with the aim of duplicating the cornIhrt <and gooa taste of a representative modern home. Fo'r the funeral home is intended to be just <bt-a second home to th e bereaved familY, ofering them the sain#: comfort and ý . privacy :Iiat they 'would enjoy in, <huir own lesidenice with the~adtoa facilities needeîd ar the limie. UNDERTAKER, oui Mortuary i s Eqipped With a pipe Organ Th& Oldest Establisbed Undeakerao onttImmediate North S bore Superior Ambulance Service . V V 1..:'11 1%ý1ý 1il 1 l icen ,e , #,The House.of Personal SeT vice"p HjIII -d 1118 GRE.ENLEAF AVE. WILmETtE 654 5 54 CENTER ST. WINNE-TKA 404_________ h1~W'~U RE CROWN EflW> QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL BATIZRIS AUTO STOItAG DAY &NIGHTf Lady Assistant Ir Il H. Il. vu. Your Car Ready For Spring, Driving? C '01,I weather road conditions are hard on the bést of cars. This, that and the other loosens up, inotor starts to sputter and a Jozen other things seern to go wrong. Have our Expert Mechanics go over your car now overhaul the motor, uiiooth fend~er dents . . . in general, get it in "ship-shape order" for, Spring! Ano ,"latter uehat thse job may be you cèan trust us to do it thorougkly S IMONIZIt4Gý WASHINGý POLISHINýG,' GREASING REPAIRING TOWING SERV ICE DAT & NIGHT ~==Lhien Cr.st: Garage 1fhAV«, Ses Tom £or Complet. Garage Service WILMWCTTIR 94717 FORD Car! ers an ei - ur SKOKIE MOTOR: CO* SALIES 435 Main Street SERVICEI Wilmtte955 »2I