roll are being urged to do so at once. bc About 300* weimen have already ai registered for the school, stated Frank rE Kreml, director of the. accident pre- cc vention bureau, who will be in charge- of, leIssons. The ýfirst session will be held Wednesday at 3. An *address of welcome will be giv- en by Mayor Bartlett at the opening of the school and Sydney J. Williams. director .of the public safety .division of the National, Safety c ouncil, will describe qualifications of a safe and comapetent driver. Herman J., Spoerer. president of the Evanston Safety council, will teli1 the purposes of the school. There will be five class ses- sions at which Officer kreml Will give instructions, each to, begin at 3 and a sixth meeting. to be announced at a later date, for written exagmination. Those Who qualify iii- their, examina-" tions will be eligible for a second practice course to be given later. The ,programn committe inue Mrs.. Guy M. Pelton, chairman of the .school and home saiety compittee of the Safety council; Sidney J. Wril- liams, Elerman J. Spoerer and Frank Kremnl. Mrs. Pelton wuil preside at Wednesday's session. ChrstanScience L2Chrhes "Unreality" was the subject of the 3M40 t II hicgoAvenue, Evansfon s '~ I A Hundred Mile Trip in a SplIt-Second T HE "#top - notch" salesmn contacts çustomers ina the quickest, easiest, wnîcn are seen are temporai;u, une things which are not seen are eternal" (Il Cor. 4:18). Among the citations which comn- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing from the Bible: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, ,where moth and rust doth' corrupt. andi where, thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselvés treas- ures in heaven, where neither motli nor rust doth .corrupt, and where thieves do not -break through nor Lean of mE riiV1L5.anse4ciun tu ~JLa ." said: "Of the 1,484 freshmen men in the first year class this year, only 59,or 3.9 percent, have met this reqùire-, ment. May I add that we regard 'the honor o f being among these 5 as the, testaitenmd throughout the nation, yet h. tulks to each ont as olten as neçes- sarya is easy. It does fl'ot ta-ke the place of salesmen but it'assists them in 'breaking sales records. Use Long Distmnce telephons