Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, p. 35

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Hrumor ................ . iave Lott Inquiring Reporter ......... jane Orr Book Reviews, ........ Ruth Jackson Reporters Alice Altscbul, Ethel, Anderson, *Johnt Barden, Emma Bickhamn, Jack Hicks, Bud Howard,,Bob' Hutchings, *Virginia Lotz, Harry Kinne,- Willard Kus, Jack M-et, J., McConnaugbey. Meta Miller, Earl, -MosÉ, 1Mazie Mouat, Janc Noirman,, George Ogan. Babe, Rich, Virginia Rietheimer.ý Leila White, Jane Yost. SPRING FEVER *"nspring a you ng man's fancy lightWy turis *to thoughts of love- se the much quoted poemn goes.- And judging by the number. of feminine heads turned'toward the windows of the clâýss room,, wbile, their ,thoughts are miles, away, the «young men" are i fot .the only afflicted, members of the population. ïlow can any one study, with, the, birds sitting outside a history class rooni and singing in their inviting * method to you to corne out and play. "'And that's flot ail" (as Raymond Robins, the famous socialis.', is given to ýsay.) The air is beginning, ta, have those delicious odors that James Whitcomb Riley speaks of in one'of bis, numerous poerns. Think of being confronted witb a test in physics while you are longing to go out on the golf links, and ta l play the ".'nine holes," within par. It is no wonder that people "ditch" inl the spring tinie, so the faculty had best bce lenient in measuring out their match talked about discipline.- They were in our predicament once, too. So, spring is here and it's a great if e if-we hang on' tili summer, and thenf * wecan ,"jump in. the lake."" A DREAM THAT MAY COM4E TRUE Supposé that the 25,000,000 boys. and girls ini our schools today were - learning under sorne formn of selfJ * goverftment-learning to. govern themselves, to adjust themselves puted, and sa lt was flot designated which school actually had the great- est number of points; however, ac- icording to the number of places won by each school, the teani which would have won was Senn High of Chicago. Oak Park would have placed.a very- close second and New- Trier a very close third. A meager four points would have been the only difference between the three schools. If the breaks had been 'in New Trier's favor, shie would have béee the ranking school. Unexpect.d Happenings I-thé first place, if the, eigbt lap relay teamn which won at the Central A.* A. U. meet bad repeated its- per- formance instead of finishing second by an eye-lash to Oak Park a numiber of points would have changed hands; in the second place, if bard luck had flot befallen Ha'nk Bender.in tbe 50. yard low hurdles, lbe migbt bave won fo ~New, Trier. So. much for thé "if's"; now let's see. what tbe teami did.. George Quin- tan upse~t à1l dope by deféating the cream of higb scbQol sprinters in the special 'fifty yard event. Herman and Burling of Oak Park, Portman of Ur- bana, Kennicott of Maine, and other highly touted city boys-including Moore of Austin-bowed to their su.- perior in this event. Quinlan, altbough an outstanding 440 yard man, was hard- iy concoded a chance to place in the short 50 yard sprint, but ho certainly "ripped and shoved 'em." Almost eciual- ling Quinlan's performance was Coke FinIayson's tie for fiYst place, In the high Jump with Dennis of Ph11lips. ThIis vie- tory was also .soewhast of an upset ac- cording to statisties; for Lloyd of Oak Park, champion of the suburbari league, was aisoeneftered. BenderHiIts Hurdle Although Bonder hit the firat hurdle and failed to place in an ovont which he was conceded fo win, his team mate, Louis -Bell. placed fourth In a classy field of city chamips. I addition to these Individuai performances, New Trier's eight-lap relay team made up of Bill Sundiof, John Kirby, Walter Wanger. and George Quinlan placed, second as dld 'tho sprint medley team--Quinlan, kirby, Bonder, and Don Pavlicek. The two-mlle relay team, running Jimi Joyce, Irarl Weinstock. George Boyleston, and John Gordon, wvon fou'Éth place In an exceedingly fstrace. Maine, lst; NeN Srd; Elgin, 4th, Distancee LRGrange. Zat; 3rd ; Oak :pa'rk,4 1a arFour. f)ak arklst;. Time-1 :23.4. Proviso, 2 nd; Senn, id; Senti,,3rù.., I Short Shotsj Buck: "I saved that girl frorn belflg run over by an automobile." Shot: "How imarvelouàt!" Buick: "Yeah, 1 stopped my car. Pardons Last Words Samsol-"Il guess thliell bring dowil the house." Doleful Ditty This month han passed I should be gladi.. Ths month has passed But I amrnsad. Thli nmonth has passed Ah, nad myr lot., This month has passed But I have flot. "Madame, don't you like these shoes?" *"No, gi-ve me a smalléIr pair. These fit." Wo knoWv, by hearsay, of a bail ployer who Was o cross-eyed that when the pitcher tossed to iret base three times, ho strrick out. Tsk, Tsk Sweet: "The prof. looked at nie",as though 1 had been choatlng." Pote: "And what dld you do?" Sweet: "l looked back as though I hadf't." Ene>'elopedia Treveriait Detour-The wrong way to the right place. How to Appear Traveled ":Just got bock 'from Egypt." "Indéed! Go rip the Nule?" "-Sure! Swell view from the top !.I Shhbbhhl "Say, you! Tiot uign Boys 'No Smok- ing Allowed!" Can't you read ?" ",Oh,.yes officeribtl i' iaii any nofie.'1 r u antmkn DOTIE DIMPLE Dear Dottie: I arn a senior who bas "sWorn off"' the women for various reasons, butt tne great event, and a fullflouse is ] expected on bath occasions. Althoug1l ' a record number of tickets have ai- ready been sold, some tan be ëb., tained at the door by early co>mers.i The chorus will remain, the -saine, but there, wil- be separate. casts for each performance. The, foillowin principals will act this evening: Mabei.........Jean Lindstrô»i Pre<frIcli................. Tom Elvin, Rtuth................... Molly Mickey Major Gerieral...... ... George Berlb Samuel........Hu gh Middleton01 Edith............ ErnestineBehrenti. ICate ................. Malrian Tubbe, Isabel... .............Eleanor Culveil Pirate KIng.......... Lowell Comre Sergeant of Police .......Lindsey Field&! Fer Satu*day: Mabel . . ............. Virginia :Sprague,. Fredrich ....... .......... Tom ]Mvin' Rtuth...........Phyllis Dubsky Major Geea........ John Chapmaü Samuel ................. Bob Kirtlafid lDdith...........Jane.O Kae ................. Ellen Cozzêns Isabel....... .....Joanll *Plat Rig.........ýLowell Comee 1 Serat'0 olic*'ée .Lindsey Fields. For the past two,.months the wholej cat undel! the able direction of Mmw Marian Cotton and her assistants hiave! been working hard te, make this opera t a succe..., and they sul desorve the ap. > preciation ef the entfre strident body INQUIRING REPORTER Question: What la yoizr opinion about New Trier stridents baving semester emX-; aminatlons? Dave examina graduat( If we hi '31-TrIncol unclU ULed help. Sufe TurneyF '3-Ij think every Junior and senior shorild b. roquired to take a somester examnination ln each subJeot -aà a preparatiori for college. But I don't thlnk >that the' exam shiorld be* counted s more thon. ono-eighth ef the, semester -Charles -Venrich '31-I ave b w'YB Hay:"Andwhe thi tai aloit Quinlan (New Trier), 1st; Burling i-an over me, I got mad and dared the (Oak Park), 2nd; Portman (Urbana), neuxt oestô hit me. But do you think rd; Herman (Oak Park), 4th. Time- It would?* No sir, 1 rema.ined un- .05.6. harmed." rngai lump Moo: "Impossible !" Dennis (PhillIps) and Finlayson ('New Hay: "But true--yori'sco, It was a, Trier). tied fdr flrst; Bray (Phillips) 5 Yellow cab !" 3rd; Price (Thornton), 4th. Heigh- 51 99. Sald one corpse i the- crowded morgue Broad. lump to another-*Move over, y' bie stiff." Dennis (Phillipi),, lot; Ring (Thorni-à selvesta ie. 1.hils book il ing iciefly because of -MiSssý portrayral of the growtb ofi acters. r sym- *Bfl~oYC Datng; Iflis book, 'w. ar te told by the book critie, is the lasi terest- word in information for the sociall ickow's inclined young manor womnan. M char- sure and watch for further announco mnts of thi book.

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