vIstery Patrol Projeots Reveal Scouts' Ab ilities The Wilmette- Boy Scouts asseni- bled by patrols Saturday, Apri1 4, at 13 p. m. to: olve the Mystery Patrol Stac C.Bennett. who, conduicted the event, gave a packet of eight pro- jects to each- patrol . present. Thke pata-ol divided -the project among their Scouts.* and set out to accompli .sh« the varions tasks ini one hour.. One pro- jèct ewas .to draw and maIce_ oup- quarter mile radius of thi 'villagl balls, aùôther 1to "cavr nws incident, another to list nanmes, and duties 'of village departments and stili ýanother to fnd and identify ten birds and, The judges 'were Henry., owl«er and Mr-. Bennett. They report the followin.g rating for those taktng part: $tag patrol, Tioop I--Vernon Brown, P. . "A" rating; Beaver patrol, Troop 2-.-John Adamis, P. L., "A" rating; Fire patrol, Troop 4-Bill Bersch P. L., "A" ratin&ý Patrol 2, Troop 10-Gordôn Rtcfov, P. L., "A" rating; Lone Pine patrol, Troop 5- Ed Bristol, P. L., "B" rating; Beaver natrol, Troop 4-Craig Stoddard, P. L "B" rating; Flying Eagle patrol, Troop 3-William MacMorran, P. L., "C" rating; PaQther patrol, Troop 3 ý-"C" rating, and fox patrol, Troop 3-'t" rating. Originate Badge Ceremony TrooP 33 of the Lincoln of their Sçoutmaster, H. R. Scout Badgae ceremotkv for. Highland Park, ,under ive originated au altoge SThe six Scouts, WA e leader r new carved Glencoe Scouts Receive Awards ,at Hobby Show L. L. Birdsall, chairman of the Glen- coe Court of HoRnor,, an noun ces the following awards made last Saturd4,v- n*ght, April, 4, at the Glencoe Hobby Show and Court of'Honor before-'a- group of severa1 hunidred parents and friends. Cub Pack 6-wCuýb Pack Charte r for 1931;* Sea Scout- Ship 21, 'Blue Nose .-advancement, award for Iast quarteir 193U an 'd ship charter for 1931; Troop 23-Tenderfoot, Harry Fisher, Arnold Wolff; Second, David Cloud, Phil Frye, Bill . rumsick, Edward Mack Jr., James Musson, Bob Nevins, Ronald Preston, Thomas Redmah and, Billy Rothermiel; First Class, Edward Mack Jr.; Menit. badges, Bill Krum- sick-firemanship, - Phil Dostal-lea-- thercraft and swimming; advancement awaid for 1agt quarter 1930; Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan award for 1930-seven out of eight coups ; troop charter for 1931. Troop 25-Merit badges, Roger Brown - pathfindingi joseph Sac.o-' pathfinding; and troop charter for 1931. Troop 27-mobilization award for 1931; 100 percenlt Boys' Life award for 1931 ; and troop charter for 1931. Homor Scouts of Troop 22 Troop 22 - Tenderfoot, Clarence Jost; tranferred, Harry Hirst fro.m- an sinilrrojetalz at e-ao Tmme In the center ia their handicrait project-the Boy Scout badge hand- inHar KeiWrth:StA" Patol, roBpt 4arved in wood and maide in separate parts so that each of the six parts may p3atr roopWe ese, "A" atg: Ba be mounted on the frame separately as the different boys explain their B"rtg dMoepatrol, Troop 1-eueMtes traditions and meanings. The separate parts in the order presented are the "B"joh r ating, n Moose atinlgT.o trefoil, the eagle, the two stars, the scroîl with "Be Prepared" and the knot. .13-ohnMathson "C"Ratng.This tinusuai and unique ceremony is becoming very well known and bias- been used at each of the District Hobby shows. Boy Scouts Plan Hilke to Izaak Walton Cabin Newv Cabs., Scouts Scouts Find Candy Bars- At the last meeting Troop 19 spént .Being Con gratulated to Sweeten Their Meals Mostof.the tme making, plans for1 ro2dint the~ Lflk nn Anril41 A the,. TaoirWal efl lowincjrnunq.,, e ; :., w.. T 2di nthave a meeting lave ait the work ro your scribe. ry Of .adaershiP 'sbould Let's have sonfe more girls w.ite Winnetka 629 or Highlanr articles for the paper. You'Il find it or write to Boy, Scout he is very intercsting as well as practicai I Highlanad PArk. Illinois. and JohnWilliams; 1Frst ',..ass, War- ren Betteher, Lewis Lepman Jr., CGor- don Mathews, William Otter, Charles Sîncere and Fred Woleban; Star, Ralph Stoetzel; Fagle Scout with Bronze palm, John Fis cher; Menit badges, Warren. Bottcher ,-_ public, health, Bill Fischer - scbolar ship music, pathfinding a.nd haýndicraft, Francis Grosse-pninting and music, Lewis Lepman Jr., - swimming, life saving, personal health and music; >portuni- the WQoôp. as ever neara. .1The Uwl ither cail patrol leads the patroi. contest witb' Parkr 629 427 points to the'Lone Pine's 414.- .dquarters, Bill, Bowen, Assistant Editor, 'Wil- mette.