Juniors, Seniors Hear Dr. Barbour in Agsembly Talk junior ad Seiors attended otie of the mnost interestineg assembl.)1ies of the vear whenl Dr. Clarence A. Bar- bour, president of>Bro%%.n utiiiverFity, wasthe speaker on Thnrsdav, Apri! Dr. Barbour- chose, as lbis sije 'Oîthe Other Side of.the Hili," ex- Plainîng his choice 1w- the statenient that this question bas ht-en and is the greatest of the %Nworldl. He devoted his'talk to three phases of this qites- tion-the intellectual realint, the sense of înusisc, and, the realint of truth. Thlere is a certain, type of intellec - tu.ai 110)0in the world' todav-- -thie persoi w-ho' will take the- easiest way to get tredit regardless of the erfect tliat his 'taking Of the easiest conurse vvwill have on hilînscîf or aliVoine Csc. tir.Brb- gave as (mie of tlche rfl cipal reasons of the preseti ad. couIr dition the great nilnther ofthese ilii *tellict ulal -hoboes ' ho. are in Ille wocrld totlav. the. Eastiltai school, at Rochiester College,ý is the '-resu'lt .Of one i-m ls desireë to find ont, for hliiself whlatl w-as on. the lther side> of the bîill in re-gatrd' fi) the. beauty. of gond Dr. Barber closeil his address *wit1i ait appeal to the. studfents to leal1 a worhwhle.life, 'to pav the pritc necessary to obtain a, good character. becauise the rewards for leadinig a wortawhile life are rnan and greit.- Popular Columnist - Is Regaining !-eath1 DoOît v Dinînle, the 1,brilliantt colndulc tor of tjiè popular colliinî. "Prolb- lenis .i iil nv-or .Social Conir.luct." lvî'; i brokeil dowvn underthe ýtraiil'a 1d i-. naking lier recn)ý-erý-*, Wl' h respn sibî lit- (if advisilio so inîauYoung~ people on so uîanv <iffteent inatters is nio sliglit nue. antli theli- tor lhas auu~eItliat I)ottv'slev cf absence vll I cas -nded as as necessary (probalY -mie x e.at -least>. If nossiblc. Dottv- is pI)anniiing, ti v Hear New Sulperintendent .iîîiîi-' . ;~f>w-.p-i seiil pr incipal of Great iVcck Iligh scizool and iî,hl (s is 10 addic.pçsd tiiiii f VN7L Trier Townz-lsilp HI gh scitool nc.xt 8çpîein b r sc a s11udent asscmbly atN-a Trier J-igh scitool, Thur.ç- dlay, A54/ruPi 23. AIr. Goaffîù'v caime fothe liortiz shore as flic guest of thie t'il- meteIJ~nn'tanaid Gl'no {arY clubs. fle spoke al a Joilt* meeting of Golf ers A re Trying Senior Physics classes for Places on Team Tour Electrie Company, \Vjllth th golf season, alreadv licre, Fiftv people froni the senio r p 1sc farh,-' 'Ne~Tw, Trier N'arsitv classes wxenIt oxn to the Delta Starl kn'owv -a nd -ail Il selves so much on t11e trip to W,,si- ington bad a chance to dIo a bit of reminiscing. 'The mnovies iwhich wýýere taken during the trip were shown for their benefit. The pictures taken 1by Mr. Frîshie and Miss Fogg were v'ery interesting ones. of Monticello; Mount Vernon, and the' Endless. Caverns. Some .of the ýmost interesting were, thôse.of the oîdConfederate veterans at Richmond, Va.. to Be Exhibited May 5 The Stam-p club %vill. have its exhi- bition on the. first Tuesdav o f M av. Tht. displav of stamps, some of t1henli framned in decorati ve designis, and also sonie coins will be shown ini the. school ibrarv., Do hot. fail to s.ec these. interesting collections,, it is urged. an 'after-dinnier speech, Wachs de- livered bis oration, "John Nfarshali and the Constitution," and wasenl- thiusiastically received. The Dailv News District contests are well uiider way, the Iast one to 1)e given -on.Tuesday. May, 5. Itsi there that ,Wachs wilI -présent bis original onation iii competition xith other schools.ý Seymnour Isurge, '27, ias taicei four years of Liberal Arts in three years and is now taking his first yean- of medicine in bis fourth year at Dart- mouth. Ht. is president of Alpha- Kappa Kappa, medical fraternity. MOVIES FOR CLASS)ES The. chemistry classes Were eniter- tained by movies.on refrigeration anid ropper smelting. .w., il Oratory Fi nalists Await Next Week for Last Contest At last the. Public SpeakinigOra-, tbrical contest has cone to the :final round. Al yvear studeni.ts of the pub- lic speaking classes as well: as 'manv others have een enthusiasticallv waiting for this aniual- contest wýhiclfi includes 'suéh a great showv of abilityv on the- parts of the contestants. This-year those who have been seý. lected as the final five, frotn, both, Classes are named below Dorrance Nygaard,' "The. Challang.e": Heleni Parsons- "Prisoier at th e -Býar": Bettv Buckett.,,"Anlierican Youlth and the "Constitution"; Bob ivu ,n «Ma ster -or Victiu" ; Sher woi df Nel- .on, "The Gilded Curtain," W,\hichone of the aboveiiieiiti,ie contestants is going-to be the victor, iii the, final contest? Tîjat is wa evervone is wond(eriîîg. Next weCek wxill tell the tale. Tisý lasi dliiinia- tion will take place during eol and anmyone who hasa free pérind i.1 invited to attend. An iixt"erestitig )erio(l is guaranteed to. aIl. . The w in- lier of fthe.Alexander, R\. Mc.t Iemorial ctup iill 1rol)ably lie-an- I oulnced in next weks apr.\Vt,éh ,or thie final results! Girls' Club'to Hold Bake Sale Saturday On~ Satu.rdav, April 2,5, w wouîd suiggest that you urge 'vour rnoCiers to) start their marketing 1wv acc-lm- paniving sou to the Browni building on \Vilrnette avenue. There y-ou -,illý find, aIl kinds of 1dCILîCioUs, cakes.: cdsokie, b reacî*s., rolîs and other bal, *rv goods -on sale h)v the Girls' ýclub.. The Girls' club advises vonto corne ecarlv. so that you .mnay, have a good choice.' Last vear the :club madle $300 on the bake' sale. This. year, withl, tle -ai(l of the students and their- niothers, wve hope to better this record. on our last big llonle\v:nakçing project of the year.