Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, p. 22

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unbiaséd record of the qualifications Sof candidates for Village offices and their position regarding certain ques - tions epiphasized in -the current elec- to campaign, the Wilmette League oWonien Voters. is presenting the appended information. *In this connection it should'be ex- plained, that the, League1 of Wornen, Voters is rnertly followiingestablished custom instituted. by its national and state organizationàs, to inform ,voters as thorougbly.as possible, concerning candidates' rec'ords.and their attitude towarcl certain important 'issues. Wumwrim LiP8 ih appy to co- operate with the Wornen. Voters' League - in this strictly uon-Partisan endeavor'to bring. this mateial before the voters, the 'sole pur.pose, of the questionnaire being to assist the ec- .torate in rnaking an analysis. of can- didates andý issues. The report of the Voters' league. with candidates for Village presi- tteasurer listed Je alphabeticaI order, follows: CARBON P. DUBBS Candidat, for Village President, Public Welfare Party Addresu: 1004 Mici -gan avenue, Wil.- mette. Education: Chemical Eng1neer. Preuent Business Conneton: Practicai- ly retlred; dfrector of a few corn- panies; tr-"asurer of one company'; one of the trustees of stockholders lni a large cempany. Previens Business Reeord: Business executive. * Puble Offie: HIolilng liew-None. For. me4iy held-None.' 1. Village Manaer: 1 amn without ques- tion ln favol- of a Village, Manager. 2. Village Plan Commission: 1 amrn i * favor of a. Village Plan Conirnission te study our problerna, gather ail t acts, but arn positively opposed te any adoption of any plan excopt by furnlshlng the tacts te the people of the. Village and its final adoption oeoly through a. referendum. a. Through Trafiet Through, traffilc should, ho carefully taken care of * and whe possible Itt ls of advan- * tage te divert It around the Vil- lage. Througli traffiv shoUiid net ho Impeded buit we do believe it la highly unjuat and unequitable to Interfère witli the. nersonail 9 te rota 0 rh s - h abula DeU&qUS UVI LUa jsusr aIuntuu, and there le nothlng ln the law pro-, venting- those' responsjible from -having the work done at a ;esser amount. 8. Parlke, àBeereatin Groand ' etIarn strongly ln favor of these.1 arn ln favor, of theý budget. and 'tax approp riations..be)cause It is an ac- curate method of procedure and londa Itseof to econorny If the -eXpenditures are strictly çonflnod tô tho arnount. allowed ln.,the budget. 10. Eetërendum:- I arn most strongly ln favor of the referendum, on ail major questions, affeeting:the- whole Village or any: substantiai portion thereef.ý such a9 street wldening.. annexing.new, territory, etc.;. ln any major improe- ment ln: any section of the Village a 'refèendum by the people, affected. Cloarly unders tand me ln thîs. matter that a refelrendum involves the Village OfficiaIs gathoring ail factsanad see- ing that. each voter obtains these fa.cto.ql il. Building Code:. I ar n favor of the * bil4iùg code-' lng ugcciias te bar other than first class buildings ln the business section of the Village, and barring apaYtment buildings or duplex buildings ln any of the rosîdential' sections. FREDERICK J. NEWEY C=Idi<t for Village President Wilnett. Civic Pasty Addres: 436 Lake avenue, Wilmètte. Edneation: High school, Michigan, Chi- cage, Âthenaoum, Lake Porest'univer- sity, L.L.B., Special courses North- western. Previous Business connection: Wheelock, Newey & Mackenzie, hawyers, Chicago, Prerlous b~uiness record: With abovo filim for over 25 years. Publie oUle-XoW holding: Menibor of Wilrnette Board. of Appeals, Zonlng Commission, Plan Commnision. Formaerly held: Bame oMcesfor sev- e ral years. 1. Village Manager: 1 amn thoroughly ln accord with the Village Manager type 1of government because 1 believe the adrinistrative functions of the Vil-. lage can ho effieiently performed oniy by a tralned expert. This lu par- ticularly true if the Manager ls given sufllcient authorlty and cooperation to assure hlm that ho will ho cupported l n any reasonable program that he mav ant- Ho TevY. I dûnot be preserVati wlIth ope Stre0t . I1 Organizatiôn Cornmittee of the Wilmette League of Wonîen Vot- ers is dispensing .with its usizal "Get Out the Voté" campaign for fear of any telephoning by the com mittee being misconstrued by the public as supporting -either. party. The league is' q strictly non-partisan org-anization-. and ai' such off ers for. your information in these pages the opinions of every icandidate'.upon eve ry issue. The following l.etter accompanied the Questionnaire which w as sent tpevery candidate:. "The Wilmette League of Women, Votero, asus. part of! ità'work fur- n1shes Information on candidates for election. "We will 'publish In WJU.MLmTE Liria on. April 10 brief records of candidates for local.offices. in erder that your candidacy may ho faly presented, we bespeak your coopera- tion In returnIng by Aprit 6 the In- formation called for on the accomf- panying sheets, as otherwise it w-111 be neéessary to report you w de- elining te answer. "We presdùt'thesë £èuetiono5'bôth to lnform you as to the Issues whieh the people of the village consider important and to give you an oppor- tunity te transmit to the voters any staternent you wish to make con- cerning these issues.,' "We do flot wish te be understood as asking you for a pledge to sup- port or oppose any proposais. We ýmerely ask for a staternent of your present attitude, If you are ready to give it. A copy of thîs letter 18 being sent te each candidate." * lieve that Wilrnette is predominantly a commrunity ef homes, and therefore the primary purpose' of, our zoining laws should. be the preservation of the homes. 1 amn opposed to the .re- zoning. of approximately e4 acres In the heart of the Village and 5 acres at the 'U' terminal for business and apartmnts becaùse 1 believo that lt would be an unwarranted Inva.sion of a fine residential section, and whlle it mlght increase the values of certain properties throughout the re-zoned area, ht would make a cora'esponding depreciation on practically every home throughout the Village. While 1 be- Ileve Ini the progressive growth of thé 'Village, 1 do not belleve that an un- natural grewth should bo stimulated which would be a benefit iargely to a few speculators, and until the peo- -0 ...- 4.4-ics OuLt te fi) VI ja(jaOent te auch t$rritorýY wih have I adoptel a street plan be mae of gll sur eofices te soee whether or not an equitable arrange-, ment eau be arrived. at. whereby a fixed compensaion could supersede the pDesent ife e stem. S. Pa&rke',aul BÈeeratiop. rOunadse:I believe le the establishmnent of ade- quate parks -and Irecreation grounds as' rapidly as the people of the coin- munity are willing .te vote thé noces- sary taxes for that purpose. ». Budget and Tax Appropriations: I arn in favor of a. very careful analy- sis of the coat of. running each o the, departrnents: of the Village> and from such analysis establishing a fixed budget for each of saine and thereafter Inslsting.--that ,they operate wi thin that budg et. Alse the taxý ap- propriation ordinance should be strict- ly- limited te the, neods of the depart- monts so asoertained In. order that out expenditures shaîl be kept. wlthin the cur'rent Income.. 10. Referendum: -Referendum 1ïï net a new-subject IninWilrnetto, for It has been used rnany times on questions of public interest whore the la* mgkes, provision for a referendum, and in all ccclh cases 1 am n aperfeet accord with Its use. 1 understanîd, however, that much of the discussion ove!r this ques- tion at the present turne does. net re- fer te a legal referendum but rather to a post card referendum. The* lat- ter Ia a method with which the peo- pie of Wilmette have- also lad somfe experionce, and the consensus of opin- Ion has been that it li an: entlrely un-, satisfactory means of ascertaining the, wishos of the people. It la suscep- tible of manipulation by any sper.ial interests that might be Involved, -and 1 do not believe is a satisfactory method of determinlng questions of great importance te the people of the. cominunity. il. Buildlng Code: Along with the idea 0f re-zoning approximately 65 acres In the heart of Wilmnette for apartments, thore la a strong movement on foot te change oui- building code te permit ,cheaper building construction. 1 amu o(PPosed te any such action, but shall proteet the home owner against a cornmunity overrun by apartmerIts. Any revisionor change ln thxe present code must be for the benefit of the entire Village, net a few selflsh, in- terests. STACY C. BENNETT Canclidate for Village Truste* * Publie Welfare Party Address. 1321 Greenwood avenue. Eýdocation: Hlgh school. Present Buginess Conneetion: President of the 1*arwood Milîs Lumbor cern- pany for the last twenty-five, (25) Years. uusu 1te an area equal, <miy te tee business needs of the vîillage. 4. Grade Separation: Weuld be le faver of, Grade Separatton -of both utoam a.nd electrie tracks at opportune timo,ý as same mnust ho dorie fer the safety of ourý peeplo, but the. diâtributione 0f the- coet of samo must. be caret uhi!

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