called to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Dubbs and were received witth genuine warmth and hospitaiity which cementel the feeling of good will 'into a more solid appreciation of the sterîing quali- ties of our new president, wbicn is an assurance, ot -the cooperation, he will. rèceive: f rom tbe citizens of Wilmette. 1't was a deligbtful coincidence that the %vinning of, the' ollice .oi Village, president and: the weydding annivèrsary of Mr. and Mrs,. Dubbs sbould occur on the sameday,. April1 21. While speak- ing of this and stating that i w-as their hiithanniversary someone said: *.Here is the cro'wd, tbe lights, tbe flow- ers, tbe bride and groom-~ ail we need is thé minister to bave the wedding." That lack was ý speedily rectified as à téléphone -cali to the geia Dr. Alli- son f ound him very willing t o operate., AndI so ,tbis -on- the spur ot the mom en t wedding' %vas on. The guests eagerly awaited the coming of tbe bridai party. At. tbe first soit strains. of music renidered by XV1l- mette's beloved' violinist, M ilani LuskL, the bride slowly descended the broad white stairway, gowned ini black tûf- f eta of modish cut, carrying an armi- fuI of pink flowers shrouded in bil- lowy clouds of tulle, its long folds carried bythe dainty,. serious, wonde r- ing eyed little daughter of the b.ouse. The bride in sweet dignity paced theý * .lengtb of the living room wbere Dr. * Allison stood, and' was met hy .a gai- lantly proud bridegroom, and the pair renewed their vows of loyalty and love in a brief service of tender sincerity *as spoken by Dr. Allison. Atits close everyone shook banda with the happy pair and wisbed tbem 'many years of *content, love and companionsbip. This entirely' impromptu weddIing ceremony, wVhicb right easily have be- corne a tbing .of ligbtness and. levity, becamîe a Most gracious ceremony. h y ' reason 'of the dignity and-.sincerity of the participants. On the faces- of Most tbé assembled confipauy, the majority of wbom were marri "ed f olk, were smiles of 'tender remniniscence, as eacb recalied is own "big moment." Wilniette Court No. M48, received Holy Communion in a body on Sunday, April 19 at the 8 o'clock mass at St. josepb's churcb: After mass the grouP was served breakfast in the basement of the icburcb. During the afternoon about tbirty,.new memibers. were elected to tbe- Court. lu ,. the evrening , about* 110 emeswere served* supper, wbich was also attended by tbe V'Jsiting Courts. There were present Newmian Court 'of Evanston- and Waukeganl Court of tbat city. Fr. Ralph gave, an interesting talk. Miss Pauline Bieser bas been!elected candidate to -tbe State convention of SPW.CI of Spriag Coats, $1 0 aia "t", IL. Don't miss this opportu- ni ty; .corne in. end see UNIQUE STYLE SHOP 1126 Central Ave. Wil.' 2403ý Il M IFirst Church Of Christ, Scientist Tentb Street and Central Avenue, Wiluette, I11. SUNDAY SERVICES -I. A. M. WEDNESDAY- - TESTIMO]WAL MEETrING -Pi. M * SUNE>AY SCHOO0 L EXCISËS - 9:45 A. M. APRIL 26, 1931 * Subject: "Probation After Deth' READING ROOM-1 148 Central Avetue Open Daily (excepting Wedn"dy) 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:4 5 P. M. - Open Srsndag wfternoon 3 P. M. to 6 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail otber authorized =Christian Science Literature 'pay ha iread. borrowed or purchaied ai the Reading Roomi. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITIED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ftoOM HOLES AND, it was not dlone BY h old-up mon NORa burglar BUT by a small worm ABOUTI haif an inch LONG. W. have- the BEST insurance IN the worlà ag.oinst THIS f.flow thaé cts HOLES in your woolens., *WE guarant.'. asure DEATH tom, his SISTERJ 'and 'the EGGS she lays IN your woolens. THE ammunition thatf YOU use leaves n STAINS or ugly odors. DICHLOROCIDE IS ifs name, RECOMMENDED by THE U. S. Govern'ment., DO no+ be deceived'in DUYING somethingj WITH a fancy NAME et a fancy PRICE as you witt more THAN g.t ti WILME1TE 41 10 1804. Centrai Streef-in .Evanston 4554 I