..~e eashable ... end so are 1us$ aés practicel as;L re mort. Fourlutton I.ngth in fashion- abe white end na+4raiý shadef. Women's su... 53/4to 71/2. ll heGlove Srcilea LORDS-Firul Fleor, OrrfrgsomA Pe. L.O RD S.- FO UNTAU1.N - j Hosn~x AsYou Lua~ h lYe ra imara rai "If !Vs oas of Meh. s Chic new ghad.s*-in FHoi.ry 'As You Like I1C you'II b. glad you put your foot inIifi . .. You co b. certain that y. nwver had stockings so wonderfully b.comng, so lrr.sisfibIy âmmmi end so *horoughly 'serviceable-at $1 .35 l'o $1 .95." jusl thimi. oery inch lu HANO-MADE . . . end thor.aore various mode afler old CHINESE patterns in the Russieo mauiner. Th.y NO 1RONING. Approxlmét. size:; 72x90 loches. lit the Ligs .Sqs.re-LORIYS-FirsFloorf Cimier .1 I TIhis Evening CORSELETTE desigun$ requir. Halo lohs. o#-he-fâce hais, brim.ed hais. hais--ail n1h. inflvlgulog gmup at ihisiun' and Se. ihe.n 3 New ha enseMbi Reptile 4 4 HA BY