fran.k J. Seumg, James B. Hoffmnan, Thoasa C. Moualing, E. H. Burgoi N.j Party Ticket, <<'~1 - 1304 Forese Avenuie ST RAI.GH T

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