Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, p. 48

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i Pirogram Apuil 18, Includes Glor- ified Ziegfeld Girls and "4Ly- sstrata Witb Variations" On Saturday, April 18, at 8 o'clock a gala -performance wilI be given at the Temple in Glencoe by the menibers of the Sisterhood of the North Shore Congregation Israel,- members of the Junior Sisterhood, and members of the Cangregation. Dancing will conàcludeè thte vening. The prograin, which is in two parts, bas, been arranged by tbe programn committee of, which Mrs., William Cowýen is chairman. The 'first part of the program isi, the glorified, Ziegfeld Girls assisted by Albert. Stern. Fol- lowng are the girls:, Helene Adler, Mary Cowen, Jane-Portis, Alice Ait- sehul,. Claire Simon, Felice Lehman, Grace Hirschberg,: Ruth. Jackson, Bty Hirscht Edith Hirsch, Mno Popper, ad Ainelia jaçobs. The second haîf of the programn is a.oue-aet play written and directed by,. Mrs. Max Woldenberg, of Winnetka. It is "lysistrata with Variation.Fol- lowving is the cast: Lyistrata, Mrs. niugene Sax; Wom- en of Athens, Mrs. S. Ruwitch, Mrs. Max Kahn, Mrs. B. Leo Steif, Mrs. William Cowen, Mrs.e N. Shuster, Mrs. Harold Moses; Men of Athens, Harold Moses, Milton Stern, Max Kahn, AI FIesbam, Milton Klee, AI Weisberg; Cleopatra, Mrs. Oscar Helin', singing the Jewel Song f rom "Fasust";~ Violin Prodigy, Mrs. Harry Camaun. Pony ballet direct f romn the Winter Garden. Alil members and their f riends are tor-dual invited as guests of the Sister- Catholic Club Plans Art Tour Next Morîday, An art tour on Monday, April 13, is otered to niembers of the Woman's Catholic club of. Wilmette under the auspices of the fine arts department. Anita VWillets Burnbam of Winnetka Northridge Cluib The bridge luncheon of the North- ridge Woman's club at the Indian TIrajl tearoomon Monday, April 6, was well attended. :The April meeting of the, club, will be held MMnday,. April 13, at 8 'ocloc-k m, the Girl $Sut room, of the Wil- mette Methodist Episcopal, -churcb. Two members of the GIee, club of Northwesterni university, Arthur Van Deursen and Stanley Berge, will pro- vide the nmusic for, the program. "India," f ascinating land of systery, will parade. before the eyes . 6f the Northridge, Womian's club members,- when they see and hear the travel talk by Howrard E.. Bowers. Intimate ýclose-ups, of Mahatma Gandhi at bhis spinning Wheel, pilgrims bathing in the sacred Ganges, weird Hindu rites at the cremation, of- human bodies, the Taj Mahal, most. beautiful building ever erected by man, are highlights of the mioving pictures taken by Mr. Btwers on his' recent trip aroumd the world. In addition to the pictures of India -there will be shown the Shive Dodon Pagoda, Buddhism's Holy of [folies at Rangoon, Egypt, bier Sphinx and pyramids, the lava buried city of Pom- peu at Nap1 1 and Marshal Foch's f uneral in Paris. The Parliamentary Law class was postponed for one week and will -meet Tuesday, April 14, at the home of Mrs. William Hughes, 1917 Ashland avenue. Park Rdg# School Will BenfiIt bg Club Seting Ail women of W.ilmette are invited by the philanthropy department of the Wornan's club of Wilmette to participate in, the. sewing days it s.ponsors. the nexct of which occurs, Fr:day, April 17, for the benefit of rthe Park Ridge *. School. for Girls. Work commence .s at 10 o'clock in the morning and continues until about 4:30 in the afternoon. Luncheon is served at noon. Mrs-H.T E. Rinoehoim is chairman Business and Professional Wom- en's Club Gives Benefit Bridge at Wonan' s.Club Apr. 10 Mrs. George Karites of Win- netka as a inember of 'the* North E~nd branch of the Chicago Junior school is takipig active Ürterest iez the plans aynd arranigeshsepts for the charity minstrel show the organiza- tioni is giviisg Satiirday, May 2, at tihe Rogers Park Woinan's club. *Proceeds frorin the afair zeill 'bene- it the school. «'hich is situtated on a for,.» on the Fox river eight mniles from JElgin Reset vations Pour in for Woman's Cub Tour Reservations for more than a bus Ioad already have corne ini for the tour of Chinatown and Maxwell street which is to be conducted under the aus- The conittee chairmen.*for :the card party being given.this evening. at the Woman's c lub'on. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue, by the, Business and-Prof essional, Women's club of Wilmette are:, General chairman. .Mrs. Esther Stone; tickets, Miss Jen- nie D., Shantz, assisted by Miss Ruth Slown, Miss Cornelia joues, and Miss Blanche Gay; ref reshments .and prizes, Mrs. Florence Freund, with Miss Rose. Obermeie, Miss Emnma SchreinerMiss Esther. Hoffman, Miss Lillian Leaf,. an d Mrs. Fr ances Tau- bert assisting. The hostesses are. Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Freund, and Miss. In addition to appropriate prizes for' women or men receiving a high score at each table, a, umber of ot2her prizes have been donated by members of the club who are in business in. the village. The refreshment comn- mnittee bas anuouticed that home made cakes are to be a part of the treat it bas planned. - The, next dinner meeting, of the club will be held in the Congrega- tional churcb at 6:15 o'clock, April 16, and is in charge of Miss Esther DIunshee, legisiative chairman. Rep- resentatives from each of the polit- ical parties are expected to be in at- tendance and speak to the members of the club. Chicago's Cbinatown was the place of interest selected for the last "c quaintance Tour" of the B. P. W. 5C. Fifteen members of the club went and enjoyed a Chinese dinner at the Chinese Church of Christ, visited the, templé, or civic center which bouses the Y. M.i C. A., the school, the-court... the, religious organizations, and.. the. Chamber of Commerce, then heard.- a program at the church and finished the eveniing by a shopping expedition to a Chinese grocery store and to the Merchandise Mart. ày pitty wfli hwil »e r,April 24. Cakes and b. needed f or that day. 1P. Vatcb of 611 Wash- tao n dmare of the party. John VN Living frank 4 dena";1 ds on .-,ni ~omu Arranâ err oun" rs. Henry [Tables and mens," Mrs. er Tables and, ,meit;" Mrs. eLarger Gar- ylor ou "The Mrs. Harold O. Barnes is hostess for the afternoou. TO ENTERTAIN WELFARE The. Senior Infant Welf are board. will meet at the home of Mrs. Railph W;Moodyp 1235 Ashland avenue,, Monday, April .13, at 1ilo,,Flock., II~Aintni LvAing or1 DJUUoR., Ut. and Mr&. Charles e. Long, 24 Warwick avenue, Wiiinetka, have re- turned from a trip. 10Miami: - and. Cuba.

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