111Central Avre. FREE DELIVERY PiciUred above are seve rai members of the' cast of the New TirHigli schooi faculty men's club, production. "Thte Best Peo pl," to be' piresented ini the oi<I auditorium ut thte hjgh sc/toil ai 8 oý'clock *Satrdav wiight, April 25. and agoin on Friday night, May 1. Standing, f roi» left Jo right. we have: Miss HeenFraser, who plays t/w part of a chorus girl; 'Robert Carpenter, thte chauffeur; Miss Fraices., T'j-cdin, thte stcnographcr; Frederick .4. Kahler, the fat/wr, and C. Rutssel Sînail., thte fathcr's b)rothe-mii-laîc'. Baiiey Shearer and Miss Winifred W ilsor are seated. Mir. Shearer is. in love wzitk the chorus girl. and Miss Ilis hli. mother, dorsn'i like, his taste. "The Best Peo pie" had long t'uns in Chicago and AJewe York. it is ex-- Iecfcd tb attract capacityv audiences Io the NezzTeier au(ditorium ai bot/t Phones Wilmette 2800.2801 and 152 RIDGE AVENUE, -WILMETTE. Buy it kere for less EGGS, strictly fresh aozen......... BUTTER, WILMETTE 311t Quality the -Higrhest Pric the Cheapa Service the Bs Déeion-s, Ripe STRAWBERRIES! 3Boe29 Extra Choice GREEN MANMS 2 Quarts 25e BUTTER 1/4-1b. Prints Made by Blue VaJIey Lb. 270 Per D41,033 NEW POTATOES 5Lb..e Freah, Solid, GREEN PEAS, 3L.. L29le Del Monte Vacuurn Pack COFFEE 3 Lbs.*10 FRESH EGGS. Direct from Country 2 Doz. -55e Ripe, Solid TOMATPES Lb.19 Large S1.ected CUCUMBERS EaahlSC . GREEN ON IONS it cornes frorn "Pearson's» its the best 2Doz. W:Ini.tte, W. Deliver t. Kenilworth, WinotNcm, Hubbard Wood$, Gl«oo MUSI Lb.l