Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Apr 1931, p. 62

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Ur. Hindley'u sermon. top>Ic tor nèxt Bunday morniqg wIll be, "Living Cer- tainties.' The nervie begins at 10:45 There is a place for boys and girls of ail ageS IDi our church sehool pro- grm. The following, achedule Indicatuu the- time and age groupings foliowed from Sunday to Sunday,: Primary" (grades1,2. and 3) : 9 ý:30 'to 12 a.mni Junior (-rades,4,, 5 and 6): 9 :30 te 10:,45 a.m. Intermediate (grades 1 and 8) 9 :;0 to 10:45 a. m. Beginners (pre-schol): 10:,45 to 12 a. ým. High school (aill four years): 12 to 1 p. M. *The high school group. meets now lor regular clama work at 12 o'ciock. Their worship services are'now held la the church auditorium. The evening social hour'and discussion perlod ig te be held neit Sunday at the home, of Miss Kath- erine Thompson, 1311. Ashland avenue, The group, meets at 5:30 for refresh- mente. Lýat-er.some*topic of interest to Young people ls discussed, folIlowing whIch games are played. On Tuesday Mrs. S. M. Singleton of 1104 Forest, avenue will open> her home for an i al-day m~eeting of the Neigh,- borhood Circle. Mrs. E. H. Burge, Mrs. G. S. Fox, Mrs. J A. MacLean, and Mra. D' H. Nicholes will be assisting, hestesses. Lunàcheon will be served at The ivomien of the North -Side Con- gregational churcheig are iiiviteà te a Mlsalenary Tea given by the. First Con- gregationai1 church, Evanston, Wednea- day. April 22, at 2:30 'clock, in the Patriah Flouse, 1417 Hlinman avenue. An adeawill be given by Dr. Wynn C. *Fairfleld, who ta Just returning froni China te make report for the. Layman's Wact-FInding commission sponsored by John D. R~ockefeller, Jr., and John,,R. Mott. This. gatherlng Uromises to be one ef speeiai 'nterest. Mr. Hindley, will leàd the Mid-Week *meeting ef the church a.nd will answer t question put te hlm recently, "Do-you ectuaily know any real Christiana?" This meeting la held -at 8 p. m. on Wed- nesday ln the Churcýh.Parlor., P'rlday, April 24,. the Northwest .Cir- cie willinmeet at the home.,oif Mrs. George H. Redding, 1516, Elmnwood, avenue,- for, lucenat '12:30i. The openlng mneettil iirents Whoa rei Bloomuuury, a rather uras ruuuIuta bouee section et L4ondon. The atory la tffl6la t4i, on 0of a prolog, a Play and an epllog. I the prolog,- strife and bitteries t re rapnpant, btln 'the epilog - these ha'tè-, been dispi.ed by pence Énd. love. This transformation la brought about by the Passer-by who rente: the '"Third F loor Back"- for a brief . season and who by the gentle strength,,6t bis character la suggestive, of. Christ }îimseILf.Members of. the cast are: Ra.ymond Kimbeli, Jr.,1 Tomý Cox, Thomas, H. West, Rhea K_611, «Marian McGuaran, John Moore, ýTed Mayer, Louise Koerper, Fafinie Brown, Maria.n N_çttleman, Bernice Rtossberger t and A. M. Long. Tickets. may be obtained through any officer, teacher or. member ,of the Chuj'ch echool. The Woman's Spring, luncheon at the Shawnee club,,Thursday, April 23, at 1 o'clock,' la one of the outstanding functions of the year. Al the women of the church and vicinity are moast welcome. A very unusual program ls offered. Miss Leola Aikman, colora- tura soprano, wili sing. Miss Aikm-an ls sald to 'b. onéet the 'most prôniising and talented y9unz American artists be- fore the. publie toda.y." She bas had .an exceptienai prlze-wlnning career, and hier appearance eveywhere meets with admiration. From crities she eceives moat flattering appraisal. Reservations for this lu;ioheon may be miade through Mesdames S. E. Leeman, E. M. Staff- ford or T. U Grisamome. It la hoped that al will avail theniselves of this opportunity te ineet witb the women cf the. church and have a tnost desirable afternoon. The Chicago Method1st Social Union wiii held Its Spring banquet April 28 at the Medlnah club. Roy L. Smith ef Minneapolis, 'wili be the speaker. Reser- vatiens. should be made at onlce tlimeugh Mr. 'iCmbell. The Rummiage sale la a way ln which to help your chumch and also help many, needy people. The, Woman'.s Aid so- ciety wlll conduet this sale April thîr- teenth and May firat. Mms. R. W. Hiickman la the chairman and should be notiled concerning the material whIch you wilI place at their disposition. of' the.' group of St. John's Lutheran cussing the r- Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette idren wam ut Hernian W. .Meyer, M. A. pastor v!cKlbben eoftiie 406 ta'rie a venue Telephone 1396 ducs.tion Nborth- Cuc ewpoe21 ýreid manýy vaina- Chchtlpoe 11 ied several mtim -_ Sunday, April 19, will b. the. second Sunday atfter. J3aster. There wlll 'be Holy C ommunion at 8 a. m., ChuIrch Séhooa' a.nd Bible classes at 9:45 and Morning Frayer wlth Addresat 11. The Women's Asàsociaked Guilds , will meet ffiday, April 24, in.the Club bouse at il a. m.iThere) la no meeting of the Guild today (Frlday). A rally of the north shore Episcol Church achools will be hield at Christ church ln Waukegan Sunday, Ap'ril 26, at 4 P. m. St. Augustlne's 'church achool choir will attend along with a repre- sentative f romnhe Church'sehool. The Fashion Show and Tea held by the, Womefl's, Associated Guilds1 at the residence -et Mrs., George H. Bird,r 1910 Chestn-ut avenue, was very wéll attended and was a great succesa, several hun- d'red béing present. Teonight (Friday) in the Club house delegations of eider boys from north shore Episcopal panishes will attend din- 'ner taetebfandafewadslsten to an addresa by James L. Houghteling about the Brotherhood o.f St. .êndrew et which bis fatheIr was the founder. The dinner will be preceded by services in the church for the boysat 6:15 con- ducted by the rector, Next Monday at 6:30 the Men's club of St. Augustlne's will hold a dinner at th. Club lieuse to> be fellowed by. motion pictures on "Transportatitbn."' Ail men are welcome. The Communicant attendance on Eas- ter Day was the iargest St. Augustlne's lias ev« had. Nlnety 'percent. et the total number of commnunicants were at Holy Conunion ln St. Augustinels on Easter VDay, being forty-three more than last year'm .large attendanoe. Presbyterian Charch Woman'8 club Greenleaf avenue and Teiith street Church office: State Bank building Momning worship ...........4..11 a.m.' Sunday achool............... 9:30 a.m. Junior church... ......il m Y. P. S.C. E.............. 5:30 p.ff.* Prayer meeting, Wednesday ...8 p.m. THE SECOND SUNDÂY AYITER BASTER OUR TENTH ANNIVERSARY 9:45' a.m ................ Sunday mehol l* Arthur Stark, superintendent? Ia.m. ......... Mornlng Worship Sermon: "People of God"o 8 p.m. .......... Abniversary progrm Radio broadcast, Includinig Pince Wilhelm of Sweden, Swedish orches- tra. and comnbined choira of, North- minster Presbyterian church and IlmettiB English' Lutheran church.. Ail of our services are. open ýto the public, but yqe extend a, special, Invita- tion .to everybody, to attend. our anni- verriary programn, Sunday evening, April 19. Friday evenlng,, April 17, las the date of the. anniversary dinner. The Womfan's society of the c-hurch will serve the din- ner. Tickets may be obtalned f rom any member- of the society. Next week the Luther league presents thg- cornedy-drania, "Crooks for a Month," in the Sunday school auqditori- um. The nights, are Priday and.Satur-_ day, April'24 and 25. Bring your frienids, to .onjoy a .good~ orchestra and fine ama- teur acting for an evening's entertaini- *menit. We invite the unchirrched of our com- munity to worship here before selecting a& church home. Baptist ÉC4 urch Wilmette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, pastor "A Church that Car3ms"' At the morntng worship.of the church and school at il o'clock Sunday moru- ing, Dr. All1son wilI continue his erles of sermons enttled "Meditations on the Miracles"-thia second one ta be 1"The Heallng of the Blind Begga.r." For the chlldren, there wili be the story of "John, Who Was Called the. BaptLst.* Classes for bo~ys and girls from the Nursery department thrôtugh the high Èchool ýgrades are held ut 9:-30 each Sunday morningé The adulte tmeet at the same timne for a discussion group in Charge of.the pastor. The young people of the church are having a. bpx supper on the parsonage lawn at 5:30 Sunday evenlng oet.he foi- naîader some of the chief te, attend these sess Ions wliieh will be NIvd ln' church member. cloaed, on Sunday afternoon. -. The students wili attend the forenoon 'an Service Guid wilii services at St John's ln a body. The *venlng at the home of choir ot the ehurch willI sing two sn- Joués, 1030 Cetral aveý- thems. Thes germon wiliI b. 4elivered h ostepm: * UbOMWMar- by thé -Paaop, tbe a. n . 09 ~ MMaX00 Tui. Do.- Meybr. *ail b t athe*mpSak.«,o Sunday momnlng, êprIl 28, at .il cessin wmsLUrt irom the 1union ciiurch at .10 o'clock. This visît between the. two XIgii., SuluIay, AprlJil 9 Kenilworth churchea -leanw annual oc- Prelude, "To Sprlng ........... Grieg casien. Solo "Q Ood, Hve Mercy" (St- Paul).... ........* Mendelssohn Wédnesday evening, May 5, the an-. Mmr. Otis nual - spring dinner ef the churéh wil Offrtoy "o aWii Roe" MaDewlî be held at the. KenllWortli club. At thua PopiÛe"Ml.h Rmane".. . ouodtime there.,willi- be reporta , f tie var- NrmaRoudsorgnia an dîectrtous commltteees jàtthe chu!rch and the Edwmd tis baa.anniual election ef oflncerà.

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