singers, witness the largest iled house that the stage has seen since its con- struction. Why? Gilbert and Sullivan's comnic opera, "Pirates of Penzance, is being presented by the «orchestra and glee clubs of the school. Tomno!row> nighit .an. entirely different-cast -Will present the saine production. The story deals wif-h the lîfe of Frederick (Tom' EKlvin e including lis * hf e with the pirate king (Lowel Comee> and Frederick's attempts to escape, f rom the pirate .band. The swect lover, Mable, is played to per- f ection by Jean Lindstrom andVirý ginia Sprague, sUpporting mnembers of- the casts biesides the glee clubs are as f ollows: George, Bersch- and John Chapman,, Hugh Middleton and,.Bob Kirtland, Ernestine . Behrens and Jane Orr, Marion Tubbs and Ellen Cozzens, Eleanor. Culver and Jean Hall, Molly. Mickey and Phyllis Dubsky, and Lind- sey Field, This opera ý will be presented 1in a * ianner in which anyone can under- stand and enjoy. The sale of tickets is mcounting andi because there wiIl be no reserved seats and a latge crowd ianticipated, tepublic is urged to corne early. An eijoyable evening is guaranteod. One of the unique f eatures, and cer- tainly the mQst important features, ofý the opera, is the piano accompaniment. Miss Margaret Loomis of Glencoe is to be the piano soloist for the entire, -opera. This is the first, time that a student lias ever been the accompanist in this type of production. Invariably a member of the music departmnent facu4ty lias done that task. This year, Mrs. Marian E. Cotton, director of ythe opera, tried having Miss Loomis play for just part of the performance., The resut proved so satisfactory that it was clecided that Miss Loomnis should do ahi of it. , Miss Loomùis is a sophomore at New Trier, and re- cently fias been doing ýmuch'inmusic; however, music is ýnot -the onily field, in which, she is interested, for she is an honor student and is very active in other school enterprises. school, who is in charge of the tour-. naments. James Gerber is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mré. Norman j. G erber, 940, ~'Sheridan road. He is, fini shing,, up this year in theý Rkperirnental coliege, University of 'Wis consin. nex.t weekc. On the affirmative team Coachi MacLeàn plans to use Don Nelson' L4ambert, Maguire and either John Curtis or Albert Ackermann, and on the negative team Robert Livingston, William Freeman and Paul Netter-T Folowing the. debate, with Maine, New Trier rnay hold a debate wîth Rosevelt High schooi1 of Chicago. If arrangements for. this. debate are completed two girls on the 'New Trier squad, Ada Paticoe and; Margaret CÇobb, may have *an opportunity to represent theçir school. QUQITENNIS CHAMPION Louise Watson recently won thie quoitennis singles, chamn#ionshi'p for, thé girls of the- eighth grade at 'the joseph' Sears sthool; in Kenilworth. She defeated Priscilla Hawley in the. finals of. the, tournamenit. H1. G. LINDWALL' U>keIlstering - Cabinet Wo<rk « Antiques - Repairing - Reian4hing 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Winnetka 145 iNow is flic ideal-timie to have,. that xuphol9teriùg done-.,- WC will be .very glad to gve you- an estimate and show you saps of the new matria- just 'phone: Winnetka 145. PATRONIZE.OU.R.ADVERýTISERS. OP EN EVERY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY EVENINGUNTIL 10 P. M.: 'John ÇTC8vh e 111h i on your arrivai at our doors. No obligation wliatever on your part te buy. AJso remember our Frdee Parking. ayp- 4