.Phot -by Mlathew Franceis H -ere's a- scene ins the newsPa er office, center. of mnu ch excitement, in thse drama, "SCOOPS," heing ýoff ered tonight Pridày) b'ytMe alii.ziae at 'Maliinckrildt Higk scisool, Ridge 701ad an Waln«t aenutie, at 8 'clock.ý Promi le! t ta riqht, tire players pictured aboz'e are Madeline Cobb, B etty Iudwdig, Geraldine Weber, Blanche Keil, ýAim-a, Marie Shiea, Suc Mick and Marjorie Ocrter. There'Il be Plenty o f action and, thrills, it is >romised. Lejin A3xiary <Wilmette Post No. 46) President Hoover bas again given his approval to the aniual Mayý sale of 'mù.emory poppies. iii,.the following9 letter addressed to the national p resi- denit of the Légion auxi liary: MyDear Mrs. Hoyal: .The sale of poppies nianufactured by disabled ex-service mnen ini the hospitals and elsewhere flot oniy pro- vides them with ernployment. and creates -a fund for rehabilitat'on and child welfare, work, but is also an * appropriate reminder of the sacri- fice of those who died in service. of our country. -Vour s faithfully, -Herbert Hoover." Under the leadership of Mrsi *Ranidolph McCanidlish, poppy chair-ý >man, for the NNilmette uqitý plans. aewell under way to have every resident of the village wearingthe *flowcr on Poppy Day and Menorial 1)ay. On next -Mon1day. 27, members of the posi and their friends wil ig, April auxiliary entertainment, which is'always pro- vided bythe' Legion. The early sprîng months aliiays brirng a shower of announcemnents Of card and dancing parties. An imvi-' tation of unusualinterest cornes f roi Cook County couricil, which will eni- large its fuind for rehabilitation morý< by a card ,party tomorrow evening at the Chicago Woman's club,, Michi- gan. avenue at Eleventh street, A conhnittee ot representative wornen from -the districts in the county is worki ng to make this the outstanding social event of the council year. Mrs. F. 1. 'Dowd (Wilmette 4376) is i charge of the tickets which m7ere lis- sued to the \Vilmette unit. Mrs. Dowd is also i charge. of reservatiQfls for the quarterly lunch- eon and conventin of District 7 to be held April 29 at the Civic build- ing, Glenview. The Sesterhenn unit wilI act as hostess to the district on this. occasion. The department presi-- dent, Mvrs. A. B.ý Midd.ieton, -will* be the guest of honor. Mrs. Gdeorge.Kel- logg, jr., will also be present and discuss. the- retiabilitation problem from the national viewpoàint. Rsr vations for . the luncheon msust be completed today,,it is stressed. HAS SURPRISE PARTY Friends and relatives of Raymnond Hoffmnan, son.of Mr. and -Mrs,, Joseph Hoffman, 1713'Forest avenu e, suir- prised-. him at bis home Iast week: Saturday with a birthday party., He' celebrated bis twentv-third anniver- ýsary. EDITH RAY YOUNG Curtis Glass Work Also, private instruction ,for clîîldren and adults. 1133 CENTRAL AVE. Tel. Wil. 3651 1Every i uescay at one o'clock The ÇerganHotel $ 1.25- Luncheon-Bridge Prites-Tallius-Cards are.,,furnished Greenleaf 410,0 for.reservations nie Çeogiaii AE. DEGERMAN, Manager Hinman Avenue' atDavis Street Evanston ON THE TRAIL 0F. TREASURE This year after: inventory. we 'have made a substantial reduction on, certain sewectedmr chaniseat an actual saving to you of 30 to 50%v. Fine imported furniture, marbie fountains, bird baths, benches, bronzes, fireplace furnishings is plainly $10thani pleased.with the resuits. HELENE BEAUTY'SHOP CAROLYN MIILLER, MGIR 400 Linden Ave. Wilmette 2802 Coner ai Fouirth and Liuden, 2ad iloair OV5lR THE