Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 22

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VOL. 4, NO. 53____ ~¶Stolp Announces' Regular Schedule of Baseball Tilts The aeai eson ha.s startcd. We have played three practîce gaines and new our reguia'm' season begins. Durîng the bas-eball seasen the foiiowing gaines will be played: Wedncsday, April 15-6A Vs. 6B ; 2A v.2B3; 1 vs. 2C.' Monday, April 20-6A v s. 6C';2A vs. 2D); 1C vs. lE.. Wednesday, April 22-613 vs. 60'; 2B vs. 2D); 10 vs. 2C. Môiiday, Api'll 27-6A v~s., 613 ;2ÀvsI. 1C1 vs. 2C. Wedn"cday, Aprîl 29-6A vs. .6B3; 2A vs. 2D); lé Vs.' l». ý 1Monday, May. 4-611 vs. 60; 2B3 vs. 21); 1 B v,,,. 2C. Wediîesday,\la y Ji .»,lit2A vs. 2B:» 1C vs,. 2C'. %fondýay,',Ma)' Il -6A vs. 6(-' ;.2A vs. ?D10 I'vs B.i Wedîiesday, Ma)' 13 -61t vS. 6C.'2'13 vs. 21),; 113 N-s.2C.-lùlt nol' lurpec, Stoip. Howard Wins Garne by Overcoming 5-Run Lead bail teain pin yed .Howat'd at Stolp. Tt -i was a fivc-iniîîig gaine and was, close threughout. The' ineup for Stoip -%vis Ed Mee, catcher ; .Bill Jenkins, ptcher;, Jin koegel, first- baseman; Berry Ee'rb- liinger, second basemnan; *-David Wein- stock, .third 'baseman ; -TWiroit1niith, * left fieiIdeî'; iave Miller ceter frieldeîl;, Douglas Hid eriht tieldeî', and Jobhn Neville, scttp Stelpý had a fivel'un lead ln the- last inning,' the fifth innlng, * with Ho a'r t bat. IHoîard evercamne this 'leatd and %von out, 16 te 15. Nev'er- theless we hope te win our remaining gaules.-Ed ee, 20 Stolp. Pupils it Stolp School Are Working on Debate. The Stcilp sehool has been woriing on debates.. There will be, ene 'represent- *aive frcîî each eighth grade reenfor the affir-îîîtive side anid -one foi' -the negative. side, w-uP three nîembeî's .cii' each teai. 'lThe s akci's on tl e.afi'n ative sidt' ar'eBill Jenkins, IRay Wre b and .James C('ii'îùteîson. ()l thie ega- tive- sde are Dei'otlîy Hcllow-aý, miîiaîn West and (leorgette Becker. We bave hotîifor our. debate :'levd: That aw-dssouid lie given for sehlar- Cei."-eexget te 1e-kei', M Stolp). RIEAI) ELE('TRIC 3IETERS ýTuèsday, Apî'ii 14, the 71B clas efthe Hi'Witrd sho begaii te study. electrie pietersý IM'rs. jolies, tPe arithnietlc teacher, is having us nmakû, a reýýorî of «tir electrie intters at lioîie anîd after three days adId up the kilowattt hours and see how inuch eiectrîcity we use up ball, ana 1 îasket ry-Ma ' Clarke We-e, B Stolp. 1 Tu M.ST BE SPRING on daiys like we have been having re- cent ly. fluttering light colored dresses and light ceats. Outslde my windew, on the -roof, I have two l.,ittle hird friendswhe wake me up) every morning, roviding I féee4 hernm-Elytbe Akely, se -stolp. Girls.Speak on Trip to Washington,. D. C. Three înte'restînig tiks.weregiven te, 2C Stollp Tuesdav, Aprîl 14, by EIeaner Williams, Jane' Hosting! and Susan McNfahon. These girls %vent ete Wash- ington, 1). C.,. during Sprinig vacation and bî-eught back, soîni- intere stiflg ini- formation. The first'.girl1, Eleainer Wiilianis, told cf their trîip. te oWilshiingti nrd aise ci', thée (Io ngressional library. She, aise gave a dscriptiôno f Wasýhinigtefl's and Lîcl'.tombs. Tho second girl, Ta ne Il orstiniîg, i tid us c-f the tril> up the-'Washinigtonii 1100- <iai and the reons %wbere cîîre la-s, StsnMcMahon tolid- (if. tbhé 'hite flouse -.and the tenlb ef the t'nknowii St Sodier in ArIiingten .fohîî Neville', Stoi1 '2C. Girlsof Stolp Choose ,Their'Basebaîl Captains. The girls, of Stol ihave beenthtil' (aaisfor basebaîl. Maîv (C"-ke %Vebci' and .Btrhara -Wiiey ire ourcp ltains iunlM. After w-e chose oýur t-ii w-O -decided %we wui.rahe avo, tfldy onle, se our playýers wouid imt bw se divided. Mrs. liail satid that w-e cauilcl chnese we ar7e going te elcet a nw captain 'for the wbeie 1B, cLass. Thli lB:girl.s' teams hbave each payéd tht-e practice games. Oui'regn'season 1 ean Wednesýdayr,.,April 15. W)e iope, the baisebali seasen will Pc as much ii >àur favor asthe ethel' spiorts this -r have been.-Jeaii1xen 11Ser Vegetable Tossing I's an Old English Custom Th'le eighth grades atre geing te rcad the "Me'rchant eof ic\.- e lhave iearned quite; a few interesting îlîings about thec way Shaiçesp)eare wrele Jîi'!- plas Lt~vasveîy ibad ito ho an actor a' long tinie ago, ýlnd oiily . men îNvel'e aters. Young béys teck the parts cf w'-ornenderi.tidedr nnook the jplaicÉ, e in(-n. There ,weias,;usially a jester ln the plays te niake the ignorant peoplie enjoy theplay. Sonitimnes ýthey - woleu throiv teniatees and such at the aetoe'is. I w-uld certainlynot likfe te be an ac>.teor w-inthe:, did such tigsVri ANnri Sncif, 113 Stolp. Stolp 2C Pupils to Sing in North Shore Festival tw'ent)'- ti4e werl lia rles Kicinofen, How,%a'rd 8B. ADMIRES LOWELL T'HOMAS A few weeks age 1 saw Lowell Themnas n a lecture. Uts pictures were very inteî'eting and 1 know ail who saw hum aise found hini 1jîfteresting. I. aise found new thing I 1neyer knew before. LoWell,,Thoffias is av very l1u- terestinig manî*.and he had a fine per- .sonalIty.-Robert Turg9eon, 8B iloward, New Seats Are Assigned for Howard 8A Classes April 14, the pupils In SA Howard had different seats -.issignied .to ,theniac-. co'r-ding to oui' work. The., ones Who NvweCnet doing se WeiI ne 1ed extra work aïnd are -ail on one si dée.,f the roomi. The, ones i wb are av erage or above are aliowed specul priviîleges as:ý During. remediai period in the morning they are permitted te go te different. roemns 10 work, or, to the gý,innasium,, or to the lbrary, sêeeng <of cou rse they 'do îlot waste tirne or Ilingerý about the halls. NM rz. Jones Is nôt qure.whether or not sating arrangement wiil wr, and si Esy s she may do mnor hnig- Marjorie Kresge, SA 1Hcward.ý Stu.dents Learn -Hoýw >to GiveBoýok Reports. 1 On tuesday, April 14, SB3 had te write our, book repqrt. We Nvere te give the. titie an author, give our criticisin, If any, and give. that part we wanted to cryiticiIze. We xhould aise give some inttiestingi happ -enings in th(- boôk, se if' a person w-lh had net seen the, book weereading your report, lhe %vould be interested to read it. The' book report should be made as interesting as you possibly couid miake fi. 1 reportedl on a very interesting book, "Counit Luck- ner, the Sïa Devii,"' by Lowell Thonmas. Tt is îi very adventurous and fa-scinat- ing story. 'rs. Stallmng advL-idus te, rliead it, though ,it is flot on the eighth grade list., We are al waitIng very anxiousiy to see what ourgraàdes wil, be on this book. report. Let's hope we ilget a, geod grade !-Marýguerite; l>treSE Howard. Many Pupils Contribute Articles.to Junior Life Around il :341 o'chock, '.\r. Stone caine lu te tell that if we did flot get our- anrticle ini the Junior ELfe net to be disappointed, because there are se many that he can net put them ail. in. HoT showed how: many he had freri Hoivard ýchool eniQny. There were about fifty or more. The're are net manycoin rn our teoin, so. just as soon as Mr. Stone ,Went out. of the roomn, the teacher sa-id thtjust as .seen as we get finished wvriting we, could write for the. Junior .Tife.--Luciile Heerens is. rak' rooin. GIr LS.M AK T-N CPOSTERS The sixth grade girls. are malziig posters in art ciass. These posters are :1soinu stories cfd(lreek life. Thevar ai uiîe-îzîning gaine because of the ceiýd weather. The IFlY Cat<chers won, 4 to 2. -MîTid(red Fariner, lB, Stoip. 0O TQ,ýART INSTITUTE On Tuesday, April 7, the MEs went te the Art: institute. ,We saw rnany originals b-, Monet, Millet, and m-any other famous artists.-Miidred Parnr lE Stolp. amr Girls of Howard« Sebool Are Busy P laying Basebali Last Monday 7BE-2 played 6Ê in hatýe- bail. Mrs-. Fanckbone'r said thatthée games we stal'ted te play Are schedubléd garnes. The umpire *as Geraid Spihner and the scorekeeper ivas Cari Frankell. LuI the first inning 6B made three runs and 7BE made ten.- In the second innuflg.; 6B made tht'ee etits in: n ,row.' iu the third inniflg 7B was far ahead of them. When the gane was over the score was 33 te 3 in 7B'sfavor. .T'le catptalu cf 6B is Ev.elyn Schubert. Our first teaîn aise won by, the score cf. 13 te ý9. The 7A second team plaYed' 6C and- lest bv the score of 5 te 6. ~Vdnesd.iy 7B second teain pin yedt RB. In thé first inning 7B3 %as. ni)to bat and did net make any runs. Wýhent) 811 was up te bat they made about six iuns. In ,the second uflning, 7B3 w. aheaýd' cf 8B. The score. -vas 15 te 11, ln 7B's favor. In the thflrd inning, R813 was. up.' When the sky was dark ai thundered, Mrs. Faucnekboner thouglit wê- should 'quite piaying. bécause .itwa starting te .ran. ,.'The score -'wâs 1G t o 15 ini 8B'q avor. Wedn-egdatywme te play îinother gime withi our fl'rst tearn or with 7A.-Eleanor Sperèdeg, 7J3 1Uovard. Science Class Studying Ab.out'Birds and H-Ouses in our sc1encîe wcýrkbooks, -'e ,ire naking a lîst cf the, birds we h;ivo.- seen, *here wesai thèin, date, 1î any remarks we waut te ýmake ;îhi)it the bi'rd. i have te maké a. p-tan of a bird hôuse and for extra credit 1Wf- <..i reaýiiy make one. The mjeit' thecis is, geing te plan and maýke bouses, for wes The wren is a smali beird the -cler of a sparrew but si ir ILt has a ve'iy pretty song.. T1w wreri w-ili ept %vd, ornis, and crumbls cf br-dif thie people would tbrow soie out for hini. Soîne persons ;ire goil.g te get the 'housçs ready, te naiil te- gvther.. If everybody iakes enie, tht- birds ;that visit, Wilmette this sunnui ývil have a nicê.'wêeconie and sheir -ary Leuisýe Schaeffe'r, 7B3Hwad Orchestra, Gice Clubs Preparinig. for .Concert Mî's. Clark, the oýrche.stra, aiid thle g1'e clubs aeworking biard towa rd the Spring con-ert. Wedneusda-y and Friday the orc-hestra., and the glcee clubs practice togethe'v- fnal tests whîceh wilii tell ,whether (fr not we pass Into blgh scliool. 1- hope sonmeote ,111 see this w.irninig so t-bey will net stay back this year.-Jeaii La1wreuuce, lB Stelp. STRiVIIÇG FOR STAWS Our rooeni as made a spelling chai't. We have the naines ef ail the childreii written down. Lf. you get Ai l yUi we'rds, right' yeu get a gàld star bY yeur - naine. tf you gain, a lot of words - you get a.red stqr., Many children hav1e go1d and red stars.-Eetty, Haley, Miss Frank's reoin.

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